Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Milly and Brett – A Babysitters Dream

My friend was injured in an accident and in a coma and his wife asked me to babysit whilst she visited him in hospital – here’s their story

This is a story about something that happened to me back in the 1980’s and I was asked to babysit a couple of kids for a friend after her husband was injured in an accident.

It was probably around ‘83-84 and a friend of mine was injured in a car accident and ended up in a coma for 8 months. His wife spent most of her time at the hospital as he was being treated but they had 2 kids, Brett and Milly who were 11 and 10 respectively at the time.
It was hard for her trying to juggle hospital visits and school runs and it was one afternoon in a local shop when we bumped into each other and she explained the situation.
I hadn’t intended on volunteering but she had her daughter Milly with her and she was cute and very well developed for a 10 year old and I must confess, the thought of perhaps catching the odd ‘accidental’ glimpse of her beautifully round bottom or fabulous sprouting boobs was extremely tempting and I just asked her straight out of she needed help.

I thought she was going to cry and she hugged me when I said I could be there to feed them and get them off to school etc and it was no bother.
We got our bits of shopping and walked back to the house together and sat on the sofa watching a video was Brett.
He was an alright kid, laid back like his dad and no trouble. He seemed to get on ok with his sister so the next couple of weeks went by without incident.
About 3 weeks after I began looking after them, I got a frantic knock on the door and it was Carole, the mum and wife of my friend in hospital. She was crying and clearly distressed and I feared something bad had happened to Gavin in hospital.
“Gavin has had a bad turn!” and she wrung her hands as she blubbed out her tale. “The hospital rang. He’s in a bad way. Could you get the kids for me later while I go up to the hospital?” and I grabbed my keys and shoved her out of the door, assuring her that I’d do everything I could and she should hurry.

Carole spent every night at the hospital for the next couple of months, coming home in the morning only to get a change of clothes and a wash before going back again. I stayed with the kids and slept on the couch and it was during one of these nights that something amazing (for me) happened and I made a wonderful discovery.
The kids had gone up to bed and I’d let them stay up past 9pm because it was a Friday night and no school the next day.
I was watching tv and drinking a beer when I needed the toilet and quietly climbed the stairs to the bathroom.
As I passed by Milly’s bedroom door, I heard whispering and paused to listen. It was Brett and Milly talking in hushed tones.

The door was open about an inch and a nightlight was on in the room casting a warm dim glow and as I peeked through the gap, I could see the two kids lying on the bed facing each other and whispering quietly.
I strained to hear what they were saying and realised that Milly lay on her right side, her left knee in the air and spread wide open and Brett lay on his left side facing her. I could see Milly’s arm moving fairly briskly and Brett’s elbow slowly moving back and forth.
I watched for a moment before I realised what was going on.
Milly was wanking her brother and Brett was fingering his sister! What the fuck?

I almost fell through the door in shock as I heard them whispering to each other as they engaged in mutual masturbation.
I also had a raging hard on from watching the show and as I quietly observed, Brett began to breathe hard and suddenly he rolled onto his back just in time for me to see his sister jerk his immature seed out of him and onto the back of her hand whilst he tried not to squeal! It was a beautiful sight!
I quickly and silently crept down the stairs before turning and coming up the steps with heavy feet and headed across the landing to the bathroom.
As I struggled to pee with my boner, I heard scurrying feet on the landing and an almost silent click as a door closed and as I forced out my stream of pee I smiled to myself.

I flushed the toilet and then popped my head round the door of Brett’s room and he lay as though he was asleep and I almost laughed out loud. I closed the door and headed to Milly’s room, opening the door and she half panicked as she wiped her hands on a baby wipe and sat on the bed staring at me.
“You ok hon?” I asked and she nodded saying she needed the toilet before rushing past me and down the hall. I grinned as she disappeared into the bathroom and I went back downstairs.

A couple of nights later the kids had gone to bed early because of school the next day. Carole had been and gone and I’d had a couple of beers.
At one point, Milly appeared as I lay on the couch saying she needed a drink and I told her to get herself one. I pretended to be sleepy and closed my eyes and when she said goodnight, I barely answered her, making her think I was almost out for the count and I heard her skip upstairs to her room. Seconds later, I heard a tiny creak on the floorboards above my head and hushed voices. Seconds later, Brett also came into the living room and I acted like I was truly fast asleep and he went to the kitchen before creeping back up the stairs.
There were more hushed voices and then a slight squeak from a bed above me.

I lay there listening for a moment or two before I crept out into the hall and stood still, listening intently.
Small voices came from one of the rooms upstairs and once more, this time in the dark, I silently crept up the stairs.
The door to Milly’s room was slightly ajar again and the low glow of the nightlight crept out into the hallway. As stealthy as a cat I crept up to her door and peeked inside.
Sitting on the bed, the kids faced each other and whispered to each other and I strained to hear their conversation. My heart was pounding in my ears so hard it drowned out the tiny voices but after a minute, I began to pick out what they were saying.
“It’s ok Milly. He’s fast asleep. He won’t hear anything.”
“I know but what if he does? Sometimes you make noises!” came the hissed reply.
“I’ll be quiet. Please Milly. It feels really good and… and I feel bad right now” and Brett gave the best performance of his life to look sad. “And anyway you like it too. You say it makes you feel amazing and tingly down there. Better than when I touch you or you do it yourself. Pleeeaassee Milly!” and he put his hands together like he was praying as he pleaded with his younger sister.
“Ok! Stop asking! I’ll do it. But first I need to pee” and her brother pumped the air with a clenched fist at her agreement.

She started to climb around him on the bed and I panicked, quickly darting into the doorway to my right and hiding behind the door as Milly headed to the toilet.
I heard the sound of her peeing and a few seconds later she skipped back down the hall and back into her room.
“Shall we check on him and make sure he’s asleep?” she asked, standing outside her bedroom and I prayed that she wouldn’t as I remained motionless behind the door.
“No Milly leave him. But leave the door open a bit in case he wakes up and we can hear him if he comes upstairs” and with that she went back in the room with her brother.
“Ok take your pants off Milly and lie down” hissed her brother and a hissed reply in the affirmative came back and I heard rustling as bodies moved around on the bed.
I slowly moved from my hiding place and poked my head out, peering round the doorframe and through the gap in the door which was now opened about 6 inches. The kids were sitting on the bed, Brett with his back to me and this obscuring his sister’s view of the door and my curious face and Milly was pulling down her knickers and her brother had pulled his pyjama bottoms to his knees. He wasn’t wearing a pyjama top and was therefore almost completely naked. She lay back on the pillows and held out her arms and Brett shuffled up the bed as she opened up her legs wide and flattened her knees onto the bed.

Her pussy was covered in downy hair and a tiny tuft of darker, thicker hairs at the top of her slit. The boys cock was stiff, white and veiny and with a dark purple head, approximately 4 inches long and 3/4 of an inch thick. His balls were tight up against his body and he had a few small light hairs sprouting from them and around the top of his cock. As he shuffled forward, his bottoms rolled up down to his ankles and with a disgruntled huff, he kicked them off onto the bedroom floor. He was now completely naked.

His sister held out her arms and he flopped forward onto his hands, widening his feet out for balance until he hovered over his sister like he was about to do press ups.
Milly’s hands took his hips and he slowly lowered himself down until his sister reached down and gripped his little stiff cock and pointed it at the dark red hole of her pussy.
My heart was pounding so hard in my ears I thought I’d pass out as I watched their bodies get closer and the girl rubbed the head of her brother’s little cock up and down her opening.
He gasped at the feeling and she wiggled it up and down faster and faster, brushing his little purple helmet up and down her clitoris hood until she too began breathing hard and gasping.

I could see Brett’s arms straining as he made tiny gasping noises and as he got louder, his sister’s knees trembled and bounced as she too began to get vocal.
Suddenly she stopped and shushed him but he was too far gone and shook his head.
“Don’t… don’t stop… Milly don’t… and she began to wiggle him in her pussy slot once more until he gave a couple of little high pitched grunts and he shot his little jets of thin jizz onto her pussy, his throat making tiny choking sounds and his butt clenching as his little orgasm gripped him.

Suddenly she pushed him away and shushed him again as she sat up and listened for sounds from downstairs.
I stood motionless in the dark, my cock almost exploding from my jeans as I watched the young lad lie next to his sister, his little dick twitching and bouncing before she turned to him and patted his leg.
“You better go! I think I heard something.” and with a hurry, he grabbed his pyjama pants and stuffed his feet into them, dragging them over his backside before kissing his sister on the cheek and thanking her. Brett then quickly and silently dashed along the landing to his room as I hid once more behind the door.

I stood there for a few minutes waiting and after what seemed like an eon, I poked my head out.
Milly’s bedroom door was only open a tiny crack again and I crept past and stealthily and silently descended the stairs and back into the living room.
I was so overwhelmed by what I’d just witnessed I grabbed a handful of Kleenex from the box on the table, took out my cock and about 10 seconds later emptied my load into them, imagining the young girl’s pussy as the recipient of my cum, just like her brother had done.

Over the next few nights, the same thing happened. Brett would position himself above his sister and she would rub him up and down her little wet cunt until he shot his little load onto her or on other occasions he would rub her snatch until her legs trembled and shook and she would jerk him off but he never tried to penetrate her or she never sucked his cock and I realised after a while that they really didn’t know what they were doing and had no idea what sex was and what joy could be had from fucking and sucking.

Carole knocked on my door as usual in the afternoon on the Friday to make sure I was ok to look after the kids again and as usual I replied that I could and grabbed my keys and my overnight bag. She went off to the hospital and it wasn’t long before the kids came home from school and I gave them their evening meal before they went out to play for a bit.
Whilst they were out, I set up the living room for what I had planned that night, taking a pornographic film from my overnight bag and putting it in the video player, spooling it to a part where a young guy and a young girl (both adults but playing younger parts) were about to ‘get in on for the first time’. They were also supposed siblings in the film which I thought might get my message across to Brett and Milly a little easier.

A couple of hours later they returned home and we played board games until I told them it was time for them to go to bed. I then waited, my heart pounding again and feeling breathless as I waited for them to do what they liked to do best.
I waited a good half an hour before I heard footsteps on the stairs and I hurriedly lay down on the sofa and simulated sleep. Once more both kids came and got drinks before going back upstairs and once more I pretended to be completely out of it. 10 minutes later I stood in the hallway again listening to quiet voices and I crept up the stairs again.
I poked my head round the door frame and Milly was just assuming her usual position on her back and her naked brother was about to take his position between her legs.

I waited with baited breath for a few moments until the brother was making his noises and I could see his sister’s fingers quickly rubbing him up and down her slot and just as he was reaching his peak and breathing hard, I slowly came out of the shadows and opened the bedroom door and stood in the doorway.
Milly saw me and froze, staring at me under her brother’s arm and Brett begged her not to stop as he neared his climax. But the girl just stared at me wide eyed and suddenly pushed her brother to get him off her but he fought back, squealing he was nearly there.
“Brett stop! Look! Behind you!” and he turned to look over his shoulder and seeing me, he instantly dropped to the bed beside his sister, covering his boner with his hands.
“What’s happening here then?” I asked, trying to act stern when my heart and cock were pulsating at the same time. “What do you think you’re doing?” and my eyes skipped from each child’s face as they stared at me in pure terror. “I think you should come with me. Come downstairs to the living room” and I turned and pretended to stomp angrily down the stairs.

There was a lull of around 3 minutes before I heard steps on the stairs and I sat and downed a beer and opened another as the two guilty faces entered the room. It took only seconds for Milly to burst into tears and Brett dipped his head to his chest and looked like he was about to cry too.
“Hey. Come and sit here. I want to talk to you” and I patted the seat on the couch. The two of them shuffled around to the front of the couch and sat there motionless, Milly still sobbing as she awaited her fate. Brett didn’t lift his head and I began by asking them again what they were doing.
“We were just playing” mumbled Brett and I asked what game they thought they were playing.
“Good feelings” blubbed Milly and she began to turn on her brother in an attempt to lessen her punishment. “Brett likes to get good feelings in his willy and makes me get his stuff out. He makes me do it and sometimes I like it too but sometimes I don’t like it and he still makes me do it and…” and she never took a breath as the words fell out.
Brett looked surprised and then enraged at the accusation and began to deny everything.
“No! She likes it too and tells me she wants to play with my willy on her flower because it makes her legs shake and she likes it when my stuff goes on her and she rubs it in because she says it makes her skin soft” and he clenched and unclenched his fists as he spat out the words.

I raised my hands and calmed them down telling them they weren’t in trouble if they were truthful with me.
“Brett. Do you like what your sister does? When she rubs your…” I thought about the words briefly before continuing. “Your willy on her flower? Does it feel nice?” and the boy looked down at the floor and then sideways at his sister before answering me in a mumble.
“Brett look at me and speak up”. I tried to sound stern again.
“Yes it feels nice and when the stuff comes out it feels really good”. I nodded in understanding and moved to his sister.
“And you Milly? Does it make you feel good too? Rubbing Brett’s willy on your flower?” and again I demanded that she speak up and look at me when she was speaking.
“Yes it feels nice. It makes my legs shake and it feels like I need to pee but I don’t pee” and she looked down at the floor again.
“Well here’s the thing” I announced, causing them to lift their heads at stare at me like two kids who’d been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “What you two are doing is very bad. I might have to tell your mum but she’s got all the worry with your dad being in hospital. Do you think I should tell your mum?” and I let the question hang in the air for a moment before repeating it.

The kids sat there looking terrified and shook their heads at the thought of me telling their mum. I went on to explain that she might have to tell the police and they might get taken away and Milly burst into tears again. I shushed her and made them a deal.
“I’ll tell you what. If you show me what you were doing and let me show you how to have even better feelings, I won’t tell anyone. Deal?” and I held out my hand in front of them.
Cautiously, Brett took my hand and shook it followed my the tiny hand of his sister and we made a deal.
My heart was racing and I had to take another huge slug of beer and I noticed my hands were shaking.
“Ok. Show me what you were doing upstairs” I commanded and the two of them stood up as if to go back up to the bedroom. “No here! Show me here” and I pointed at the couch.
Milly stood on the spot looking at the couch, her little brain trying to work out how she was going to show off her skills, so to speak. I prompted her and suggested she sit on the very front of the sofa and lean back. I then guided Brett in front of her and as his sister lay back and spread her knees wide, soles of her feet together, her pussy opened up and ready.
I told him to drop his pants and he did, stepping out of them from round his ankles and he leaned forward over his sister’s body, his hands on the back of the couch.

I was shaking as I sat on the floor next to them and this time I was able to get a perfect close up view of Milly’s little pussy and its tiny little brown curly fuzz. Her clit looked quite big for a 10 year old and she had tiny inner lips and she was very dark pink. Her brother’s little bony cock was now curled up like a grub and as he leaned over her she tugged at him and he arched his back to get closer to her glistening little slit. She pulled at it but fear seemed to be getting the better of him and he couldn’t get a hard on. I thought it was time at that point to introduce them to my video and announced I had something special for them.
“Ok that’s good. I can see what you’re trying to do but I can make it better!” I announced and jumped up. “Wait here a moment. Brett you can sit down next to Milly now. Won’t be a minute” and I skipped out of the room and up to the bathroom. I desperately needed to pee and as I drained my bladder, I could feel myself becoming excited and short breathed again as I thought about my cunning plan and I hurriedly trotted back downstairs to the living room.

The siblings sat quietly on the sofa together and Brett had picked up his pyjama bottoms and put them back on. Both of them looked like they were shivering so I switched on the gas fire to warm the room up and turned on the tv and video player before checking that all the windows and doors were locked tight and starting the video.
It was a young girl and boy on a bed and the boy was lying down, his hands behind his head on the pillow and his ‘sister’ sitting at the side of him. She wore a tiny top that barely covered her tits and a short shirt that showed off her backside and her white panties underneath.
The boy was wearing just a pair of blue sports shorts and was telling her how he felt sad because he was grounded and couldn’t go out and his sister (who looked and sounded a bit dumb) suggested they could play a game.

The dialogue was awful but it wasn’t long before the cheesy music started and she began to kiss his chest and make her way down to his shorts. Seconds later they were slid down and the boys cock popped into view and I watched the kids suddenly become interested in what was happening, moving onto the edge of the sofa.
“She’s going to make her brother feel nice” I whispered to the siblings and Brett nodded and glanced at Milly.
The girl on the screen continued to giggle as she gripped the guy’s cock and began to slowly jerk it up and down, the boy telling her how good it felt. She giggled some more, her face about 3 inches from the hard cock as she stroked her fingers up and down its length.
“Hey!” I announced, making the two of them jump. “How about we make a cosy bed here?” And I began to pull cushions off the couch and lay them on the floor. “Come on. Let’s do it together” and Brett could hardly tear his eyes from the tv screen.

I paused the video and threw the cushions on the floor and put my sleeping blanket on top to make a bed of sorts on the floor and then summoned Brett to lie down on it and remove his bottoms.
He did, quickly, and I could see that his tiny penis was starting to get excited. I motioned for Milly to lie next to him and to copy what the girl did on the screen. I then started the video up again.
We watched as she jerked her ‘brother’s’ skin up and down his cock and encouraged Milly to do the same to her brother.
She wrapped her tiny fingers round him and watching the girl on the screen, copied her movements.
Brett was in dreamland and he panted as his sister popped his foreskin back and forth over his little purple helmet.
Then the girl licked the guy’s cock and he groaned and I coaxed Milly into doing the same thing.
“Go on Milly. Lick it like the girl on tv. Like it’s a lollipop” and cautiously she stuck out her tongue and tasted her brother’s cock for the first time.

The girl on tv was now sucking the guys cock, wrapping her lips round it and sucking noisily, spitting on it to lube it up. Milly watched wide eyed as the boy on tv groaned and said how good it felt and what a great game it was.
“Go on. Do it to Brett. Make him feel really good” and I watched as she dribbled spit onto his helmet and started to smear it on his little stiff shaft. Her mouth opened and her lips closed round his tip and I could see her cheeks suck in as she applied pressure.
Brett was in ecstasy and grunted and moaned as she sucked on him. His first blowjob was from his sister and he wasn’t going to forget that in a hurry.
Milly continued to watch the girl on the screen as she sucked and worked her brother and it wasn’t long till his knees began to bounce and I could see his tiny balls tighten and I knew he was about to ‘cum’ in his sisters mouth.

At that exact point, the girl on tv stopped sucking and sat up and took off her knickers before straddling the guy’s hips. Milly seemed to now be in auto mode because she looked at me first and then climbed over her brother. She continued to stare at the screen as the ‘sister’ on tv began to rub her ‘brother’s’ cock against her snatch and she moaned about how good it felt and she loved playing this game and that she sometimes played with dad before plunging his cock into her cunt and sitting on it.
The kids eyes widened as they watched his meat disappear inside her pussy and I felt further instruction might be needed here and paused the tape.
“Ok kids, this is where the really good feelings come” and I moved closer to the pair on the floor. “Milly? You’re going to need to do this all on your own. It might hurt a little because it’s your first time but it’ll be ok. Now, hold Brett’s willy and poke it at your hole in your flower. It will go inside you like the boy on tv is inside the girl and it will make Brett feel amazing and when you get used to it, you’ll feel amazing to” and she looked nervous but nodded at me.

I lay on my belly on the floor literally 6 inches away from Milly’s backside as she fumbled around with her brother’s stiff little dick. I softly gave instructions but she still couldn’t seem to get it near her hole and I could see she was becoming anxious. I knelt behind her and positioned her directly over her brother’s cock and splayed her knees out. The tip of Brett’s cock now nestled against her hole and spitting onto my fingers, I let it dribble down onto his cock and her hole before I instructed her to slightly move her hips and suddenly her brother was engaged for action and I asked her to gently sit down.
The boys head disappeared just inside her little red hole and he gasped as he felt her heat and I stroked Milly’s hair as she sat there for a moment frozen, the strange sensation of a foreign invader inside her 10 year old cunt making her pant and grunt as though in discomfort.
“Slowly down baby girl” I whispered and she tried and shook her head as her brother’s cock met resistance.
“Ow! It hurts!” she spluttered and I assured her she would be ok and asked her to raise her hips again. She did and I gripped Brett’s cock and applied more spit and rubbed some on her opening before popping him back inside.
“Ok try again” I whispered and she tried to lower herself once more, still shaking her head and arching her spine. Suddenly there was a little pop and her pussy slapped down onto her brothers belly as he pushed all the way inside her.
“Awwwwwggghhhh” she wailed and her brother too as his cock was enveloped in hot pussy.
I saw the tiny trickle of blood roll down her brothers cock and she sat motionless, her legs shaking as she felt her brother inside her, her hymen now torn and her virginity taken.
“You ok? How’s it feel Brett?” and I looked at the boys face and he seemed in shock. He just mouthed something but made no sound and his sister sat with a pained look on her face.
“It hurts. I can feel him moving inside me and it feels funny. Can we stop?” and the girl looked at me with pleading eyes.
“No we can’t stop now. Sit still for a minute and watch the film again” I said and pressed play once more.

The girl on the screen was riding her ‘brother’ now and shouting out in pleasure and he had his hands on her hips as he slammed up into her.
“Oh yeah sis! This is a great game!” and she continued to ride him.
He pulled off her top and her tiny tits burst into view and he grabbed them with both hands and began sucking the nipples whilst the girl oohed and ahhed. I reached down and helped Milly out of her nightie and Brett seemed to know what to do, sucking on her small inverted pink nipples.
“Bounce up and down like the girl on tv” I said and she tried her best, her tight cunt completely wrapped around her brother’s cock and blood beginning to dry on his tiny balls. “Put your hands on her hips Brett. Move your willy up and down” and he nodded as he copied the guy on tv, making Milly cry out but it was too late for Brett.

I could see the demon lust in his eyes now as this new sensation overwhelmed his mind and he grunted as he forcefully thrust his hips upward. He wrapped his arms around his sister’s waist and she fell forward, complaining that his thrusting was hurting and she began to cry but he couldn’t hear her.
As she lay on his chest he used his feet to push upward and deeper into his sisters hole and with a loud “NO! NOOO!” he gripped her and I could see his balls contracting as his immature cum pumped into his sister’s body and he began to squeal and shake, totally consumed by the power of his first fuck and orgasm into a tight wet vagina.

Suddenly he lay still, his sister clamped to him as she cried into his neck and he twitched and convulsed, his feet flapping and when his sister tried to move, he shrieked “NO! DON’T!!… DON… AAGH!” until she finally wrestled his cock out of her.
I watched as it flopped onto his belly, soaked and stained red from his sister’s blood, a thin pink crust around his base and darker stains on his little balls.
“Hey Milly!” I stroked her hair and skin “don’t cry! It’s always scary the first time. By the time you’ve done it 3 or 4 more times, you’ll want to do it all the time” and the child shook her head as it was buried in the cushions on the floor. “Come on. Let’s get everyone cleaned up and tidy up in here” and I helped her up from the floor, directing her towards the stairs and to the bathroom.
“Was that fun Brett?” I grinned and he just nodded, still shellshocked from what had just happened. “Come on. Come get a shower and get into bed. It’s late” and I guided him towards the stairs.

Up in the bathroom I got them to shower and wash themselves. I explained the blood to Milly and said it only happened once ever and that the next time it would feel much better and she nodded quietly. Then before I let them go to bed I stood them together on the landing and made them promise never to tell anyone. Not anyone ever. Even their friends otherwise they’d be sent away to a kids home and they looked genuinely terrified, swearing never to tell a soul.
I sent them off to bed before going back to the living room and tidying up before getting myself another beer.

I then dug out the camcorder I’d hidden and pressed the stop button before rewinding the video a couple of minutes and using the accompanying leads, I plugged it in to the tv. I lowered my pants, lay back on the couch and pressed play and watched the siblings as Milly tried to get her brother’s cock inside herself before my hand came into view and helped push her brother’s stiff little white, blue veined cock inside her dark hole and seconds later, I was groaning as my cum fountained into the air and my aching balls drained.

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