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Men in love are most likely to be misunderstood 13 things

A man can sometimes look at other beautiful women, dislike you for not being slim enough, have a million reasons not to go shopping with you, and become lazy and pampered …… You may misunderstand that he doesn’t love you anymore, but this may just be out of his “strange” relationship mentality. It may just be out of his “strange” love psychology! The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

1: 2em;text-align:left;”>Most men are reluctant to go to the woman’s house after a relationship. Different relationship periods, but men have a rare tacit understanding. When the two feelings are not stable, the man naturally will not want to go to the woman’s house, not only is afraid of this to determine the relationship, but also because of the fear of responsibility. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

You need to see if his personality is one of those people who are extra shy. If not, then you should talk to him and see what it is that makes him reluctant to meet your parents, to find out what he thinks before you can prescribe the right medicine. In the end, their greatest fear is to face the matter of marriage. Can’t understand it? Men can also be afraid of getting married. The reason is that after marriage he will lose his personal space and time alone. You just need to let him understand completely that marriage will not be his shackle, and I think he will let go of all his worries.

2. “It’s really awesome that my girlfriend is a beautiful woman, but I’d rather marry an average looking woman.”

Everyone thinks that men prefer beautiful women when they are in love, but the truth is that not all men like beautiful women. For men, beautiful women with them will make them look good, so they will also always fantasize that their girlfriend is a great beauty. But they also know that too beautiful women can give rise to a sense of unease and cause a fire in the backyard. Once married to a beautiful woman as a wife, they will always worry that their beautiful wife is missed by other men, by some powerful and wealthy men subterfuge, so they do not dare to travel, do not dare to let their wives go out alone. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Average-looking women usually don’t have high expectations of their husbands and generally don’t mind their husbands’ efforts to make the family happy, not only that, but they can also run the household and support the man so that he can spend more time on his career. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3. “Occasionally you say ‘you’ve gotten ugly’ on purpose.”


When a man says to a woman that she’s ugly, the woman can easily get worked up, and possibly counter the man, with a burst of sarcasm before reaching a mental balance. In fact, when a man says his woman is ugly, he is often joking, and really when another man says his woman is ugly in front of him, he turns into the woman’s likeness and also a burst of ridicule.

A man is always elusive to a woman, he loves her but is afraid she will leave him, so he will intentionally or unintentionally give her little blows, “You’ve gotten ugly,” “The most important thing is that you have to be able to get a good idea of what you are doing. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. …… These are all good intentions, and you must learn to understand his hidden meaning.

4. “A girlfriend can’t take the place of a mother”

Women who fantasize that they are the only one for men and even want to take the place of their mothers can only say that women who think this way are too childish and immature in their relationships. The former is love, the latter is affection, think about it another way, if a man can really let you replace his mother’s position, ignoring the woman who gave birth to him, such a man is not reliable. The woman should not be stupid enough to let the man choose between you and his mother, even if it’s just “which one would you save first, me or your mother falling into the water”.

5. “Girlfriends can be cute when they hear porn.”

5. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>According to a survey, more than 90% of married men have the habit of telling dirty jokes when they are alone with their close girlfriends. Men think this is their humor, while women think their men have suddenly become very horny. In fact, men love to tell dirty jokes, does not mean that he is a philandering man, it is possible that he likes to see you hear the yellow paragraph, the performance of shy, blushing, overwhelmed by the cute expression. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

6. “Admiring a beautiful woman has nothing to do with betrayal”

6. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>No matter how good your boyfriend is to you and how much he loves you, you will find that he is extra attracted to beautiful women. This can’t really be said to be a man’s betrayal of a woman, nor can it be said that he fell in love with her. The actual fact is that the man himself has an irresistible urge for beauty, when he sees a woman who fits his eyes, he can’t help but want to see more, and even can’t help but approach her.

From a guy’s point of view, looking at other women doesn’t mean that he doesn’t like his girlfriend, it’s just from a kind of admiring gaze to look at, if you see a particularly beautiful flower, will you go to look at it twice? This is the truth, like looking at a beautiful thing, so you do not care too much in your heart. If you see that his computer still has the Canggu folder, you might as well turn a blind eye to it.

7. “There are 10,000 excuses not to go shopping with your girlfriend.”

Men are not very fond of shopping, especially men who have girlfriends. For men, a few sets of clothes can get them through a season or even a year, and shopping is completely pointless. So, many men generally feel that going shopping with their girlfriends is a particularly tiring thing, not only to act as a free labor and unlimited ATM, and sometimes also to become a variety of shopping counselor. The first time I went shopping with my girlfriend, I was always so tired that I was left with half a life.

If he is an ordinary worker, he doesn’t earn a lot. More than that, let alone. The more you shop, the more he feels useless, earning less, to buy it for his girlfriend, she is happy, but privately he has to scrimp and save. Or he is out of machismo, just think of a bunch of women in the fancy dresses tossed, it feels worse than death. If you’re looking for a way to avoid going shopping with you, you’ll find that almost all men in love have a common love quirk. The fact is that all men in love have them, and you don’t have to panic, but rather be sympathetic to their plight.

8. “I’d be happy if you took the initiative”

8. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Many people believe that the initiative in a relationship is in the hands of the man, and it would be humiliating if the woman took the initiative. But in fact, the man in love will prefer you to take the initiative some. In the relationship, no party is willing to say “I love you” first, because you do not know the outcome of the words is good or bad, but we can be sure of one thing, the two sides of the feelings unfolded, almost any man will be the same as a woman, the heart is full of tenderness, since they will be together, the symbol of the meaning is more far-reaching. Men don’t like to take the initiative, not timid, but afraid of rejection, while the chances of a woman taking the initiative and being rejected are significantly smaller, so men love to see you take the initiative even more.

9. “It’s your ‘fault’ that I’ve become childish.”


Men who are tired before they have a woman don’t say they are tired, they can endure when they are sick, and they go to the doctor only when they can’t. When they have a woman, even if they are not tired, they will say they are tired, and they have to tell the woman when they have a minor illness. It is not that they have become childish and delicate, but because men like to see women worry about him and anxious attitude, they want women to considerate care, with her gentle hands to give themselves comfort, for them, this is a kind of happiness in the busy life.

10. “Contact with your ex-girlfriend? It’s normal.”

Surveys show that 70% of men who fall in love again will have more or less contact with their ex-girlfriends, but women always feel that the man may cheat or change his mind again. When you go out with him and find that he still has contact with his ex-girlfriend, don’t panic. You need to understand that just because he is in contact with his ex-girlfriend doesn’t mean that there is necessarily a relationship between them.

Men are more affectionate people, and you have to trust him that his ex-girlfriend has become a friend when he starts a new relationship. If the ex-girlfriend takes the initiative to contact, do you want him to be petty and family to ignore it. So what you have to do when you see these phenomena is to peer into a man’s hidden inner feelings about who he really cares about.

11. “I don’t say breakups easily, and once I do I mean it.”

When a woman says “break up” 100 times, she may not be serious once, but when a man says the word “break up”, it contains 80% of the seriousness, and women should know that once a man breaks up, it is difficult to go back. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

12. “Love doesn’t mean sticking with me 24/7”

12. indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Men don’t see a woman’s 24-hour care as a blessing; instead they see it as a burden, which makes them unable to breathe. In a woman’s eyes, being around him 24/7 takes care of what he needs, but in a man’s eyes, being around all the time 24/7 is a nightmare, as if he is a bird in a cage, with every move under the other person’s nose, so uncomfortable.

13. “I also ‘pretend’ to be good when I’m in love”

Women often say that men treat themselves with respect when they are in love, call in a while and show nervousness about their feelings. But after marriage will be the original shape, a big old man look. Many men do, indeed, show their best side when pursuing women, but aren’t women the same way? The same two parties wearing fake masks, after getting close to each other, are

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