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Love test how a woman should respond to the junior?

Marriage has no room for betrayal. But society is full of temptations, and the biggest enemy of marital happiness is the mistress. As a woman, for the “junior” attitude, how do you treat it? The following, I and everyone together to discuss how to face the third woman.

One, every woman may face a mistress or become a mistress

Confronted with the brutal cut into marital life, most women are angry, frightened and confused, in the case of Standard Chartered junior, either the hero or heroine, or Standard Chartered junior, all interpreted in an elegant way the attitude of love or marriage when faced with a three-person situation. When we talk about the special group of “mistress”, we mostly hold a contemptuous attitude. They are indeed part of the pursuit of money or profit, and will do anything to destroy other people’s beautiful families, endangering the stability and unity of society. This behavior is disgraceful, the wrong mistress is the destroyer of love and marriage. According to a 2005 emotional survey data from an American magazine: 15% to 20% of men and women have problems in their relationships due to third party meddling, the mistress has become a special landscape and a topic of conversation after dinner in this era.

The behavior of men looking for a mistress seems to be taken for granted, when the happy and happy combination of free marriage, after three, five or even ten or eight years, most inevitably have “psychological fatigue” or “aesthetic fatigue”. The “aesthetic fatigue” feeling, the need to change a more taste or to meet the man’s desire to conquer. However, feelings of betrayal of the identity or expectations of men and women are often not equal: there are already wives and children of men stealing a woman is just tired of eating fried noodles want to change the rice; and most of the mistress is alone chewing lonely, eager to have a home before deciding to dedicate themselves. But dedication for a home, this is the fate of most of the junior. But through this elegant battle for love, the man promised the mistress that he would wait firmly and stand behind her. The woman was dissuaded by her husband and her mistress, and we can see the result.

If you look at this from a purely love perspective, the difference between right and wrong for a mistress cannot be generalized. As a woman, have you ever reverse thought about the question: because of the appearance of the junior, making love superior and inferior, to achieve the optimal allocation of marital resources? As Standard Chartered junior to Rui Xin female reply letter, “also as a woman, I want to ask you, do not you deserve a better life? If there is something worse than lying in the arms of someone else’s husband, it is lying in the arms of a man who hates you, doesn’t support you and wants to leave you at every opportunity.”

II. How a woman should choose in the face of a mistress

The mistress’ The appearance of a mistress is a test of your love and marriage, your love superiority and inferiority. The mistress is likely to appear in your life. So as a woman, how should you face the mistress:

1, if you still want him

For this man, if you have a good emotional foundation and if you have been deeply in love with him, then his finding a mistress is forgivable, or at least you should give him a chance to choose between you and the mistress. According to a long time tracking survey data from an authoritative emotional website, at least 80% of men looking for a mistress is not deliberate. When the man back to your side, you must consider: what is wrong with your life? Every man has a reason for finding a mistress. He may have told you: he hates everything your parents have arranged for you, depriving him of the opportunity to show himself; you never give him face; your unchanging hairstyle bores him; the love you give is too heavy and he can’t afford it a bit ……

Knowing the keys to these marital problems, you have to make the effort. If you love him, give him some space and help him solve the problems between him and his mistress. Look at your emotions with a normal heart and your married life will slowly go on the right track.

For this mistress, you have to try to keep your mind stable, and it is the perfect mindset of a high achiever not to get upset when things go wrong.

2. If you don’t need him

Facing a man you don’t want the man. The love and marriage that is about to be in ruins, instead of dying, let go as soon as possible, which is responsible for yourself as well as your lover, and do not let the children and the elderly bind you to the pursuit of happiness and freedom. You have to do the graceful turn of a woman to find a new life. As Eileen Chang once said, “It’s just a man”. And he is just a man who doesn’t love you now, a man who can’t give you happiness, so how much more can you expect.

The presence of a mistress tests the attitude of a man who is responsible for your love and marriage. It is this woman who makes you see earlier that he is not able to support you later in life.

In that case, it’s time to let go decisively. As Yishu wrote in “The First Half of My Life”, the heroine woke up after her marriage broke up, making her independent and eventually finding her next stop of happiness. Since you don’t want him, tell them blandly: If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be as strong and independent as I am now, but that doesn’t mean thanks, because the hurt was real.

As for the mistress, her appearance saved your hopeless marriage and gave you a chance to choose happiness and change your life again. Now that you have chosen to turn around, bless her with grace.

Three, not actively testing love and not afraid of love being tested

The social environment, which is full of “mistresses”, has promoted the superiority of love and integrated the optimal allocation of marital resources. This does not mean that we agree with or support the behavior of the triad, and not to incite women’s desire for a triad, but from the height of the socialization process to look at the social marriage environment full of triads. The existence of the triad also advances the optimal allocation of social marital resources.

Because of those persistent mistresses, women in love recognize whether the one who is temporarily with her is worthy of a lifelong partner, and after serious thinking and testing, find the man who is truly right for them. At the same time, many resentful couples are not responsible enough for their own and their spouse’s lives, consuming each other in unhappy marriages because of issues such as property, children, parents, and reputation, and the emergence of mistresses has accelerated the destruction of these sick marital relationships.

As a normal-minded, mentally healthy woman with no bad habits like stealing or robbing love, you need to do the following: don’t actively test love, but don’t fear love being tested either.

A quality woman is not about how strong her career is, how pretty she looks, how much property she has, what kind of social status and family background she has, but about having the courage to start over, no matter what time and circumstances. Not afraid to lose.

There are times when loss may also be positive for your life. For example, she was interviewed by Teresa Xie, whose ex-husband is a famous Taiwanese musician, Ji Zhongping, and her mistress is a popular singer in the 90s, Chen Mingzhen, who lost hearing in both ears and had her entire fortune taken away by an employee during the divorce. But now in the mainland, but the career than before, and become the first stylist in Taiwan. She said calmly, “Because of this experience, I know what to cherish and understand where my abilities are to be who I am now.”

While we don’t need to make a pretense of thanking the man or woman who hurt you, we need to know how to be grateful for such a life experience that allows us to recognize the people around us, realize our true value, and take the initiative to explode into a small explosion without any reliance on the universe, perfect this short period of life. These are the things that women never get to do when they rely on men.

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