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Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along 6 moves to make mother-in-law smile

Since ancient times, how to deal with the relationship with the mother-in-law has been a difficult task for the daughter-in-law to do, in order to make the relationship more harmonious, in addition to mutual understanding and tolerance between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law must also know the mother-in-law’s mind, to meet her needs, so that the mother-in-law can smile.

A. When your mother-in-law complains, admit your mistakes first

Sometimes, when a daughter-in-law does something wrong, it may cause her mother-in-law to complain. At this moment, the daughter-in-law takes the initiative to admit her mistake, which will make the mother-in-law cleanse her heart of displeasure, and then tolerate and understand, and turn her grievances into happiness. Xiaoxian accidentally broke some bowls when she was brushing them, and her mother-in-law’s eyes immediately showed a hint of resentment. The mother-in-law, hearing her daughter-in-law blame herself, not only did not blame her daughter-in-law, but comforted her: “Who can’t make a mistake, what’s wrong with breaking a few bowls? Then the two of them laughed. The haze of resentment that had been hanging over the mother-in-law’s heart was quickly dispersed by laughter.

Two: When your mother-in-law is doing something, grab her work

When When my mother-in-law is doing housework, my daughter-in-law nimbly snaps forward and diligently helps her mother-in-law with the work she is doing, and she is bound to be happy from the inside out. One day, Xiaojun went to her in-laws’ house to visit and saw her mother-in-law struggling to wash the quilt. So, Xiaojun instantly grabbed forward, took the work in the hands of the mother-in-law and did it vigorously, and said one after another: “Mom, how to wash the quilt without calling me, look at your old tired.” The mother-in-law took off her apron and handed over the work to her daughter-in-law, gazing at Xiaojun with love and joy.

Three, when your mother-in-law meets you, offer a honeyed mouth

People The mother-in-law has a psychological need to listen to good words, and as a mother-in-law, she has a natural expectation, which is to expect her daughter-in-law to respect and love her. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law face each other or get along, the daughter-in-law fully operational good mouth work, with sweet words to please the mother-in-law, will make the mother-in-law sweet through the heart, satisfied, and then full of joy to the daughter-in-law. Xiaoxue married to the in-laws, mother-in-law afraid of being left out by her daughter-in-law, so, very concerned about the attitude of Xiaoxue to her. The clever Snow every time she met with her mother-in-law, she smiled before she opened her mouth, and then called out “Mom”. So the mother-in-law’s fear of being left out by her daughter-in-law was eliminated. Then, Xiaoxue offered a honey mouth, saying: “Mom, you are old, your legs and feet are not convenient, you can tell me what you want to eat. I will buy it for you.” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Fourth, when mother-in-law comes to the door, she is willing to be a bitter daughter-in-law

When the mother-in-law visits her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren, the daughter-in-law acts extra hard in front of her mother-in-law, not letting her husband do much of the work but taking the lead herself, so that the mother-in-law will feel that her daughter-in-law cares for her son and will naturally be satisfied and happy. Xiaolan’s mother-in-law lives in the countryside. Before the Chinese New Year, her mother-in-law sent bacon from the countryside, and when it was almost noon, Xiaolan was already working on a table in the kitchen. At that time, Xiaolan came over and said, “You are tired, go rest and chat with mom, I will do it here.” She said she took the mop from her husband’s hand and dried it up. The mother-in-law, seeing her daughter-in-law so virtuous, took her son’s hand and pursed her lips and smiled.

When your mother-in-law is worried, do your best to ease her worries

The mother-in-law sometimes gets worried and annoyed because of something that doesn’t go her way. At this time, if the daughter-in-law understands and understands, and does her best to help her mother-in-law solve her problems, she will be able to solve her worries and make her happy. Xiao Liu’s mother-in-law was worried because her youngest son had not yet gotten a girlfriend. She is very considerate of her mother-in-law’s feelings, so she consoles her mother-in-law while looking around for a girlfriend for her brother-in-law. Soon, in Xiao Liu’s efforts to set up, the young uncle finally found the right person. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Six, when my mother-in-law is sick, a piece of filial piety comes to my bedside

When a mother-in-law is ill, not only is she in physical pain, but she is also in a sad state of mind, and at this time, she is most eager to be cared for by her juniors. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

In particular, her mother-in-law spit out a large mouthful of thick sputum that was particularly disgusting, but Xiaolin didn’t care. Whenever her mother-in-law coughs and spits, she always uses a tissue to wipe out the thick phlegm in her mother-in-law’s mouth, and then empties the spittoon. For this reason, her mother-in-law was very sorry and said, “I really made you suffer.” But Xiao Lin said, “Mom, it’s only right for the younger generation to serve their elders, when the younger generation was small, weren’t you the one who brought them up with a handful of urine and shit?” The mother-in-law listened and looked kindly at Xiaolin, and her heart rose with infinite love.

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