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No longer see these 9 situations will also be friends with the former

Ever imagined? After breaking up with your boyfriend, can the two of you still have a nice cup of tea? Look at the thoughtfulness he once had for you, are used in another woman, what will you feel in your heart? Jealousy? Regret? Regret? Can’t say? Maybe, maybe not. Why would you want to be friends with an EX?

1. Can’t let go

The other person’s mistakes led to the breakup, but you still have a glimmer of hope left that maybe he/she will realize their own problems, and then determined to change themselves, and eventually become the kind of person you want, for this reason, you decided to remain friends with each other, so that you continue to exist in your life, silently waiting for the right time, but you should know that the success rate of this approach is actually very low, and in case the other party to recognize your small mind, know that it is not difficult to win you back, they will put time to prove that they The company’s main goal is to make sure that the company’s customers are not too busy.

2. Habitual attention

While emphasizing that they know it’s not going to happen again, they still can’t help but pay attention. It is impossible to not have thoughts in your mind about the other person, and if you see another new love when you haven’t completely let go, it is easy to trigger negative emotions such as jealousy, hatred and anxiety. Men’sHealth previously surveyed 3,000 people and found that 85% of participants admitted to spying on their old love’s whereabouts through social networks, with 17% saying they did so at least once a week.

3. I still want a chance to be with him

Becoming friends with an old flame immediately after breaking up with him. One of the most common reasons is “still in love with him”. In fact, there is never an unfinished story, there is only a heart that has not died, because secretly hold the idea of winning him back again, but also can not let the person still in love from their lives absent, so will pretend to let go and continue to be friends, but this is undoubtedly the most dangerous of all the reasons. If the other person doesn’t love you anymore, you’re actually not helping at all by pestering on the side, and you’ll repeatedly hurt yourself and have less and less self-confidence.

4. He still wants to watch over me

Who doesn’t like to feel loved and pursued? This will make you feel very good about yourself, but for the old love is painful and misleading, even if you state again and again that you only want to be friends with him, in the hearts of people who are overwhelmed by love, such words are actually not clear, such times, people will only choose to see what they want to see, if there has been no results, minutes will cause tragedy, so you are advised that it is best to minimize contact and break their fantasy.

5. High repetition rate of circles and having to keep thinking about a good relationship

This is a very hopeless reason if the breakup Afterwards, family and friends want you to maintain your friendship, thus ensuring the stability of the relationship circle, and the chances of old loves going back to being friends after the breakup will be higher. But if this is your only reason to stay friendly with each other, then the surface harmony will lead to more serious emotional outbursts in minutes. Not only does reluctant frequent spending time together not allow your past to fade over time, but the other person’s new lover may also irritate you, which amounts to chronic secondary damage that you really don’t have to force yourself to do.

6. He’s gotten better after the separation

This mentality is what we commonly refer to as We call this “GrassisGreener” Syndrome. Some people are like this, if the current relationship is not satisfied, it is easy to trigger the idea of reconnecting with an old love, but this “friendship” is usually not pure, because it has been a long time without contact to the other party to make you dissatisfied with things, the two sides of the unpleasant has also faded, so you will think he has become better, but this is actually just the brain set up A trap of irresponsibility.

7. Getting used to having him in your life

This feeling is something that everyone goes through after a breakup, especially during The next time you feel lonely, be brave and meet someone new, or go find friends or family to keep you company.

8. If we don’t find someone better, maybe we’ll stay together

9. He wants us to remain friends

What did the breakup do to each other? caused a blow? Then you naturally won’t want to veto the other person’s request to be ordinary friends, because it seems like too much cruelty, but in fact, when you want to cut off the relationship, decisive point is the best approach, you have no responsibility to support each other through the loss of love, and your support will make it more difficult for them to get out of the love wound, they will not only be dependent on you, but also have illusions. So if the fault is yours, apologize sincerely and leave, don’t drag it out.

Can people who have loved each other still be friends after separation?

Do you think it’s really possible to be friends after seeing each other again? If you really loved at the beginning, or because the other side led to the inability to break up peacefully, it is impossible to return to friendships in the short term, maybe after a few years we all let go of the past and become friends again by chance, but very often, the quality of friendship will be poor. Previously, SageJournals has published a research study on this, and the results are not surprising, compared to the opposite sex friends who have never been emotionally involved, people who have had a history of romance back to being friends, can give each other emotional support, help, trust, and care for each other will be greatly reduced, the so-called “friends “, is just a formality. At the first opportunity, the love seeds between the two may re-sprout, which also causes problems for the current boyfriend and girlfriend.

Why do people still manage to continue to call their old love friends? Maybe some people, being friends is more appropriate than being a couple. There are also many people who, after going round and round, feel that old love is appropriate. The most undesirable ones are those who treat old love as salvation. You should know that no one can redeem anyone, only you can redeem yourself.

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