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Men can not stand women 10 things

The most important thing for couples to get along is mutual respect and understanding, although men sometimes dote on women, but sometimes women’s unreasonable behavior is really annoying.

Men’s psychology


Women habitually ask their husbands if they love them, and they even like to hear their husbands say “I love you” as a natural tonic to take. The actual fact is that the actual person is not a person. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

However, to say this kind of affectionate words need the scene and atmosphere, if forced to husband like singing a mountain song is not meaningful, especially when the husband came home from a day of work dragging his tired body, hot meal did not eat a bite, hot bath did not take a I’m sure he’ll say “I love you” with a big smile on his face, and maybe he’ll say “I love you” against his will, but deep down I’m sure he’ll be complaining and even saying “I hate you! I’m sure he’s complaining, even saying “I hate you” or “You’re really tiring me out!”

2. The most important thing is to be able to keep your privacy, even if you are a couple. Sometimes, this privacy of a person may be just a trust for your mind.

However, some women always feel insecure or have a serious lack of self-confidence after getting married, and always wonder if their husbands are doing something shady behind their backs, and even wonder if their husbands are keeping mistresses and mistresses outside. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers, and to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3, treating husband as her own private property

Wife loves

Husband loves like “mouse loves rice” is the natural thing to do, and loving couples will show more love delicate, however, many women after marriage will have the desire for emotional control, the husband simply as their own private property, so that the husband can not bear.

In fact, just because a man is married to a woman does not mean that both parties have to lose their freedom. On the contrary, men have always longed for a family that can be a harbor to rest their feet during their career struggle, a soft pillow when they are tired, and a light left on for them at home when they return late.

It is in the nature of men to admire the freedom to make something amazing through their own efforts, but women tend to always tie them down. In modern families, we often complain about why men are so useless today, but on the flip side, think about it, aren’t women interfering with men too much?

4. Always think that men are bad when they have money

Women are naturally interested in The majority of mothers-in-law will teach their daughters how to take full control of the family’s financial power.

What women fear most is that men with money will be out on the streets, so it’s a no-brainer to think that controlling a man’s money will control his philandering.

In fact, women are sometimes good at fantasy creatures, and men who have a different mind are not women controlling money to douse their thoughts. In fact, men have a lot of private money, and if a woman does too much to chill them, it will only drive him further and further away from you.

5. Use your husband as an outlet for your own anger

Some Women act gentle and tender when they are in a relationship, and can be smiling and obedient to their boyfriends.

However, after being married for a long time, the two of them get tired of staying together, and they don’t need to hide their attitude towards their husbands anymore, and when they encounter something they are unhappy about, or when they are aggrieved by something in a big unit, they use their husbands as a punching bag and as a conduit for their anger.

To know that the pressure men face at work is definitely not smaller than women, the vast majority of men will not take the work of the unsatisfactory to the home to vent their anger, and women’s recklessness often makes the husband resentful, but also the main cause of the couple quarrel The majority of the men who are cheating on their wives are not happy with the idea of being scolded by their wives like sons at home all day long, always in the mind can find a gentle and considerate and obedient woman who can find the feeling of being a real man of that big husband.

6. think that family building is only a man’s responsibility


In fact, not every woman will be able to meet such a lucky one at her most beautiful and attractive age. The most important thing is that if you have no other charms to attract your husband, men are likely to become more and more aesthetically tired of you.

But if a wife can share the responsibility of building her own little home with her husband, such a woman will definitely be her husband’s favorite for life.

7. Love husband but not his family

Women The woman who is married to a man because she loves him is rarely able to do so. Although the woman enters the wedding hall with the blessing of both parents and is married in the presence of both relatives, it is very difficult for her to love her husband and also love his parents and siblings and not interfere with his personal preferences while loving his relatives and friends.

However, it is impossible for a man to get married and have a wife and forget about the other woman who gave birth to him, and in the hearts of most men, their mothers are the only women in their lives who deserve their deep love.

Many women think that if they are married to a man, that man should be completely their own. In fact, that’s something that’s terribly wrong, like fighting with your sister-in-law for favor, or staging a mother-in-law battle with your mother-in-law, often overwhelming the man.

8. Lack of health knowledge neglects eating healthy


To keep a man’s heart, you have to keep a man’s stomach first.

Men not only like beautiful women, but they also like good food. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

However, there are more and more young couples who are not willing to cook their own food at home, either by ordering take-out or eating out casually, leaving aside the gutter oil and whether the food is hygienic for now. No sense of belonging? The company’s main goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for its customers.

If even a man’s most eagerly awaited food and drink problems can not be solved, then the marriage is destined to be problematic. The man married his wife is not simply because of love, more importantly, he wants to have the warmth of home, if you can not give, perhaps he will be difficult to continue the marriage with you.

9. To respect yourself but not your husband

Women Another mistake made after marriage is that they like to do whatever they want at home, and men tend to like to settle things down rather than being too willing to talk to their wives.

Another characteristic of such a wife is the requirement that her husband must be obedient to her in everything, otherwise she will be seen as disrespectful and looking for trouble. The basic concept that you should respect your husband.

A man who encounters such a woman can only sigh in disbelief that he is unlucky to have met a strong wife. But many wives who can call the shots at home actually do not know where there is oppression where there will be resistance, most of this resistance to extramarital affairs or have extramarital partners as the main form of expression. Believe it or not!

10. Discipline your husband as if he were your son


In the world of love, men and women are relatively equal and relatively free, however, some women are born control freaks and will have many, many strict interference with their husbands, and sometimes they will control their husbands like sons, and use their expectations of their sons to demand their husbands, making them unbearable.

Know that what men need is care, respect, and motivation to go out and fight hard.

Some women take watching their husbands as their top priority after marriage, and hope that their husbands will be successful in their careers as all they expect, only she forgets that all men who are watched and controlled by their wives rarely become successful in their brilliant careers, only she doesn’t know that since ancient times The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Men like to live a free and easy life without any constraints, like to be able to throw stinky socks and dirty clothes at will, the kind of unrestrained comfort, however, many men will become the first object of education of their wives after marriage, and have to often accept the wife mandatory home rule education. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, such as the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet.

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