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Men in love with the inner 14 real ideas

Different men in the world have similar psychological activities when they fall in love, so all women have the same relationship worries. But this is just a self-inflicted trouble for everyone. The reason why you think your boyfriend is not good enough is because you don’t know them well enough. What are the men in love thinking? It’s not what you think it is.

Want you to take the initiative

Many people think that women should be more reserved when they are in love, and if they take the initiative it would be very humiliating. However, men in love prefer you to take the initiative a little. In the process of male and female interactions, no party always do the initiative, because it will make him feel like a one-sided pay, and you will not know the results of the initiative is good or bad. But what we can be sure of is that after the giant wheel of affection starts on both sides, any man will be as tender as a woman’s heart. Occasionally they become less active, not timid or afraid of rejection, behind his desire for you to take the initiative, is his heartfelt desire to get your response!

Fear of being pushed… …

Since some time, men will divide falling in love and getting married. In their view, falling in love does not necessarily mean getting married to each other. Men will only consider getting married when the time is right, if he is not ready to rush the situation, men will be abashed to don’t want, especially in the face of indirectly rush the girlfriend, they will feel very broken. So honey, please give him more time and space, love is the process of mutual understanding, real love is not by the rush of marriage can come, must wait patiently oh.

Being lazy and pampered is to see you busy for him >

Before a relationship, a man would take care of himself and even take care of you. But since there you are, he is bright and clear to get things all messed up, moving to pout about where not comfortable, even a little cold and runny nose to say the end of the world …… is really enough. Not because the man has changed, but because he likes to watch you pack up for him while nagging about his own sloppy, but also like to see you worry about him and anxious look. In a man’s mind, this is a blessing.

Silence during a fight ≠ unrepentant

Men are amazing creatures who don’t like to argue and can do so without fighting back when faced with a woman’s sudden barrage. But in the woman’s point of view, this ignoring attitude is unrepentant performance, which will make women become more annoyed, but the more quarrelsome the more fierce. In fact, this time the man will also be angry, he does not argue with you, not because he does not care about you, nor do you feel that you are powerless to make trouble, but in the accommodation of you at the same time let yourself calm down. The man’s delicate always show immovable, in fact, their ideas are very simple la, but the face of like people are always shy to express, this silent love, you get it!

Self-centered! Capricious!

Every man is actually a capricious little male. They like to practice their lovers with their careers. They demand that their girlfriends must meet their ideal standards and that their girlfriends must bring out their strengths from time to time. If they do not meet his goals, they will be very angry and even feel that you have failed him. Men in the kingdom of feelings, is definitely a faint king. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things; text-indent:2em;font-size:12px;”>Always career first

Once a woman encounters love, she can’t help but be monopolized by it, and everything, for her, is The only thing that is secondary to her is love. But the man is different, in his heart career is the first element. In their view, a man without a career is the same as a woman without love, are nothing. The impact of love for men, but only in the work after the object of conversation, the rest they will hardly care too much. They also think in their minds that their career is NO.1 before they have the capital to make their women happy, right?

Wouldn’t open up to their brother about the details of their relationship

Wouldn’t open up to their brother about the details of their relationship< /p>

A woman can never be a strict secret keeper. Once she is in a relationship, it won’t take long for her BFF to get information from her, and she may even ask her BFF to help her analyze every aspect of her love interest. This characteristic of women is difficult for men to understand, because men even face their closest friends, about the details of his relationship, he will be reserved. The woman will think that the man this is just playing with her performance, but in fact the man introduced you to his brothers and family members know, it is already a commitment. This reservation on the part of the man is instead a confidence in the man that in love, he only trusts his own judgment.

Will demand more from a lover than a wife< /p>

A man can be less demanding of his wife than his lover in appearance and more demanding in character. Because wives are transformed by lovers, so men are really demanding for lovers, the period of love is like the examination period in love, men will be all-round to understand the woman, require their girlfriend must meet their ideal standards, only suitable for them will go to the end. The first thing you need to do is to get to know each other, and if you pass, you will be promoted, and if you fail, you will be eliminated.

Care about a woman’s past

For a woman’s past, men can’t be completely relieved. They always want to find out clearly, probably the heart of the strong desire to possess in action. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

The more you can’t wait, the more you want

Men always like to challenge themselves in love, the harder it is to get the more they like it, and if a woman says yes to a man’s advances too quickly, it can make a man feel a sense of loss inexplicably. Perhaps you will say that this is “cheap”, but no way, men are like that. The ubiquitous sense of superiority to support their strong self-esteem, the more you can not get, the more difficult it is to get, will feel precious, will be more cherished Oh. The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you are doing.

The scruffy room is really him

In the early stages of a relationship, in an effort to please the women and to present themselves, men present themselves as possibly clean-loving, even acting a little clean. But know that 9 out of 10 men are sloppy, they do not fold the quilt do not love to wash clothes, and even do not go out without washing their faces, this is the real them. If you can accept this kind of him, he will love you to death

Getting laid doesn’t matter? That’s a lie

Someone else always says that women are vegetarians while men are carnivores. In a relationship, in the heart of the woman, love seeks to feel, in the heart of the man, to measure the degree of development of a relationship is often to see whether or not to sleep with this woman. To prove their charm. Even with a woman in love, bad men still like to prove their charm from other women. So you need to keep an eye on him!

Want plenty of privacy

Even if you tether each other to the waistband of your pants every day, if the other person’s heart is not with you, then you are useless. After falling in love, men are afraid that their significant other is always clinging to them, although this is a way for women to express their love, but men don’t seem to like oh. They look forward to more time and good buddies together in the days and days of nonsense, if you fall in love can give him enough time to live the life he wants, such a comfortable state of life, he will not be able to leave you. A woman who knows how to give a man space is really a smart woman.

Expect your girlfriend to control spending

Women have relatively high materialistic desires and always want to have everything they like in their pocket, wake up! No man wants his girlfriend to be a chopping party, and still chopping men’s hands, he thinks about all the liver pain. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal on your own, and you’ll be able to get a good deal on your own.

Men always have all kinds of thoughts and inner activities in a relationship, but they won’t pour out all their hearts to you. Because it will make him feel embarrassed. And as a good girlfriend or even wife, even if he does not say, you have to learn to feel his true thoughts. Satisfy his little capriciousness in this relationship!

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