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Read the subtle rules for couples to get along to avoid quarrels and cold wars

In marital life, we will encounter many problems, such as: the other half’s parents and friends do something wrong, a small ambiguity in the emotions …… this time we change how to do it? Of course, we must be careful to solve it, do not criticize his parents family and friends, and do not hide the small ambiguity in the emotions. This is one or two of several unspoken rules, to be vigilant to address these unspoken rules, or be careful of marriage is submerged. It is curious, let’s take a look!

1. Don’t criticize his parents’ family and friends.

You know why. Your family, no one else but yourself can criticize, right? In the same way, when you get along with his family and friends, you should walk on thin ice every minute and never make a mistake. Even if he complains to you about his family and friends, you must not go along with him to criticize them, otherwise you try it, he will immediately be angry with you, defending them. This is like the two sides in the debate, when you stand to the opposite side, it forces him to become the right side. And the right thing to do is to put yourself in his shoes, put yourself in his shoes, and think about things from his point of view.

2. Don’t hide the little ambiguities in your emotions.

Meet an ex-boyfriend and tell your husband. If you have an online friend throwing himself at you, tell your husband that too. Keeping secrets inside will only lead to a fire in the backyard. “If there’s nothing to hide, then why are you hiding it?” A sentence straight to the point of death, you are bound to be dumb. Covering up such things will create an atmosphere of hidden ambiguity and disloyalty. So, it’s better to tell him everything that happened. “Today my ex-boyfriend tried to add me on twitter and I refused.” Just tell your husband gently, or: “I met my ex-boyfriend’s family today at the mall. His kids are so cute and he seems to be doing well.” If you say it openly, can your husband still think wrong?

3. Don’t play the life coach in front of your husband.

Don’t rush to play life coach when your husband doesn’t ask you for guidance. You can offer your support and lend him your ear, but avoid speaking in an “I know what’s best” kind of voice. We give advice because we want to help each other, but if your guidance is too much, too fast and too aggressive, then you are criticizing each other. So, from how your husband dresses for work today to how he handles problems at work, don’t talk too much and let him make his own decisions.

4. Don’t take charge of everything.

Don’t always do all the housework. Do you think your husband can’t even fold the laundry well, so you don’t let him do the chores? The company’s main goal is to provide a better solution to the problem. In short, you feel that you are in charge of all the big and small affairs at home, your heart will be easy and comfortable. But honey, stop it! Stop playing the saving angel in front of your husband, for the simple reason that a man who always needs his wife to rescue him will get tired of it one day. Moreover, you will also feel increasingly strongly dissatisfied with this life where family matters always fall on your own shoulders, even if you volunteered to take them on in the first place. So, you’d better get into the habit of asking your husband for advice on everything: “What do you think is the best way for us to do this?” Or, “I can give a hand and clean up the kitchen with you.” Cultivate a sense of “husband and wife as teammates” and you’ll have a much easier time!

5. Happiness can create itself

Couples who travel a lot to parties or gatherings often don’t have the same level of commitment to their own lives. Couples who party or get together are often not seen in the same light. The couples who have the real potential to last forever are those who are used to being a couple. They don’t need to find security in a network of human relationships, they are just as happy in a world of two people. Truly happy partners cherish every mundane moment when two people are relative to each other, and they are just fine together, not needing anyone else to interrupt them, not relying on any activities or games to be fulfilling.

Can it really be done? Maybe you don’t believe that a couple with a tacit understanding can sit on the couch for hours reading their own books or talking about their daydreams or even just sitting together in silence and thinking, not making conversation or needing any background music because it’s enough for them to be around each other.

6. Love also needs to check progress

It’s not a requirement that It is not a requirement for two people to meet once a week to discuss whether their recent love commitments and expenses, etc. are on time and on track, nor is it a requirement to be critical and self-critical when insecurity or friction arises; it is a necessity for two people to be able to discuss and grasp progress openly and honestly about their relationship. Taking stock of how you’re doing and what’s going on inside can help you identify small grievances on the road to love and work them out as you go, an approach that many intimate partners often take and is worth learning from.

7. Always respect each other

If you want to know if a couple If you want to know whether a couple is deeply attached or if their relationship has turned on a red light, you can tell by observing their expressions and tone of voice when they talk. If either one of them is moving to give each other blank stares, sneers or sarcastic remarks, then it can be declared that their relationship is unlikely to last. If one person is always condescending to the other, they lack the most basic respect for each other, a bad habit that every couple should try to overcome.

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