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Money-worshipping women’s rights five types of women to make men reject the thousands of miles

As the saying goes, a gentleman does something, but not something. When it comes to this issue of love, a man is always more dashing than a woman, and if he feels that you are becoming unsuitable for him, he will immediately slip away. To hold on to your love, women need to be vigilant that they don’t turn into these types that might turn men away.

I. Money worship

Money represents not only the possibility of satisfying

Money represents not only the possibility of satisfying material requirements, but also a certain status or ability, so naturally a rich man becomes the ideal target for marriage.

Such a woman will not look at a poor man, because her love is first built on material satisfaction, she knows it is easier to spend a man’s money than to work hard to earn it herself, and this is the condition she has chosen to go out with a man. The man often feels that dating her, there will always be a day when the mountains of gold and silver are dug up, and then only end up in a situation where people are empty.

Two, no self

such a woman may never take good care of herself. care for herself. When a person who needs to be taken care of comes along, she naturally puts all her attention on the other person and gives her best to them. She is willing to accept and bear the blame and guilt of the emotional world whenever and wherever it arises.

This kind of woman does not live for herself, but for others; rather than being a good girl who gives selflessly, she is a love slave who has lost herself.

But marriage is a partnership of equals, not a master-slave relationship. Accompanied by a woman who has no ego, the man bears the heaviest and heaviest emotional baggage. Unless it is a cold man, can openly accept her “sacrifice”. If a man feels that he has left her for some reason, she may not be able to accept the reality and break down.

Three, feminism

In the eyes of a feminist woman, men are nothing. The actual fact is that you can’t get a lot of money from the company, but you can get a lot of money from the company. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Forgetting how to be gentle in front of the man you love. Everything is centered on her, which is unacceptable to many men.

Four, no bottom line

such a woman lacks security, and never knows how to do things with restraint. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market. Once she falls in love with someone, even if they won’t belong to her at all, she won’t give up, she will wait, and in waiting, she will try harder to do things that cross the bottom line.

This kind of woman is more emotional and will do things on impulse without regard for the consequences, whether it’s a shopping spree or an extreme pursuit of pleasure.

In a marriage, it is even more impossible to face the end of abandonment, and even if the love comes to an end, it will still try to keep the man by any means and at any cost.

The specialty of this kind of woman is to cry and hang herself, and as soon as a man fails her a little, she will threaten to die. The company’s main focus is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Five, easy to fall in love

It’s not her fault that she’s fallen in love. Because she was born too easily moved. The best thing about this type of woman is that she doesn’t pass up any opportunity to fall in love, and all the men who pursue her seem attractive to her.

In her eyes, a quiet life is too dull. She prefers to conquer turbulent days with people who are difficult to navigate, and takes it all as a thrill. Such women are prone to cheating in marriage, because they will not be satisfied with the humdrum of living together, but prefer to seek freshness and excitement again and again.

When faced with such a woman, a man would rather she never fall in love with himself than fall in love with himself and then fall in love with someone else.

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