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Men do not like which performance of women which type of women are more attractive

What do men dislike most about women’s behavior and performance? What kind of woman deserves all the tenderness and true love that a man can give for her? What behaviors are unbearable for a woman in the eyes of a man?

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Although you may feel like you’re already close, it’s best that you don’t go through his phone. Many women in a relationship will always be a little suspicious, wanting to know how many people are in their man’s cell phone address book, to see who he’s talking to on the phone, or even to see if he has any flirtingwith other women in his short mailbox. indent:2em;”>SMS. And the most immediate consequence of this is mutual boredom and disagreement, so it’s best for smart women to stay away from their men’s phones.

Skinny face all day

“Wearing a vegan face and home clothes every day makes people feel uninspired.” If you forget to dress up in front of your boyfriend like this, you will also disappoint him. You can also make him feel fresh by going out on datesonce in a while. Don’t let the person who loves you most look at your waning face every day.


Many men may don’t care if you smoke, because men smoke themselves; but the vast majority of men will care if you drink heavily, because a woman who gets drunk a lot tends to be unsafe. Just like men in the bar always pick those women who drink without ambiguity to play together, but they play with you for the purpose of just having fun or a one-night stand, definitely not cherish you. So men will automatically classify women who like to drink to the ranks of their fuck buddies.

Comments on his bedside manner

Whether seriously or The reason for this is that they are quite sensitive to such issues, and even if you don’t “dislike” him, they will think you’re cursing through the expression on your face when you speak. So you’d better keep quiet about his performance or just smile to show appreciation.

Complaining about his mother

A man can’t complain about his mother even if she’s old-fashioned. s mother is old-fashioned, he would never welcome his wife to complain along with him. If you don’t have the sense to say fucking bad things to your husband’s face, it will be hard on his heart. Because many men have a lingering Oedipal complex, their mother is always the woman they can’t let go of in this world.

Man hair loss and baldness

While the image of the top of a man’s head doesn’t The image of a man’s head is not indicative of their ability, but a mirror-like head is certainly not the most handsome “hairstyle” recognized. Men are under tremendous work and life pressures, and don’t have to wait until the day their hair falls out and becomes bald, just the signs of thinning hair can make many men uncomfortable. When the embarrassment of hair loss really big happens to them later, men can only accept this reality. But they don’t like their women to remind them that even mentioning such things at home can be humiliating.

A man’s salary is meager

Most men believe that The vast majority of men believe that providing for their families is their unshirkable responsibility and obligation, so when they earn very little, which is simply not enough to give their wives a decent life, it’s pretty hard on their own hearts. Many men measure their worth through their wallets, and as a wife, if they do not understand his plight, it will make them feel very unimpressed. Even if you’re just joking about you supporting him, he’s going to feel like he’s taking a hit.


Shopping is a lot of fun for women For most men, it is torment and torture. Scientific studies have pointed out that when men go shopping with women, blood pressure will suddenly rise, causing chest tightness and breathing problems. This shows that shopping with women is a killer for men on the emotionalroad. What a wonderful time the holiday should have been, but wasted on pointless bargaining, thirsty, tired and anxious, often shopping all day long and not buying a single thing. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Generally speaking, which women do men like and which ones are worth their true feelings?

Thoughtfulness and charm

Such women do not allow themselves to be hurt The same is true for a woman who refuses to see herself grow old helplessly and pale. Will love the woman, pay attention to improve the quality of life of the family, improve the quality of life of individuals and aesthetic interests. So, you should never underestimate her wisdom and power. She always has time to take time out from her busy work and housework to study English, do spa, watch plays, and she deeply understands that a woman cannot lose her mind and pursuit, and that a woman without a self is not only unlovable but will lose her happiness and love. So she has to work hard to cultivate and enrich herself, improve herself and move forward with the times.

Fresh and mysterious

Wise she MarriageWith the right amount of spice and passion in the mundane and boring life, she can make her lover’s body and mind burn again. She also understands that sometimes it is not beneficial to be too open about the promotion of feelingsThe attraction between lovers is more from each other’s mystery, so she knows how to keep some personal secrets, has her own fixed social circle, knows how to keep a proper distance from each other, as if it is, and will bring some unexpected surprises in this detachment, and as her husband you also had to announce time and again to her reacquaintance, and your love also The first time I saw it, I was able to get to know it.

Independence and strength

First of all, you have to believe that it is the power of love that makes her feel good. Believe that it is the power of love that makes her strong enough to say goodbye to the delicate and helpless girl she was as a teenager and leap into the backbone of your home. Now she is not the aggressive woman that outsiders fear, but she is assertive and can handle all kinds of problems independently, and is not used to relying on others, let alone calling you over and over again to cry and distract you from the smallest things.

Personality and temperament

While it is not The most important thing is to have a beautiful appearance, but an elegant temperament is something you can develop later in life. A good temperament is a woman’spermanent attraction to men. If you speak softly, have a gentle and soft tone, walk with your head held high, and consciously cultivate and shape your temperament on a regular basis, then even if your looks fade as you age, your temperament will add to the overall impression you give.

Loving and childlike

Loving in this case does not mean her love for you alone, but also for your parents, for the weak around her, and for all of humanity. A woman with a soft and loving heart is not too bad, and she has an ageless child’s heart that can bring you unexpected surprises and pleasures during the long days spent together. The reason for this is that she has a soft and loving heart, and an ageless heart that can surprise and entertain you in the long run.

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