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Men cheating five moves to go through the pain period

Some people think that an extramarital relationship without sex is not cheating, but this is very wrong, because the cheater has betrayed his lover from the inside, even if he did not have sex with others, his emotional focus is no longer in the family. It can be said that emotional cheating is more than physical cheating. If your partner shows the following signs, then she has betrayed you.

1. often find excuses not to come home

A couple with a mentally

2, inexplicably bored

The party with mental cheating

The one who is mentally cheating often has his or her mental attention on other objects and feels that the current partner is just a burden and superfluous

3. Sex has become routine

The partner who is mentally cheating is not interested in having sex as a couple, even if it is sometimes routine out of physical need, but it is often quick and easy.

4. The most important thing is that you should be able to get the most out of your life.

Man cheating reveals four kinds of traces

Ringing Ling found herself suddenly free, and she was a little overwhelmed by this freedom. The previous husband was watching her very closely, no way, who let the ringing spirit is the school flower it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

In fact, she knew that he was there to see if there were any suspicious people. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

A few days later, she tried to take off work, saying that some friends wanted to go to karaoke in the evening, and specifically named a certain someone who was chasing her back then to go with her. The husband just faintly said yes, during which there was not a phone call. When she got home, he was already snoring.


1. If other than that he hasn’t been too

2, men change their minds often from the woman’s neglect of their own start, and then the flame is always burning out if you never add wood, so it is best to review yourself

3. Men are sometimes like children at heart, and it takes some effort to coax him and keep him interested in you forever, but if you love him, it’s worth it.

II. He lost his old passion for your body

It was 3 a.m. when Han Qing was awakened by the phone. Yan’er’s voice was bleak and faint, telling her about Zuo Xu’s coldness: “We haven’t had sex for a long time, he always pushes me away, and no matter what I use, I can’t stir him up, I think – he must have someone else out there.” How could that be? The three of them were college friends, Han Qing knew Zuo Xu, he was not a frivolous and fickle person. Han Qing decided to talk to Zuo Xu.

After Han Qing’s repeated questioning, Zuo Xu finally admitted that it was true. Because Yan’er’s body is too familiar to him, so familiar that he can touch every spot on it with his eyes closed, he really has no more passion. On the contrary, recently, due to business relations, often accompany customers to nightclubs, where the escort girls dressed in revealing clothes, body provoking, so that he often burn with desire. Zuo Xu admitted that these new sex symbols hit him hard, and if it weren’t for his feelings for Yan’er still being there, he might have been unable to hold on to them.

After listening to Han Qing, Yan’er broke out in a cold sweat, but when she calmed down and thought about it, she was actually not! Every night hugging Zuo Xu’s sturdy back, when has the initial exhilaration and impulse? On the contrary, once in the elevator of the unit, with the body of the male boss close together, but let her blush heartbeat. But she knew very well that it didn’t mean anything, that she loved Zuo Xu, at least so far it hadn’t changed.


1. This phenomenon appears in the married for many years It is not surprising that between men and women, sexual attraction will not always be fresh and exciting, and when the passion subsides and sexual behavior becomes normal, some new sex symbols may pose a shock to one of them;

2. The good thing is that both parties still love each other and this shock has not yet

3. The crux of this “aesthetic fatigue” is blandness. Try changing your personal image, your bedroom environment, and try to add a whole new element to your life; you can also consult a sex expert to add new and exciting ways to your sex life.

Three, he suddenly became a powder keg

Jusan thought that a war between two

Jusan thought that a war between two people would only happen once, but to her surprise, her second war with her live-in boyfriend took place less than three years later, and this time, it was completely empty and unreasonable for him to deliberately pick a fight.

One day at dinner, Jusan got so excited about eating that she put one foot up on a chair and ate while talking about trivial things. After a while she noticed that something was wrong, her boyfriend did not say a word, his brow was wrinkled into a well, and every now and then he glanced twice at her knee that was almost touching his chin, and his eyes were filled with an impatience and – disgust that she had rarely seen, and she then thought for a long time before she came up with the word and understood why she said then: “You What’s wrong? Something’s wrong!”

Similar language was child’s play for them, and previously such seemingly derogatory words held an unspoken intimacy within them, but this time the boyfriend responded with, “I’m sick? Look at you! Let’s not even eat!” The …… war was so unprepared that all the dishes on the table were moved to kiss the marble floor.

This was just the beginning. Zhu Shan said, “I think he was deliberately looking for a fight. I’m still the same person I used to be, but how can he look the other way, picking on everything and fussing at every turn.” It wasn’t until the woman called the house one day that it dawned on Jushan.


1. When a man suddenly becomes a powder keg.

2. men’s betrayal in the degree and level of different types, some people remember the love, not willing to do too much outrageous; some people completely do not remember the old feelings, just want to end everything quickly, to clear the way for new feelings Obstacles, then his words and actions will be super manic, and even lack of reason to hurt each other’s body and mind, deliberately picking fights are such categories. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3. Think about yourself, do you still love him? Love is irrational, but your action to redeem love should be rational, the more the other party is thundering, you have to be more calm as water, the more difficult for him to say the truth to the table to communicate, using the reasoning of Lao Tzu – the world’s weakest to the world’s strongest, maybe you still have the possibility of winning;

4. If you confirm that he has left you from soul to body, the smartest thing you can do at this point is to let go and let him go.

4. Pick up the phone and suddenly be extra affectionate

For some time now Ling Ling suspects her boyfriend of emotional infidelity.

For a period of time, my boyfriend was suspicious of infidelity.

Ling was upset and called to confront him. But on the other end of the phone, he was unusually attentive and vowed, “How is that possible? The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. I swear, I only love you ……” but with a woman’s intuition, Ling Ling could feel the lack of sincerity in his words.

Ling was conflicted, not knowing how she could hold on to the drifting relationship. On the other hand, her self-esteem cannot tolerate her boyfriend’s emotional betrayal. Is it better to let nature take its course, or is it better to cut the Gordian knot quickly?


1. His attitude has suddenly become particularly affectionate

2. If your judgment is confirmed by careful observation, don’t rush into action. If he still shows affection for you, even if he’s faking it, it means he still cares about you. Maybe he’s in a conflict right now and is having a hard time making a choice.

3. It’s a good idea to adopt a “gentle strategy” and be as caring as ever, even designing romantic scenes that surprise him and are to his liking, to add weight to your side of the scale.

4. Anyone will choose the woman he thinks is best for him as his partner for life, and your “job” is to be the best you can be.

How to deal with cheating on your lover

Cheating is a huge hurt to a couple’s relationship.

Step 1: Ask yourself a few questions to see if you want to give the other person another chance. First, think back to whether he had cheated in the past, such behavior once it becomes a habit is difficult to stop, must not appear a second time. Then put yourself in his shoes and think about whether he would also cheat in the same situation. Secondly, whether he gave you a “cheating again will be heavily punished” promise. Finally, think about the reasons why the other person cheated on you, how your relationship was when he cheated, did he feel depressed and miserable? Also did his pain after confessing outweigh yours? Is the expression of remorse sincere? If you can’t do these, you don’t need to give a second chance.

Step 2: Give each other space. Your first reaction may be to hold on to him and not let him out of your sight. In fact, this is when you need to calm down for a few days to organize your thoughts; what’s yours is yours, and it’s no use holding on to what’s not yours.

Step 3: Have a serious conversation. Have a serious discussion about how much is worth retaining. Warn the person in advance that you have a long list of questions waiting to be answered. While the whole process is painful, honest answers are important to each other. If by this point you make up, don’t bring it up again.

Step 4: Be prepared to change. While the betrayal was the other person’s fault, you also need to think about your partner’s reasons for cheating and think about what the third party can bring to the table more than you can. After all, two people have been together for too long and it’s hard for you to give him some kind of new feeling, so try to make improvements for each other.

Step 5: Ask yourself if you feel the pain has slowly subsided? Theoretically, time will repair any wounds that are difficult to heal. After six months, you should be feeling happy most of the time, and after a year, you should have rebuilt your trust in him. If that’s not the case, then it’s better to consider living separately.

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