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Men also have “menstruation” what women should do?

Women are always out of sorts on those days of the month when they feel like people and things around them are out of sorts, and after those days, everything returns to normal. You know what? The man also has a few days of the month that are not right oh. We don’t understand what’s going on in a man’s mind.

Men have a few days a month when they have mood swings

Men have a few days a month when they have mood swings

Men have a few days a month when they have mood swings

During this time when men are on vacation, many topics can become sensitive to them and your inadvertent involvement can stir up negative emotions in him. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem of the problem.

Confused about what he wants to do

During this time, he’s likely to It is possible to walk into the kitchen and turn around and come out again, turn on the TV and keep changing the channel to make you very confused, look here and there uncomfortable. Maybe even he himself does not know what he is doing. As the other half, it’s a good idea to change your mind and let him go with the flow like a child. After this time, he will feel your consideration.


All day long, he talks to you in The number of words are not more than 10 words, you ask him questions, he can say a word definitely not say two words, such a situation you may be very annoyed, but on the other hand, think about the state of your regular holidays, may be the same maddening it. Now he needs you to coax him like a child, not complain about him.

Lack of passion in life

You come home early after work to change into You’ll be able to get home early after work to change into a sexy low-cut halter dress, get your steak and wine ready, and be just about ready for him to come home and spoil you, but frustratingly, he’s indifferent and not even passionate, which makes you a little puzzled. Don’t be depressed, he’s on his regular holiday, so put yourself in the position of a bystander to see him, and you’ll find the state he was in heartbreaking, too.

What’s going on with men’s periods

Women are visited by their periods every month. The woman has to be “visited” by her period every month, and this week is like a year in the woman’s mind, but did you know that men also have a “period” Oh, during this time, the man’s world is a gray, their physical state is not more comfortable than during the woman’s period. The company’s business is not a good place to be. It’s a terrible feeling.

This periodic emotional slump is somewhat common among men. Some foreign medical experts call it the “low tide” phenomenon in men. This is actually a biorhythmic change that is the result of changes in the hormone levels of the male body.

1. Some pathological manifestations occur during the low point of the male biological cycle, which according to some foreign studies is an emotional rhythm cycle of about 28 days that affects people’s creativity and sensitivity to things, understanding, and emotional and spiritual psychological aspects. It affects people’s creativity and sensitivity to things, understanding and some emotional and mental functions. In the “high mood” period, people tend to be refreshed, laughing and smiling; in the “low mood” period, they are bored, grumpy and even violent and suicidal in severe cases.

2. The mood cycle manifests itself in both men and women, but men behave differently than women, and men are controlled by anxiety during this time, which can seriously affect everything from school to interpersonal interactions.

3. All living things have biorhythms. The most important thing is that the human growth, physical strength, development, intelligence, heartbeat, breathing, digestion, urination, sleep and even human emotions are all controlled by the biorhythms in the body. It’s just that some people have obvious rhythms and some people don’t.

Also, men’s “period” doesn’t have the same obvious symptoms as women’s “period”. The first thing you need to do is to take care of him in the future and communicate and comfort him when he’s feeling down!

What are you going to do about his period?

Facing our beloved ones we are often at our wits’ end, often not knowing how to deal with our feelings, how can we grab a man’s heart and firmly grasp our love, our him, and not let it slip away? The most important thing is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

1, learn to listen

Learn to listen is to grasp the psychology of men The important point is that girls tend to focus on their own crackling to finish the trivial chores, or life and work of those parents short, once the boyfriend complained or told the time, it is inadvertently revealed impatient emotions, over time will make the boyfriend discouraged become not love to confess. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Many times a man’s distress is reluctant to tell outsiders, even his best buddies or relatives, and the only place he relaxes, when he doesn’t have to pretend, is with his lover. So don’t miss the moment when a man is talking, hold on to the moment and listen with your heart, even if you can’t share his distress to give him a chance to vent it out.

2, more understanding

Learning to understand men is often harder than loving A person to be difficult, love a person is to express in their own way, while understanding but to think in his way to do. What men need is this, to catch a fish, we must think like a fish. Grasp the heart of the man said simple and simple, we need to do is to love into his understanding. Don’t let him feel tired, but let him be touched by your understanding and cherish. The most important thing is to pay attention to the changes in his emotions, maybe he is just waiting for a greeting from you. Girls who really know men will find that the essence of a man is actually a small child.

3. Mutual trust

Learn to trust, in a relationship It is very important to trust each other in a relationship, and it is a very tiring thing to spend your original happy hour explaining something boring. Especially for girls, but the patience of men is limited, distrust is the biggest harm to them. If you love him, why not give him more trust and care to maintain the quality of love.

4. Play dumb in moderation

Learn to play dumb and don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it. Don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it and let his manhood get the best of him. From time to time, put away your cleverness and let him have a chance to show it. It’s a matter of face and vanity that men depend on, and by grasping this, he will realize that he is needed by you and that you are something that he has to protect. Relationships like this give men a lot of confidence in themselves and make you everything he needs to work hard.

Two people get along, there is no shortage of tolerance and communication; the seedlings of two people’s feelings, there is no shortage of mutual watering and care; two people to hold hands for a long time, in addition to a firm heart, there is no shortage of actions in the little bit of time together. If you love him, grasp the affairs of his heart.

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