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Marriage emotional problems how to do

Marriage and family is the flower garden of love, and the flower garden should have enough space to grow and planted in a planned way, sometimes turning the soil, sometimes fertilizing, sometimes transplanting, sometimes eradicating. The flowers are planted depending on the season, the season is different, the flowers are different, married life also has four seasons of change, each season has different difficulties and dangers, and the meaning of danger, is not the “crisis in the crisis”? So the love flower should be carefully irrigated, if you let it grow with the weeds, it will be messed up and die, let it suffer the wind and sun, will not grow well, but hard irrigation, full preparation, patience and waiting, sooner or later toil will have results. Marriage emotional problems have been a lot of couples haunted by the problem, if the business is not good, then it means divorce. So married people are still very much focused on the emotional problems of marriage. Let’s go over how to run it together.

Give men the right amount of space

Don’t think that when men get married, they There is no more personal space for himself and no opportunity to go out and socialize with his friends. When a man in the excitement, actually need some time to communicate with friends, women too much repressed love sometimes let men breathe, do not put all the energy into their husbands. The specific approach is: moderate to give men a little space, let’s say he wants to go to drink with his buddies, or to attend the unit dinner, or to go to Karaoke with friends, to play self-drive with donkeys, let him go, grasp the degree can be.

Caution with nagging

Nagging is the most men most Bored, when the son often have to listen to the mother’s nagging, married to become a husband also have to listen to the wife’s nagging, scared many men dare not go home. In this regard, women not only have annoying things, men also have unhappy times, when men are unhappy, women do not prevent first put down their own those annoying things, talk about some happy, let their men happy, so that it is easy to do mutual understanding.

How to resolve a crisis

Friends who have entered the siege will have either When there is a marital crisis, some people will be positive to resolve, some will be negative to avoid. If it is positive to resolve, then not only can resolve the marital crisis, but also to strengthen the relationship between the marriage. If you want to be a part of a marriage, you can be a part of a marriage that is dying and breaking up.

Psychologists believe that if the marriage is not dying, then it is better not to divorce because it will not only hurt both spouses, but also the children. So, how to defuse the crisis of marriage? In fact, as long as you understand the following few principles, then you can certainly turn the crisis into peace and make the relationship between the marriage to the next level!

1. Believe in yourself

Each person is responsible for their own attitude. Strive to think positively about the solution to the problem, to believe in yourself that there must be a way to turn a bad marriage in the right direction, and to make the choice to act.

2. True love is invincible

True love is the most powerful weapon to change the world. Have the patience and faith to give true love and help your spouse and yourself find a good rhythm in your marriage together.

3. Influence others

Convince yourself that I can’t change people, but I can influence them. The closer people are to each other, the easier it is to influence each other, and good influences between spouses can take effect just as easily as bad ones.

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