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Men cheating psychology 4 data to tell you why men love to cheat

Many women think that men are “lower body thinking” animals, so it’s in their nature to have a flamboyant mind. A lot of women also think that cheating for the philandering man that is a common occurrence, they do not have guilt for their cheating behavior. However, men who have an affair really do not have a trace of regret? The answer is certainly not this, men’s cheating will not only have remorse but also a lot of truth that women do not know.

80% have a best friend who also has an affair

Hanging out with friends who will cheat can make a man feel like this infidelity is a normal, par for the course thing to do. His subconscious tells himself: My friend is a good man who just happened to cheat on his wife, and probably even the best men are inevitably extramarital.

It’s hard to forbid your husband from hanging out with Mr. Gluttony, experts say, but you can suggest places where they can spend time that are less tempting, such as playing sports or eating at restaurants, rather than going to bars or dance clubs. Instead of going to bars or dance clubs. Another strategy: make friends with happy families who share your values and build a social circle.

78% of men cheat through social networking sites


Through surveys, experts say that 78% of men cheat for the novelty of the moment or to relieve their loneliness, and they never want to abandon their families for a lover, so they are generally more eager to find one-night stands through social networking sites

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And 75% of these 78% of men are choosing to go to because is full of lonely and empty women who have independent minds and economic power and are only online dating to relieve their inner loneliness. The company’s main goal is to provide a quick and safe relationship with such women, so that we can have fun and not affect each other’s lives afterwards.

So these men will buy the Diamond Palace on that site because it allows them to meet the person they want by stealing a date, giving them the opportunity to have a safe, non-responsible sexual relationship.

66% of men feel guilty when they have an affair

This conclusion is a little scary: it’s not just shameless jerks who cheat. Experts say that 68% of men who have an affair actually never thought they would be unfaithful, and they almost always wish they hadn’t cheated. But apparently, guilt can’t make a man stop having an affair.

“Men are very good at compartmentalizing their feelings,” experts explain. Experts explain, “They can restrain an emotion (like guilt) and deal with it later.” So even if your husband swears he’ll always be faithful, don’t expect that to come true. It’s very important that you both have to work together to get the ideal marriage.

48% of men feel emotionally unfulfilled

Men It’s time to put a stop to the notion that stealing food is all about sex, with only 8% of men saying that lust is the main reason for their extramarital affairs. And 48% of men say that “unfulfilled emotions” led them to cheat.

Experts say that men are emotional creatures who need their wives’ appreciation and affirmation, and want them to understand the effort they put into their families and marriages. However, men are not good at expressing their emotions, they feel that the initiative to ask women for pleasure is not manly, so the emotional needs of men are easily ignored. The experts believe that it is important for women to create an “atmosphere of appreciation and consideration” in the home.

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