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Men are not willing to do four things with women

Many married women complain that their men have changed since they got married, that they are busy every day, that they don’t go shopping with them on weekends like they used to, that they watch Korean dramas, and that even drinking is now only for their close friends. When your man appears like this, please don’t be surprised and don’t make a fuss with him. He will appear in such a situation is you offend the four things that men do not want to do with women, in the end, which four things? The first thing you need to do is find out.

The first one: shopping

Shopping is a very happy thing for women. The first thing you can do is to go to the store and have fun, but for most men it is torment and torture. Scientific studies have pointed out that when men go shopping with women, blood pressure will suddenly rise, causing chest tightness and breathing problems. This shows that shopping with women is a killer for men on the road to relationships.

What a wonderful time the holiday should have been, but wasted on pointless bargaining, thirsty, tired and anxious, often shopping all day, not a single thing to buy. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market.

Second: Drinking

Drinking and farting with your best friend is a popular way for many men to relieve stress. The most important thing is to have a good time. However, there are a lot of women who don’t understand this, and every time they drink with their buddies they have to follow, not wanting him to be with some of his best friends, always thinking that men are no good when they are together.

Yet the woman followed to go, the man is not free, some can pescado words are not good to say. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Third: Watching Korean dramas

To be honest, watching Korean dramas is a fear of many men’s fear. Women in watching Korean dramas, the kind of crying and laughing expression, it is really scary, and will be on the side of the non-stop chase: “If you are him, you will also do this to that woman? If we were old, would you still be nice to me?”

There’s no way to avoid it if you want to, and you can’t answer it if you don’t, but then you get more questions.

The fourth piece: talking about parents

In addition to shopping, men and women together Talking about parents is also particularly easy to quarrel! Women will always unconsciously talk about both parents, and both emphasize that their parents are better than the other’s parents.

It’s just that men can give in on many issues, but will insist to the end on their parents. As a woman, in-laws are not their own biological parents, after all, said to really deliberately how good in-laws, but in the actual implementation, is also a difficult thing.

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