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Men iron heart break up the 7 major reasons

It is often said that if a person breaks up with you over a small thing, there must have been a lot of things building up before, only that small thing became the trigger! Today, we are talking about – those reasons why you have to break up!

It has always been thought that the phrase “divided for a long time, united for a long time, divided for a long time” only applies to the changes in history, but living in the present, we are gradually finding that the emotions between men and women are becoming more and more compatible. The phrase. Breakups have become an increasingly common phenomenon in today’s society, as the independence of the individual will has become more and more prominent in its importance, and today’s young people are becoming more and more self-centered, and will only consider the feelings of others if their own needs are met. However, when you think about it, this selfishness, which is not promoted by traditional concepts, is not difficult to understand. In a world ruled by independent wills, the concept of “if you get along, you get along, if you don’t, you get along” has become commonplace. So, what can we do for this relationship at a time when it is becoming increasingly fragile?

In my humble opinion, although fate is a nebulous thing, we still need to analyze it rationally before making a decision when dealing with the issue of staying or leaving a relationship. However, as the IQ and EQ during the relationship is infinitely close to 0 existence, women are always unable to jump to a third-party perspective to rationally analyze the emotional problems that occur in their own body at the moment. The reason for the breakup is that it’s a relatively rational and male-oriented logic.

1.Different views on money

What is a different view on money? To put it simply, there is a huge gap between two people’s spending philosophies. For example, men think that life needs to have a balance, how much to spend half, the rest as a financial or savings for a rainy day; while women think that living in the moment needs to enjoy life, money is to spend, moonlight is the way to go; some even earn five thousand but want to spend ten thousand of the main. Then, I can only say that there is such a huge difference in the money view of the two people is really not suitable, if barely together in the future will also be because of financial problems and quarrels every day, break up divorce are just a matter of time. The more time it takes, the heavier the injury.

2, different worldviews

The world is so big, I just want to go It’s not my business to see vs. the world is even bigger. It is obvious that two people with two very different world views are not able to go long. The same world is presented differently in the eyes of two people, and when each side tries to tell the other side how they see the world, a conflict arises, and this conflict is insoluble.

3. The author has met a man who thinks that love is the best way to get a job. The author once met a think love is a quarrel out of the feelings, while the author himself is adamant that love can not quarrel, not quarrel, both sides to accommodate each other to discuss the problem together to solve the person. Then these two diametrically opposed views of love in the process of bonding directly violent collision, resulting in the experience of a painful to unbearable feelings. So, although conflicts are everywhere, some can be coordinated, while some things cannot be coordinated, and I advise you not to waste time and energy on those irreconcilable conflicts, the gains are not worth the losses.

4. Differences in social status

One has to admit The inventor of the term “door-to-door” is so forward-looking that if there is a huge social status difference between a man and a woman in a relationship, the weaker of them will become more and more inferior, while the stronger one will look down on the weaker one, and the strong status difference will directly pull down any good love. The end result is that there is less and less common ground and no exchange of ideas at all, then the strong side goes off to find their Soulmate, while the weak side is reduced to domestic labor at home.

5. No common interests

We should not underestimate this The most important thing is that if a man and a woman don’t share a common interest, then their communication will always be some non-nutritious conversation, and over time they will be too lazy to communicate. Then, the relationship exists in name only. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing.

6. Positive and negative energy carriers

The so-called positive and negative energy carriers carriers is a combination of a negative energy carrier paired with a positive energy carrier. Do not assume that the result is that positive and negative energies neutralize each other. Negative energy will always enjoy the neutralizing effect of positive energy, while positive energy will gradually be affected by negative energy, thus leading to the contamination of its originally pure positive core. For example, a particularly vindictive person always spits with his or her significant other, while the optimist’s significant other naturally goes to appease the other person’s negative emotions. Over time, the optimist will find that human nature is not so easily changed. Listening to the other person’s tirade every day is like a tightening spell for the Tang monk, even the Qi Tian Da Sheng can’t stand it, let alone a mere mortal.

7, Sexual disharmony

This is a matter of common sense. If the sex life is not harmonious, then the couple’s relationship will never be good enough. However, many girls are always naive enough to think that they love him as a person and do not love having sex with him. So, here comes the problem: along with age, women’s need for sex is growing, and he can not meet you, then you will only be forced to cheat on the road. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.


Life is precious, love is more expensive. This is definitely a line from a fairy tale playbook. Love is not supreme, quite the contrary, it is fragile. So, something so fragile is really not to be forced, forcible possession you can only get it broken body. If you don’t want to destroy your life in a love that doesn’t belong to you, please see the relationship rationally and hang on to it at the right time, otherwise the car will be destroyed only overnight.

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