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Psychological quiz to see how many square meters your heart has

If we compare our heart to a residence, like buying a house, it’s always the more space the more valuable it is. So measure how many square meters your heart has? This fun test will give the answer.

“As big as the heart is, so is the stage.” Just like a person with a small heart will be cautious everywhere, but appear awkward, while a person with a big heart is dashing and bold, but perhaps trapped by ambition.

1. Where would you draw a circle on a blank piece of paper?

center — 2

top left corner -3

top right corner–4

Lower left corner – 2

Lower right corner – 5

2. What color would you draw this circle as?


Pink -3


Green – 8

3. What does a circle remind you of?

Wheels — 6

Speed -4

Life – 5

4. What kind of line can you pull the circle into?

Line – 6

Curve –10

Dash – 5

5. How would you draw a triangle on a circle?

Circle enclosing a triangle – 11

triangle enclosing a circle – 6

triangle and circle intersecting – 7

triangle and circle intersecting – 7

6. What kind of triangle do you think is the most stable?

Equilateral triangle – 9

Isosceles triangle – 7

Right triangle – 8

7. What is the best color to draw the triangle as?

Orange-red — 10

Sky blue –9

Beige – 8

8. Which of the following graphics can be used to describe your personality?

Circle — 12

Square –9

Rectangle – 11

Triangle – 13

9. Which of the following shapes does a good-hearted person most resemble?

Blue circle – 10

Purple triangles – E

Green squares – 12

10. Which of the following shapes does a bad-hearted person most resemble?

Brown diamond – D

Grey rectangle – 11

black pentagon – 12

11. What color clothes usually make you stand out?

Green — A

Red –13

Yellow – 12

Purple – H

None of the above – -B

12. How many rooms would you like to have in a house that is completely your own?

One room – 13

Two to Three rooms – F

Five or more rooms – G

13. What kind of bed do you like to sleep in?

Double bed — F

Single bed –C

Hammock –D

A. Older home: 56 square meters

Harmonious relationships will make you feel good, but everything in life is not always as it should be, so less complaining and more understanding when things go wrong. If you have less complaints and more tolerance and understanding, the road ahead will be more transparent. There is no shortage of people in your life, so treat others and yourself well and opportunities will be everywhere. You can commit your dreams to action, try to earn the respect of more people, and look at your life with care.

B. New apartment small: 39 square meters

The real you is not like this, courage, determination and optimism are valuable assets in life, believe that time will gradually smooth out your sharp edges, and the years will naturally let you know where to go.

C. Finished small high-rise: 116 square meters

It’s hard to sum up you in one type. It’s hard to sum up you in one type, you have your own characteristics and are indeed unique, but sometimes you are inevitably a bit cautious and get stuck in a dead end of thinking, but it’s up to you to get out of it, and ultimately the only person who can help you is yourself, but this is also the best and most fundamental way to solve the problem. The best and most fundamental way to solve the problem is to remind yourself to “relax”, “look away”, and “don’t get in trouble with yourself”, and to have a good mood in order to really enjoy a good life.

D. Seaside view: 102 square meters

You give the impression of being independent and free. The impression of being independent and free, living a very dashing life with a cheerful personality and handling relationships between people quite well. But the real you are very afraid of loneliness, you long to be loved and valued, so it is so hard to operate everything, which has become the burden of the soul, so you feel very tired and tired. In fact, success or failure is fleeting, so it is better to be true and spontaneous.

E. Japanese Tatami: 56 square meters

The more you experience The more you will understand things, the more you will no longer care about anything, tolerance and endurance have also become better, but ultimately need to find a channel to vent, or bad emotions piled up in the heart is always bad, may find friends to talk, or go out to travel to relax, write a blog is also a good choice, in short, when the mood is bad must let yourself get better as soon as possible, because things are originally to the good direction.

F. Irish Castle: 10 acres

Everyone likes you because of that rare authenticity. It’s because of that rare truth that few people dare to be like you, loving what they love, sticking to their dreams, and being indefatigable. Like a natural idol, people will always unconsciously worship you and follow you. The first thing you can do is to be a good and forgiving person, but not too arrogant, so that you will be able to go longer and smoother, and the future will be brighter.

G. Ordinary residential building: 150 square meters

You are the good old boy in everyone’s eyes, but always lack innovation. If you dare to do something more, you may have a better life tomorrow. The most important thing is that you can’t ask for anything, so let nature take its course in order to hurt yourself and others less. Your steadiness and rationality are the most respected, and if you take more stock in your studies and find a method that really suits you, you will benefit a lot in the future. Go your own way, and make sure you do it carefully.

H, Traditional Quad: 128 square meters

For You are always quite forward-looking about fashions and fashion, and are happy to try and recommend them to others, appearing dazzling in front of everyone, but it all just stays on the surface, and in fact you are still rather conservative, not taking risks for the sake of profit, and often cautious about things you are not familiar with, complaining quite a lot when you are not so attractive. If you can find more problems in yourself, your life will be better.

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