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Matchmaking magic from the leftover women to stand out

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, if you’re still single, you’re already “excited” to start dating. However, to stand out in the battlefield of matchmaking smoothly off, how can the winning methods about matchmaking not know in advance? The first thing you need to do is to learn it now.

The first month of the year is the day when leftover men and women rush to the dating party. If it is once or twice can be said to have not met the right person. If it is several times such a result, then you have to consider whether you want to change the way. Below I will introduce how to properly matchmaking? See what the winning formula is to stand out on the dating battlefield?

First: Gazing into the eyes makes people honest

Fear of the other person telling big lies to deceive you? Then you can increase your chances of gazing at him. This psychological experiment confirms that people become more loyal when they are being watched.

Second: Don’t talk to yourself

Talking Too many people in technical jobs are used to spouting off about their expertise, which is called an informational conversation and obviously doesn’t generate attraction. Others do not talk about their work, but about themselves, and do not let others interject a word. This approach is a little more progressive than the above, but it is only a one-way conversation, the other party does not feel involved, of course, can not experience the fun and attraction of the conversation, and you can not get the information you want. Getting information about the other party is also one of the tasks of a blind date, otherwise how do you know if he is suitable or not? The smart thing to do should be to kind of two-way conversation, know how to talk when the appropriate production topics, attract each other to join the conversation. That’s the first step to crafting charm.

Third: Trying to find intersectionality in the conversation

With someone For example, if he talks about being in a donkey group and climbing a mountain every week, you can lead the conversation to climbing, travel, and scenery, instead of being bummed and saying. “On the contrary, my favorite thing to do is to sleep on the weekend.” Of course, this is not for you to pander to the other person against your will. If you can’t find a crossover at the moment and feel bored, the best way is to be a competent listener and respond to what the other person says in moderation, nodding your head while listening, which is a minimum of social courtesy and will also make the other person feel good about you.

Fourth: Cut down on small talk

Often when talking You’ve been doing some squirming and squirming while talking? This definitely sends a signal in public: inner turmoil and extreme lack of confidence! You need to change this unseemly behavior. How about forcing yourself to hold something in your hand, such as a pillow in your arms, a magazine, a drink cup, etc., which can increase your psychological stability. Make people feel that you are calm and comfortable. If you really can’t control it, don’t do too much of anything. Let nature take its course, and let the other person know the most real you. You’ll be able to see the real you.

Fifth: Small gestures that leave a good impression

Making people feel good about you There’s a little secret trick to get people to feel good about you. Physical touch can enhance the relationship and trust between people, and the opposite sex conversation, you can intentionally create a little physical contact opportunities, such as touching each other’s arms to remind, there are carts passing, be careful, etc.. If he brought a group of friends and relatives, such as sister, aunt and so on, you may wish to gently put your hand on each other’s arm for about 2 seconds or so, this small action can make the back of the other side of the brain to secrete a happy instruction. It makes the other person inexplicably feel good about you when they think of you.

6: Create an “opening”

Instead of letting someone awkwardly strike up a conversation with you, create something of your own. After all, it is difficult for both parties to find a reason to talk. You can prepare a little prop in advance, a book, wear a nice pin, a new cell phone you just bought, or bring a question to ask him …… all of which can be the topic of conversation. For each other, getting acquainted as soon as possible is like a political task. All you do is make that task go without turning each other off.

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