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Love field in the top 10 scum pull black not hesitate

What woman hasn’t met a scumbag or two? If you are constantly freaking out inside: “Why do I want to be with this kind of man! It means that you have probably met a scum man. The more scum the man will control you, for their own happiness or to break up as soon as possible for the good. A breakdown of the top 10 scum men in the love scene, found pulling black not hesitate.

Women in love are most afraid of meeting scum, but who has not fallen in love with one or two scum? The most fear is that in a relationship with a scum, you do not know that he is scum, and do not even know that they are controlled. The cunning scumbag will twist your thoughts, actions, and desires to make you fit more into his world and mold you to serve his own purposes. Scary, isn’t it? So, before recognizing a scumbag, these are the phenomena worth noting, and you want to make sure these don’t happen to you.

Warning #1: He’ll blame you for his insecurities

The scumbag often blames you for his insecurities in order to control your reaction to him. For example, “The reason I don’t let you have guy friends is because I’ve been unfaithful by my girlfriend. You can understand me, right?” Yes, of course you can understand, but no matter what he says, he shouldn’t dictate your social relationships.

“I’m sorry I did that stupid thing, but I was just so scared you would leave me!” This is a common excuse for the scumbag when you accuse him of overdoing it. The main purpose of this excuse is to get you to stop focusing on the awful thing he did and instead understand his misbehavior. But it’s important to note that there is a clear distinction between genuine concern and “being controlled by a scumbag”: concern comes out of love, while “being controlled” comes out of guilt.

Warning #2: He will make you feel guilty and guilty about everything.

The reason you are controlled often starts with guilt. If the scumbag can convince you and make you feel guilty about your actions (even if you didn’t do anything wrong at all), then he knows you’ll be more willing to do what he says. For example, “I mean, dinner was fine, even though it wasn’t what I hoped for, and I probably would have preferred something else, but as long as you’re happy, that’s totally fine with me. I love you, so it’s important to me that you feel happy, even if it makes me set aside what I want.”

Do you hear what he’s saying? Understand how he makes you feel guilty? On the surface, he’s a boyfriend made for love, yet a dramatic reminder: guilt is not something a loved one should experience. Scumbags also try to make you feel like they are trying to “love you”, so you are more than willing to set aside your own wishes to satisfy them to make yourself feel like “I love him as much as he loves me”. This is a very sick “hook-up”.

Warning #3: He’ll make you question yourself

Wonder Why are you so easily controlled by a scumbag? Because the scum “raped” you with his logic, you no longer trust your own judgment. The actual fact is, the scumbag took advantage of your “uncertainty” and used it to deal with you. He constantly points out your “mistakes” and emphasizes that he can do better. He points out your weaknesses and then tells you that with his help, you can do better and be a better version of yourself.

Slowly, he convinces you that he has you in the palm of his hand, that he’s focused on your best interests, when in reality he doesn’t. He only holds himself in his heart and cares only about himself. They slowly twist your mind until you see him as a guide in every aspect of your life. Once that happens so, then basically whatever the scumbag tells you to do, because now you trust him more than you trust yourself.

Warning #4: He will make you responsible for his emotions

The scumbag The guy spends a lot of time making you feel like you can’t think on your own and have to ask his advice on everything – but then, ironically, he turns around and makes you responsible for his negative emotions. For example, if he’s sad, he’ll think you made him sad, and if he’s angry, then you better check yourself, because clearly you did something wrong. They have taken away your sense of self because they made you feel “completely out of control” and now they are expecting you to take responsibility for their emotions. It’s insane.

Warning #5: He made you believe that “what he wants is what you want”

In the beginning of an intimate relationship, we all have our own needs and things we refuse to accept, and that’s a natural thing. Compromise is inevitable when you integrate two people’s lives into one. But what is not normal is that you feel compelled to completely set aside your own needs and desires in an effort to satisfy the person you are marrying. And if you start to realize that the person you’re marrying is meeting far more needs than you’re meeting, then you’re probably married to a “scumbag”.

If you often give in because of the guilt he creates, or if you give in because you have to take care of his negative emotions, or if you ever give up on something you want to do because of his “kind reminder,” if your answer is “no,” then you’re not going to do it. If your answer is “Yes”, maybe you need to revisit the relationship. Women should keep their eyes open and take a good look at whether you have these people around you. If you’re not sure, you might want to see what kind of men are “scum”.

1, eating soft food

This kind of man has no backbone and no shoulders. Shoulders, people who can sell their souls for money, and can’t even count on a caretaker. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

2, be soft

No one allows men to have occasional vulnerability. The man who is weak at heart is very likely to not be able to resist the storms of life and give birth to malignancy, which is harmful to people. The cowardice is good to say, and then frankly is a “soft egg”, he did not bear and can not afford to pay the responsibility, the critical moment will always be the “ball” kicked to the woman. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3, three legs

This man’s genitals are his The third “leg”. And this “leg” long in his body others can not control, he likes to run around, all the way love a flower twist a grass, do not run waste not rest. He doesn’t necessarily want a beautiful woman, as long as he hasn’t touched a woman he wants to stick a leg in.

4, pretending to be a grandson

What you look like is what you look like. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

5, small abacus

This kind of man’s heart is a pair of The “little abacus”, everywhere put their own interests in front of not to mention, women are often just his survival “tools”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

6. The real prodigal son

is very old and has achieved nothing. The company’s main goal is to provide a free life. This man is a false brave but a real prodigal son, the escape as the pursuit, the timid as fearless, all day hiding in the “soap bubble” fly, all over the world to shake the woman’s eyes, especially affectionate to tell her: “I want to take you to the end of the world”. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

7, false benevolence

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, emotions The world’s most important thing is to have a good time. Just you have to open your eyes and see what kind of jianghu is today? The gallows has long disappeared, fake benevolence and righteousness filled the market, the woman did not let you to “pity”, you are pretending to vote, but the truth is to take advantage of the muddy waters. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

8, male shrews

Who says men don’t curse in the street? You see that the public and women shouting, that a word is not good to “greet” someone else’s family, that for a bit of family property and women to fight over, that break up for years still the ex is not hanging on the mouth of …… now how much male grievances! The actual fact is that there are a lot of people who are not able to get a lot of money from the internet.

9. Beating women

It’s not enough to scold, some men have to fight. The woman and the man want to fight at all a level, want to fight, looking for men ah, but there is no kind of man prefer to find a woman to compete. And those pillow people swinging fists under the deadly hands of men, in fact, has long been unable to call men, said men are tainted by such a name. The most scandalous men, there is nothing better than hitting a woman, this is not a man’s man do not want to stop.


The most most scandalous is this kind of man The above things you do if you do it, originally not many people know who you are, but you have to find a whole lot of bastard reasons to excuse yourself, or say that women are not good at heart, or branch up androgynous shrew stance to debate with you. It turns out that behind the absurdity is shamelessness, there is no most scum only more scum said this kind of people.

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