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Men absolutely can not say to the girlfriend 10 sentences said must be dumped

Love is supposed to be sweet, although 2 people will always have bumps and bruises, but most of the time, women need attitude rather than rational analysis, girlfriend is to spoil, if the man said the following 10 sentences, only to say that your he is still not on your heart . Estimate, dump him before it’s too late!

Women quarrel with their boyfriends to sulk, mostly because the man said something out of tune, broken-hearted women will be unstoppable, back to the man: you can say such things, I really blind to be with you. The man must also be angry, he certainly will not realize that it is because of his words that you flip-flop, a small-minded man will immediately argue with you about what kind of man you should marry is the right one, a war of words is on.

In fact, the war of words between couples is often not to fight for the buns to fight for breath, men can not take the leadership to deal with their wives, not to mention a gas on the mouth. When he says these words, you can think hard about whether he can really be entrusted for life.

One, why are you so annoying

When a woman is excited to talk to a man

Two, what do you know about it

This point I have never quite understood. The actual fact is that the woman’s eyes are silly and she doesn’t understand anything, and I’ve heard many men around me choke on their own women with these words.

Three, marry you back is to do this

The phrase The use is also relatively wide, laundry cooking education children and so on can be used, but this sentence to the woman’s feeling is quite poor, the words and looking for a nanny bellhop is a tone of voice, then at first also bothered to get married why it, find a nanny to live a good life. The actual fact is that the actual person who is the most intimate person is not, how can it be a level with the nanny, it is not reasonable.

Fourth, you and your parents are really the same

This is a bit harsh.

Five, my mother said it should be x x x x

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is inherently

Six, what do you care

When a man wants to do something When a man wants to do something, the average woman can not stop, so smart women do not stop, let him do, after the wall he will naturally turn back, he went to do before the woman can analyze with him, but do not stop, he is anxious will be back prostration.” I want to do what you care -” “I am your wife how can not care ah?”” What about the wife, a ball, married to a wife is to control my ah?” The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Seven, you eat my drink and still want to do what you want

This disgusting

Eight, how this child is not at all like me

This statement is eighty percent The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

Nine, if you can live, you can live, if you can’t, you can leave

This is so noble. The choice is yours, you can do whatever you want. The first is that the man has no more feelings for you, so he doesn’t care; the second is that he’s got you, and he knows you love him, so he’s taking that to your army.

Ten, what does this have to do with me

As a woman, I know The company’s main goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for its customers.

Choosing whether or not to spend the rest of your life with a man is a tough decision, much like choosing whether or not to eat that fourth slice of pizza, because you have to be responsible for whether your significant other will be good or bad in the future, and it’s a life-changing decision. .

So how do you really know if your boyfriend is husband material? Will he still take you on those romantic dates after you’ve been together for N years? Is his happiness equal to your happiness? Is he the most understanding person in the world? So don’t be chagrined over there, here are 15 simple questions you must ask yourself before you decide if he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, and if he’s more than halfway decent that means you can marry.

1. Does he not want to talk to people after a long day at work?

A suitable husband doesn’t come home after a busy day and hide in his room and do his own thing, instead he brings home your favorite food and enjoys it with you because seeing you after a busy day is the best way to help him relieve his boredom.

2. Will he show off your presence?

The right husband will say nice things about you to everyone around him, whether it’s friends, family, neighbors, the hairdresser, the dry cleaner, or the convenience store clerk downstairs, because he just thinks you’re so flawless that he wants the The world knows.

3. Does he love your pet?

He doesn’t need to really love your pet, but at least he doesn’t reject it and doesn’t complain that a week after meeting you, every piece of his clothing will look like it has a beard full of fur.

4. Does he love you for being crazy?

The right husband will stay by your side, even when you’re completely out of your mind and going crazy like a bitch, and he’ll understand that you’re not the only one who can be difficult sometimes, because he is sometimes, too, and you are each other.

5. Will he watch the elderly with you?

He knows you love your loved ones, he will talk to your in-laws or mother-in-law, even if he has heard their stories N times, he will zang do it with great interest, this is the material to be a husband.

6. Does he fight fairly?

The man who is fit to be a husband will take a step back when he argues to be that rational party who will advise everyone to calm down, listen more and think more, and let the hot emotions calm down.

7. Does he do the things you love in bed?

You know the thing, the thing that will make you dizzy, he will XX and then XX your XX. Although he sometimes forgets to make you come not just by doing that, he will want you to be as comfortable as he is in bed. He is not the only one who is enjoying it, he wants to enjoy it with you.

8. Does he make you laugh despite his image?

The right husband will play the idiot to make you laugh, he will do that funny dance at the wedding in front of all your relatives because it’s a dance step he learned as a kid watching some music group, your family will think it’s funny But you’ll keep rolling your eyes at him until he grabs your hand and dances with him, making you almost fall down and then be held by him.

9. Does he love to be jealous?

The right person to be a husband will understand that you can’t suddenly not be attracted to the opposite sex just because you’re in a relationship now, because he trusts you completely anyway, and that’s a concept worth thinking about.

10. Is he clingy with you?

He understands that a healthy relationship is not about two people sticking together for everything, but rather about two people having their own lives and having a lot of experience to talk to the next time they meet.

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