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Love psychology: men play ambiguous how to do?

The world of relationships is complex, and many girls in relationships have suffered from men playing ambiguous, and some men are prodigal gentry who like to play ambiguous. So women, when you face such a man you should do it? The first thing you need to do is to accept or reject it.

1.Figure out what the other party is after

What you can’t get Always the best, many men prefer to maintain an ambiguous relationship with some girls when they are chasing them. This is because what is too easy to get to is not worth cherishing, men are willing to spend money and energy for you, is trying to conquer you, and once in hand, the attitude towards you will immediately flip. The girl is playing ambiguous with the man, to find out what the other party’s purpose is, if it is such a man, the girl who can not afford to play better to refuse before it is too late.

2, make a stand

In the love field, there is such a The most important thing is that you have to be able to get the most out of your relationship. While maintaining an ambiguous relationship with you, he may maintain such a relationship with n women. And his purpose is very simple, is the ginger fish, to see which of you will be hooked. And not to establish a relationship with you is just afraid that after you get tired of playing, it will be a bit of trouble to get rid of you.

3, you are not ambiguous, he is not obscure

Women in drinking the opposite sex dating The time to pay attention to whether their behavior will make each other misunderstood, if you do not like each other, do not say some ambiguous words, and do not do some actions that will make people misunderstand. The interaction between men and women is very simple, you come and go. If the man feels that you are interested in him, he will naturally accompany the end. So, if you don’t like each other, draw the line clearly.

4. Women should be clean

Women are vain. Especially good-looking women. If there are more people around to pursue, the more her vanity can be satisfied. So, they generally do not accept the pursuit of men, but also do not refuse. Such a woman is not a good woman in the eyes of men, will make him feel that you are a person who likes to use feelings as a tool for fun. Since you yourself are so irresponsible about your feelings, how can he be serious about you?

When you face a man who plays ambiguous, women you should respect and love yourself, women should clean themselves. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

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