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Love him: also to give him sweet words

Many women think that only women need to be coaxed, and that sweet talk is for women, and that men are big men who don’t need sweet talk, but that’s not true, because men are stressed and tired, and they need women’s care, and sometimes they need a little sweet talk.

It’s easy to ignore each other after being together for a long time, and sweet talk is important

Living long enough to unknowingly ignore the sacrifices and efforts made by the other person for themselves and gradually take them for granted, this taken-for-granted attitude will over time allow the other person to build up resentment, leading to dissatisfaction and conflicts arising from it. From a psychological point of view, the language of emotion allows the other party to get the greatest emotional satisfaction. The fact that a person is not emotionally satisfied for a long time will not only lead to depression, but also may cause a series of psychological disorders and mental illnesses, so sweet words are important even after marriage.

How should you use sweet talk between two people?

It’s simple – respond positively. A positive response, as the name implies, is a timely, positive, positive, enthusiastic verbal or physical response from one partner when the other does something.

Think about it: If you come home from a busy day and are excited to share something good that happened to you, or sad to tell him what happened to you, you want him to smile and say, “You’re lucky today! You’ll want him to smile and say, “You’re lucky today!” You’ll want him to smile and say, “You’re so lucky today!” or touch your head thoughtfully and say, “Don’t cry, I’ll feel sorry for you.” But if he just coldly said “Oh.” And what will be your reaction? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

By the same token, men need a positive response from you, too. Do not think that you are a woman can recklessly enjoy his good to you, if one day he is tired of such a one-man show …… In fact, positive response whether in interpersonal relationships, relationships, marriage, and even in the family education is also important. Some parents often complain that their children do not love to talk to them at home, but a large part of the reason is that when the child initially confided in you, you had cold feet, or ridiculed him, stopped him, a number of times the child is not willing to say anything. If you had listened with interest and responded positively when your child talked to you about things with classmates and teachers, they certainly would not have been silent in front of you.

How do you respond positively in your married life?

1. Show gratitude to your significant other and be thankful

Many people think that since they are married, they are their own people and their own people don’t need to be thanked, and that thanking them instead seems rusty. But research by psychosocial researcher Algie shows that gratitude can influence the relationship between couples, and that the number and sincerity of expressions of gratitude are directly proportional to a couple’s satisfaction with their married life.

The experiment asked couples to express gratitude to their significant other every night for two weeks, while rating relationship satisfaction and couple tightness. And the results showed that the more they thanked their partner for that day, the better the relationship felt, and the more connected they felt to their partner, and the more satisfied they were with their relationship the next day. In addition, their partners were more satisfied with their relationship on that day and felt more connected to each other.

So showing gratitude to your significant other, rather than taking their help and acts of kindness for granted, strengthens the relationship and achieves harmony over time. When he is lifting heavy things, helping you share household chores, making milk for you, taking care of you when you are sick …… have you ever expressed gratitude? You don’t have to say “thank you”, it’s enough to respond with sweet words like “you’re so nice”.

2. The hostess should maintain positive emotions to make family life easier

So-called positive emotions are things like, joy, gratitude, peace, attention, expectation, pride, self-gratification, being inspired, awe, and love. Psychologist Fred. Ricketson found that positive emotions (even if brief) expand our thinking and allow us to connect more closely with other people.

The happiness of a family has a lot to do with the personality of the matriarch who holds the barometer of that family. If the matriarch is warm, funny, and cheerful, then the atmosphere of the family is relaxed and enjoyable. If the hostess is cold, withdrawn and neurotic, then the atmosphere of the family is cold and in a state of tension at all times.

So it is important for the matriarch, as the head of the family, to maintain positive emotions, and the key to learning positive emotions is in responding in a positive way. When your husband and children come home, actively interact with them, when they share with you the trivialities of work and life, respond in a timely manner, seriously give attitude and advice, so that they feel important inside, but also can realize that you are important to them, so that they mentally rely on you and trust you. And what you get in return is their willingness to respond positively and positively to your confidences as well.

Some women will say things like, “I can’t do all the housework, so I don’t want to listen to them, why don’t I let them do some of the housework for me, I’m exhausted from a long day at work and I just want to sleep ……. The words pond stuffed. In fact, doing housework is to keep the home clean and tidy, work is also to make the family life better, which is not in conflict with the family mood, you can let them do housework with you together with chat, or simply put down housework for the time being, because the other party’s desire to talk is short-lived, and housework can be done at any time.

3. Respond and keep to yourself too

Social psychologist Valiland’s research found that partners retain their selves while becoming closer, contributing to the development of mature relationships. Such intimacy allows each other to continue to nurture their respective hobbies rather than repressing themselves and becoming overly dependent on each other. Keeping your ego positive in response will allow you to take a stand and have a point of view in every response and not stray from the surface, allowing the other person to feel flattered and you to respond willingly rather than in a forced form.

4. Make the other person feel loved and respond

Women are The first thing you need to do is to be able to use your own personal computer. For couples, if one side has too much psychological advantage, it will sooner or later make the side that pays more feel unbalanced and the marriage crisis will appear at any time. Although couples do not have to be too careful to calculate who gave how much, but if one party endlessly demanding, so that the other party feel that their own efforts and efforts are always not recognized and affirmed, will not feel the need to continue to give. The most important thing to do is to take the time to reflect on yourself and prevent any problems before they occur.

Even if you are beautiful and rich, there is no reason for you to make your lover give endlessly. A single overriding of the other is tantamount to emotional abuse of him. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items. The ideal way for couples to get along is to let each other feel that his love can always be responded to, and his self-esteem can be inflated in front of you, not in front of you to doubt their own merits and lower their self-worth. Only then will he love without complaint.

The right way to respond positively

1. Praise your partner for his good performance

When your partner is informed with good news, you have to act happier than your partner and praise him to give him great satisfaction in spirit. Especially for men, getting praise and admiration from their loved ones gives them a sense of accomplishment more than the actual good news. Beyond that, stay focused and actively engaged during the conversation, and use body language to express your interest and excitement!

2. Bring your partner out of an emotional slump

When your lover has a lot of negative When there are a lot of emotions, be patient and listen, learn to empathize, and give him comfort and release with hugs and good sex. Show him that you trust him and show weakness accordingly to stir up his energy to overcome stress.

3. Pay attention to the details and respond with details

Psychologist Fred. Ricketson suggests trying to pay attention to the little moments of life between couples, especially events that your partner hangs on to or has mentioned. These details are very important in times of conflict between couples, and can be used to evoke your partner’s attachment to married life and awareness of his place in your heart. This is a very effective positive response, and one that is easy to overlook the longer a couple lives, but if done, it can lead to the most tacit and strongest couple relationship.

4. Make your verbal expression as beautiful and fragrant as a rose

Drop the hurtful words that often come out of your mouth, such as “that’s who you are”, “you don’t love me at all”, “I know what you’re doing”, and use a pleasant tone to quickly The distance between each other. Don’t put on a bad face in front of your lover, or use a half-hearted tone to bring psychological rainy weather to your lover, and don’t treat the family atmosphere with bad mood. If you need to criticize your partner, start softly so that you can effectively get your lover to put down his or her defenses and counterattacks and listen to your views and suggestions. Whether you are speaking, or responding, always remind yourself to pay attention to your lover’s expressions, especially the expression of body language, and adjust your phrasing in time.

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