What exactlydoes the Oedipus complexmean? spanstyle=”text-indent:2em;”>?
What does Oedipus complex mean?
Chinese translations of the term are “Electra complex”, “Electra complex”, “Erechtra complex”, and “Eretz Yisrael”. “It refers to the compound emotion of a girl’s pro-father, anti-mother relationship. In layman’s terms, it refers to a psychological tendency of a person to like the feeling of being with her father. When looking for a lover will unintentionally and intentionally choose someone who has similar characteristics and personality as their father. Oedipus complex is not love, but mostly arises from an appreciation of admiration or dependence on the father. It is a common social phenomenon that both girls and boys can have an Oedipus complex. Most people are more or less likely to have an Oedipus complex at some age.
How does an overactive Oedipus complex manifest itself?
1. Traumatic experiences
Premature Girls who lose their father’s love often transfer their feelings about their father to a realistic character, who then becomes a substitute for the father, but who is different from him. Under the halo effect of the father, the image of “he” often becomes even taller, and becomes the irreplaceable “love saint”, enshrined in the depths of the girl’s memory. The “he” is so closely associated with a specific period of time, which is so engraved in the girl’s heart, that the later will always feel a lack of empathy for the girl.
2. Insecurity
Loss of either parent during childhood can be devastating. Either parent during childhood can seriously undermine a child’s internal sense of security. The most immediate response to insecurity is heightened defensiveness, often rejecting or avoiding all uncertainty.
3. Extreme introversion
Expressed in personality as extreme narcissism. The first one is silent and does not speak. According to the memories of those old writers in Shanghai who saw Zhang Eiling and her classmates, Zhang Eiling was a person who was incredibly quiet, and this quietness is the quietness of burying gold and sand in literary language. The persona is the expression of that extreme narcissistic personality.
What should a father do when his daughter has an Oedipal complex?
1. Be a good role model for your daughter
Dads usually have to pay more attention to their own behavior because their daughters will learn from your behavior and attitude towards life; the norm for choosing a spouse when they grow up.
2. Support your daughter with actions
Tell your daughter that she is in your mind, praise her for her athletic performance, and praise her for her brave behavior. Dad’s verbal encouragement can boost your daughter’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and sense of security. To make his daughter feel respected and valued, dads should be more involved in their daughter’s activities; such as sports events, graduations, etc.
3. Teach your daughter new things
Because your daughter’s admiration for her dad sense of admiration, combined with the desire to perform well in front of her dad, she will be very willing to learn from him. Dads can teach their daughters to skate, swim, ride bicycles, etc.
4. Maintain a trusting relationship with your daughter
Daughters themselves trust their dads a lot, as long as dads don’t let their daughters down. It is important to do what you promise your daughter, whether it is something small like buying candy or something big like attending your daughter’s birthday party.
5. Be a bridge between daughter and mom
Because of the Oedipus complex” relationship, daughters and mothers will be more prone to conflict. If the mother says the same thing, the daughter may not listen to it; but if the father says it instead, the daughter may be more receptive.