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Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should learn to say nice things

Many of us have had the experience of getting someone to do something and the other party playing official. Why do you think it’s wrong to play official? It is because we feel that there are things that should be done with the subtle rules, the results of the other side prefer to use some official language to stall you, so that you can not refute, why? The official language is the explicit rules, has been stipulated ah. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

An example of a mother-in-law/daughter-in-law conversation is as follows:


Take note of your mother-in-law’s official words:

One, you love your son and daughter-in-law. Can’t let them live in a small house;

Two, mom and dad don’t have money, but mom and dad try their best – that is, the 200,000, the sentiment is priceless, you can’t pay back with material things any more;

Two, mom and dad don’t have money, but mom and dad try their best – that is, the 200,000, the sentiment is priceless, you can’t pay back with material things any more;

Three, you only have to pay the mortgage, notice the adverb “only”, so that the mortgage is a small thing, the down payment is the big one, further arguing the love and contribution of the parents;

fourth, families live together in a hot and lively way, which means that living together as a family is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Daughter-in-law: Mom, you don’t want to do this. The first thing you need to do is to buy a big house for you and pay good respect to you, that’s why we are useless, but we can’t take your money and buy a house for ourselves to enjoy it. Living with us, although it is lively, but let us more lazy, meal to reach, clothes to open mouth, do not know how to take care of you, instead of asking you to take care of us. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The daughter-in-law is also talking about official words:

One, compassionate in-laws, not willing to spend the old man’s hard-earned money to buy a house;

ii. blame themselves for not being able to do things and ask their in-laws to give some time to learn so that they can take care of them;

Three, to stand on their own feet and not drag their in-laws down;

Look, the official words on the surface, the crown, and the real intentions, all show up.

So, when mother-in-law and daughter-in-law communicate, they should be careful not to use subtle rules indiscriminately and try to say nice official words. Even if you are hypocritical, you can’t come to a naked truth, or at least, you can’t use the big truth first. A smart mother will teach her daughter to be sweet-mouthed and, frankly, to speak officialese.

Of course, official language is not just about words, but also about actions. For example, a daughter-in-law in her fifties gets praise from the crowd that she has the look of a daughter-in-law, that she is a daughter-in-law herself, and that she is so filial to her mother-in-law. So how did she do it? When a guest came, she served her mother-in-law close to her, holding hot water bags and cigarette matches for her mother-in-law, standing by her side and waiting. In fact, she is spying on her mother-in-law so that she can’t say anything bad, to say, only good things – so that her good name is recognized with the utmost authority.

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