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Marriage is no longer sweet? 11 moves to consolidate the feelings of couples

What to do if a couple is running out of affection? The gradual loss of affection between couples is very detrimental to maintaining a marriage, but it is a common problem that many couples will encounter. The loss of the sweet feelings of the past certainly cannot be left to chance, teaching you 11 tricks to consolidate the couple’s feelings.

What to do if you don’t have feelings for each other anymore (tips to strengthen your relationship)

1, often recall the hot love. The first thing you need to do is to remember what it was like to be in love before you got married, which can evoke feelings of empathy.

2. Arrange another “honeymoon”. The first thing you need to do is to take advantage of the holidays and arrange a “honeymoon” of varying length each year to recreate a small world of love that will continue to make waves.

3. Celebrate commemorative holidays. The wedding anniversary, each other’s birthday, and the anniversary of the engagement are important days in the history of the couple’s love, and should be commemorated in an appropriate form so that both parties can feel the deep love.

4. Learn to please your lover. The woman should be as gentle and virtuous as ever after marriage, and care for her husband, while the man should be attentive to his wife’s inner feelings and learn some skills to please her.

5. Pay attention to your own image. Some people, after marriage, no longer dress, look, etc., do not trim. In fact, pay attention to their own image, not only to please each other, but also in public for each other to win the face of the need.

6. Prevent your children from taking away your love. It is necessary to show love to your children, but that does not mean that you should give up your ongoing emotional investment in your loved one. That would not only affect the couple’s relationship by leaving the loved one out in the cold, but it would also cast a shadow over the family.

7. Leave something personal. It’s not a good idea to “come clean” with your current lover about your past personal relationship history, as it will not help to improve your relationship, but will lead to an avoidable relationship crisis.

8. Make an appropriate parting. Consciously leave each other for a period of time, deliberately cultivate both sides to miss their loved ones, and then cheerfully get together. Most couples have had such a psychological experience, usually then get along with each other, once separated, miss each other. The reason for this is simple: separation provides favorable conditions for both parties to think calmly about the problem. The reason for this is simply that the separation provides an opportunity for both parties to think calmly about the issue, and it is common for people to have the psychological ability to recall things from the past over time with a certain instinct for good and evil, and for pleasant things to come to the fore.

9. List each other’s strengths

American psychologists have a three-week program called Improving Couples’ Relationships, to Couples who are not getting along ask themselves to find one good thing about each other every day for 3 weeks and tell each other about it. The first few days may feel a little awkward, but after a few days it will be natural. By the end of day 21, most couples find it surprisingly easy to list each other’s strengths.

10. Look at things differently

A study by psychologists found that about half of the couples whose relationship had faded were Half or so just because of each other’s strong personalities, the result is that each other do not get along with each other very awkward. In fact, we always look at it from a different perspective and find that there are actually many things that do not involve right and wrong and principles, so do not take these too seriously. If you can do it without demanding each other and change yourself first, I believe that the relationship crisis between the couple will not be easy to form.

11. Love Covenant

A couple often argued about some minor things, and then the husband

1. The couple should be patient with each other in all things;

2. 2. if you disagree and want to speak up, leave each other for a while;

3. couples should treat each other with honesty;

5. if one partner is unhappy, the other should think of ways to help the other forget the unhappiness;

5. if one partner is unhappy, the other should think of ways to help the other forget the unhappiness;

6. Every night before going to bed the couple should check each other’s events of the day and plan tomorrow’s events together. Sure enough, after they did this, the couple’s life became much more harmonious than before. The restraining effect of the love covenant is especially evident for couples with impatient natures and high self-esteem.

Signs of a couple without affection

< strong>No more sweet talk

It is well known that it is easier to get along with a couple when they sweet talk their wife, add some flirtatious and amusing spices, and compliment her without missing a beat.

The way you speak to your spouse is one of the elements that make up the harmony of a couple’s relationship. Expressing a meaning can be done in many ways, depending on how you say it. If you are no longer interested in sweet-talking your partner, this is a bad sign.

Particularly keen on social events

Both people are busy going to various balls or parties among friends to avoid intimate contact between the two. When the two are alone at home, they always leave the TV on and don’t want to talk much.

Shy away from putting a picture of the two of you on the table

The room There are no photos of you together, and if there are, they are haphazardly placed in a pile of clutter under the bed, covered in dust. This is when you need to do some soul-searching.

The clothes you wore on your first date no longer fit

A U.S. A study revealed that of the 2,500 women interviewed who claimed to be in a discordant and unhappy relationship with their spouses, each gained an average of 54 pounds in the 10 years after marriage. Richard, the psychologist who conducted the study, analyzed, “Weight gain for some women increases their dominance and fulfillment in the home, while for others it protects them from unwanted sexual harassment and, of course, much less interest from their husbands.”

Are you quietly waiting for the day to leave

“Sometimes I want to leave him. But I never dare to think about it more because I don’t know what people will think of me and it makes it difficult for me to blame myself for thinking about it and not being focused on him.” If you have these thoughts from time to time, your marriage is in danger.

Reluctance to take a long vacation with your partner

Together in a tourist destination Vacationing is an enviable and beautiful thing to do. But if a vacation is only chosen as a short break, it means no desire to stay with your partner for too long, which is sometimes a sign of a rift in a relationship.

Two people stop arguing

“That’s the worst sign,” says Ms. Lee, “that young couples who argue all day are instead more likely to live together than couples who have anger bottled up in their stomachs. Arguing at least shows that you still have enthusiasm and the courage to communicate sincerely. And that lazy, cold silence is the biggest sign of divorce. There are two kinds of quarrels between couples: the first is indignant, once the anger is gone, everything is peaceful; the second is indifferent, at this point it is overturned and irrevocable.

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