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Marriage also has a temperature measurement of your wedding smoke a few degrees

Marriage is like the body temperature, there is a normal temperature range, too high will marriage fever, causing disease, too low will leave both sides in a cold war, and reached a certain point, it will declare the death of marriage, so it is necessary to keep the marriage at the right temperature, so that the couple coexist warmly.

Marriage, like human body temperature, needs a normal temperature; above 37 degrees Celsius, it leads to fever, which causes disease; below 37 degrees Celsius, it is indifferent, and the freezing point of extreme cold is most likely to frostbite the marriage. 37 degrees Celsius is just right. The temperature is right, and the couple is always in a warm and welcoming state.

Linking the Marriage Thermometer

Here’s a brief, proven, and effective strategy designed by Dr. Stanley, USA

1. Small arguments suddenly turn into big fights, with each other cursing viciously and rehashing old scores.

2. My lover will ignore my opinions, feelings and needs.

3. My words or actions are often perceived as malicious by my partner.

4. We always seem to be on opposite sides when there is a problem that needs to be solved.

5. I can’t tell my partner what I really think and feel very naturally.

6. I often imagine what it would be like to have a different lover.

7. I feel lonely in my marital relationship.

8. When we fight, there is always one party who doesn’t want to talk anymore and starts to run away or leave the scene.

Scoring criteria

For each question 1 point for “never” or “rarely”, 2 points for “occasionally”, and 3 points for “often”. 3 points.

When the scores for each question are added together, if the total score is 8-12, your marriage is at a constant and healthy temperature; if the total score is 13-17, your marriage needs to be If the total score is over 18, your marriage needs to make adjustments right away.

Marriage above 37 degrees Celsius – Temperature profile: Whether expressing affection or confronting each other, it always likes to maintain a fiery temperature.

My marriage is always on the verge of melting down

My marriage is always on the verge of melting down

In Facebook, I’m known as a “flower protector”, but this flower is my wife, Ning, of course, and I’m willing to be her sidekick, go shopping with her, and follow her to the salon to get her hair done. It is no exaggeration to say that A Ning buy shoes are I help her choose, when she put the new shoes on her feet, I also have to squat down, bend over, personally pinch her new shoes to see whether the foot pinch, even the waiter aside are envious eyes shining. I get off work every day, out of the unit, straight into the supermarket or grocery store, full of thoughts of what good food to do for A Ning to eat tonight. The first thing you need to do is to go to the market after work. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Women’s hearts are really like needles in the sea and clouds in the sky, so you can’t understand them. The first thing that I did was to take a look at the newest version of the book, which is still the same after the wedding, but I was bored with it, especially because I was too sticky for her. For example, A Ning to go out at night and friends party, I would have been kind and wanted to go with her, one is worried that she is not safe walking at night, the second is because A Ning is a heartless person, belong to the kind of people sold her she also have to say thank you to the main child, so I am more concerned about her friendship circle. But A Ning stubbornly believes that I am watching her whereabouts. Also, Ning is “road blind”, she knows nothing but left and right, no sense of direction. Once she went to a meeting, the meeting place in the suburbs outside the hotel, I guess she almost finished the meeting, I pinpointed the time to drive to pick her up, but she was severely reprimanded, “Why don’t you just turn me into a pin and carry it in your pocket, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Look how deep this misunderstanding is! I’m obviously concerned out of love, but she sees it as a restriction on her freedom, saying I’m “draining” her of her personal space.

Because of my “high temperature,” Ning and I had a lot of trouble with each other, and while some wives think their husbands don’t care about them, Ning thinks I do too much. The classic action is: her eyebrows wrinkled into a Sichuan character, a roll of the eyes, disdainfully said to me, “Can you learn to be mentally independent, away from me? You are my husband, not an assistant.” I don’t get it, when I was in love, Ning wanted me to stick behind her all the time, how come once I got married I became a redundant sidekick?

Marriage tag: You can’t cross the line in everything, and that’s especially true in love. The partner is too hot care, will gradually each other as their own “private things”, the person may not be able to feel it personally, but for the other party, the heat is unbearable. It is as if the soil cannot survive the sun’s rays, but the constant, harsh shine can dry it out and cause a terrible drought.

His flooding “heat” burns my self-esteem

His flooding “heat” burns my self-esteem

My confusion and worries now are quite a bit like paying for my vanity at the beginning. When I fell in love, Meng Jie’s handsomeness, romance and understanding of women’s that heart, attracted me deeply. If these appearances are only for me alone, that is lucky, but Meng Jie is quite womanly, married he is still and other women, ambiguous entanglement, whether the other side of the matter is big or small, Meng Jie will be punctual and amorous appear in the first scene. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

What I can’t stand is Meng Jie’s neglect of me. When his “redhead” was hospitalized after a fall, Meng Jie was able to buy a bouquet of expensive flowers and send them to the hospital, forgetting that it was my birthday. The first time I saw you, I forgot that it was my birthday. Romance is only suitable for pre-marriage, after marriage and then play romance, especially with other women, when the romance becomes a strong ultraviolet ray, more expensive “sunscreen” is also difficult to resist its damage to our marriage. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, such as the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet.

Meng Jie thought he was right, not just a little closer to the “red” and a little romantic in his bones. And did not do anything out of the ordinary. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public, such as the Internet, the Internet, and the Internet.

Marriage Tags: Too much romance and enthusiasm can easily lead to frivolous misunderstandings, and romance in particular requires a degree of precision. Respect for each other is especially important in marriage, and when one’s excessive romance brings distress to one’s partner, or even threatens the very foundation of the marriage, it is time to make the necessary trade-offs.

Marriage below 37 degrees Celsius – temperature characteristics: no communication when things go wrong, despair in the marriage, and a marriage that is always in the cold of the freezing point.

Shunning creates a “respectful” family model by Dea/Female 32 years old

I had a heartbreaking relationship when I was 20 years old. At that time, my ex-boyfriend and I were engaged and living together, waiting to get older to get married with a license. But who knows, my ex-boyfriend and my parents in the business because of money problems occurred, I was caught in the middle of a very difficult, one side is the biological parents, the other side is the beloved lover, I do not want to offend anyone, but must make a choice, I eventually favored the family. My ex-boyfriend did not understand my difficulties, he insisted on his own judgment, saying that I was protecting my mother’s family and not doing him justice at the critical moment. When my ex-boyfriend offered to back out of the marriage, I couldn’t handle it. My father was furious and my ex-boyfriend got into a big fight and the two families got into quite a heated argument. My ex-boyfriend and I eventually broke up.

After this relationship, I was so hurt and “notorious” that I became a “leftover girl” who didn’t know what was right and wrong and who was all about protecting the shortcomings. The actual “leftover”. But deep down I still love my ex-boyfriend, not to mention that Lai Rui is no better than his ex-boyfriend, he has no ability, no appearance, even the most basic height is not as good as his ex-boyfriend, in short, he is a bland man, but he is my best husband candidate, because he is willing to be my parents’ “door-to-door son-in-law”. After I got married and really lived with Lai Rui, I realized that I didn’t love someone, but had to live with each other, which was more painful than cutting my flesh with a dull knife. I also heard my ex-boyfriend mocking Lai Rui in front of everyone, the implication being that a big man is a “son-in-law”, which shows how unproductive he is and how overbearing and unreasonable my family is.

Lili is not a fool, he heard these rumors, he also felt the gap between the two of us, his way to solve the conflict is simple – to escape. In the beginning, he worked endlessly in the unit overtime, often staying out all night, then, the unit built an office in the provinces, Lai Rui volunteered to apply for permanent residence in the field. From then on, we started the “cowherd and weaver” life in different places. Sometimes Lai Rui does not go home for a month or two, even when he returns, but also a very cold face and indifferent look, he has a complaint against me, I am also dissatisfied with him. The word “respect each other like ice” apparently applies most to our marriage.

Marriage tag: The most important thing to avoid in a couple’s love is to compare the current one with the previous one, and to maintain the marriage with the seemingly polite “respect for each other as ice”, which is more harmful than good for oneself and others. The past emotions, no matter how unforgettable. The past emotions, no matter how unforgettable, should be treated as a passing fog, the wise will choose to forget yesterday and move forward. The only way to get the most out of a marriage is to compare it to a marriage that’s in a bitter “freezer”.

With wife “three different views”, too lazy to communicate

Nowadays, we all love to get together and flirt with the idea of harmony between husband and wife with “three views”, as if this is the only way for the couple to be considered in harmony, but it is too difficult to do so. Take the wife Qianru’s loud voice, a woman should be soft as water, and her mouth, no matter how good or bad words, the tone of voice to the “lion’s roar” state, the worse is that she spoke with my parents is also the same, biological parents can understand you, but in-laws are, after all, a layer of kinship. I have communicated with Qianru many times, hoping that she can change this problem, but unfortunately, my words have not yet landed, Qianru is anxious, rapid speed of speech like a machine gun, said she from

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