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Love long run why the more run the more fruitless

Two people have been in love for a long time and are deeply familiar with everything about each other, love has become affection, why often in the end, but did not wait for a good result? You know, why does your boyfriend not want to marry you?

1. Fear of marriage

A man who has been in love for a long time is still unwilling to marry It’s not because he doesn’t love you enough, it’s probably because he has a fear of marriage and is not mentally prepared to walk into it.

In modern society, divorce rates are skyrocketing and people no longer trust marriage. In the past, I thought marriage would last, and I could keep the other person by my side, but now there are all kinds of temptations all over the place, whether men or women will not be able to resist the temptation to cheat. Sometimes men start to fear marriage when they see their friends around them getting married and divorced.

2, not prepared for the idea

Don’t think you suddenly Once you say you want to get married men get excited. You said so suddenly, it is not like giving a man a sudden attack. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Before you are ready to propose to him to get married, you may want to give him a little more time to prepare his mind, for example, often mention around him some of the happiness of people after marriage and so on, give him a hint, by the way tiktok whether he is ready to get married.

3. Fear of commitment

Don’t think that men are brave enough. In fact, men are also cowardly. Many men are afraid of commitment, is afraid to be responsible for their commitment. And the cells that don’t want to be responsible are basically the same as testosterone, rooted in the male genes, the difference being that some men have more of it and some men have less of it.

Marriage means commitment, it means you’re going to be good to this person, treat her well, and be with her for the rest of your life. This commitment is too long term, like a shackle that ties him down, and men don’t want to hitch their whole life so quickly.

4. Fear of changing his life style

People are not very If you don’t understand, look around you at colleagues who complain about their jobs every day but still haven’t changed jobs. The reason is that they have been used to it for years, and it takes some time to readjust if they suddenly switch, and many people don’t want to change their life style in this way.

Marriage means that these two people are going to live together, and more likely, as a family, together. Problems such as in-laws and private life come one after another. You have to adapt to each other’s bad habits. Everything seems to be good for each other in love, but not necessarily after marriage. If a man has decided to change his life style, then he is ready to get married.

5. Don’t want to give up the whole forest

Many men are very philandering He can have many girlfriends and many sexual partners, but his wife can only have one. Let him give up the whole forest and enter the grave of marriage, many men are not happy. Although not all men like three wives and four concubines, but marriage is equal to give up the right to choose is an indisputable fact. If you were in the position of a boutique, would you like to enter only one of the boutiques in your lifetime?

So a man would rather be negative to you than to the whole forest.

6. Too much pressure

Relationship is a two-person thing, and you can You can go out every day for a big meal, you can go out every night to go crazy, you can be a moonlighter …… Getting married is a matter for two families. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of days to get a lot more than just a couple of days. But marriage is different, you may look more at both sides when the door is right, when suitable to be your wife.

When you are in love, you don’t have to bear too much burden, but after marriage is different, after marriage you have to shoulder the responsibility of the whole family. Nowadays, most of the post-80s are only children, and you two couples have to shoulder the burden of supporting four elderly people, which is a heavy burden, too much pressure.

7, don’t love you

If none of the above is the reason your boyfriend doesn’t

If none of the above is the reason why your boyfriend is not willing to marry you, then there is only one, and that is that he simply does not love you.

People’s sense of responsibility is getting lower and lower, and what used to be from one to the other is now like a laughing stock, and whoever says so is old-fashioned. If a man loves you enough, then he will never run away, he will be more nervous than you, hoping to pull you in to the marriage hall and make you the only one for himself. If he loves you enough, he will take on all the responsibility and love you well for the rest of his life.

Please don’t shy away from this topic, many men nowadays have a playful attitude towards relationships and have no intention of getting married. If you find that your man is such a kind of mixer, then you are advised to break up early to find your own happiness. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

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