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Lost to time Why the long run of love failed to end

“The end of days, the end of seas, the end of rocks” is often the trust of love’s indestructible vows, but also the long-cherished wish of people in love. The long-cherished wish of people who love each other for a lifetime. The day will not be deserted, the earth will not grow old, can not wait for the sea to dry up, can not wait for the stone to rot, the vow is always inadvertently turned into a lie, long-cherished wish is also difficult to have the realization of the day. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

The Mechanism Behind “Love Begins” and “Love Ends”

People often express the intoxicating experience of love when they don’t know where it starts, but they don’t often think about how long this “deep love The “deep love” withstands the test of how long. However, physiologists, psychologists, and other researchers have never stopped exploring the mechanisms behind this “onset” and “end” of love.

Scientific studies have shown that a chemical called the love hormone (which contains phenylethylamine, dopamine, and many other components) is the physiological cause of “love onset”, but its peak secretion in the human body only lasts for 1 to 2 hours. This probably means that romantic love will inevitably fade with time. Of course, this is not the whole reason why relationships come to an end for people who have been in love for a long time, but it does provide a biological explanation for the change in the relationship between lovers.

Going back to psychology, love does not always stand the test of time. In addition to the boredom that accompanies the fading of love hormones as the initial passion recedes, perhaps the key lies in the ability of both partners to keep their steps relatively in sync during this long run of a relationship. What is important in the maintenance of a marital relationship is the mutual growth of both parties, which is a relatively high level pursuit and the key to a high level of satisfaction for both parties in the relationship.

There is a widely circulated saying that all that lasts is a trade-off. At first glance, it sounds like it contains a strong utilitarian color and is easily annoying, but it contains a realistic truth that cannot be avoided. People will always weigh, consciously or unconsciously, the pros and cons of a relationship (the “pros and cons” here are not only material, but also include psychological satisfaction and spiritual experiences), and will only be willing to maintain the relationship when the perceived rewards are greater than or equal to the costs (Kelley & Thibaut, 1978). amp;Thibaut, 1978). In addition, reciprocity in the fitness value (matevalue) of both partners is necessary, and a single partner’s increased self-perceived spousal value often triggers dissatisfaction with the other half. Joint growth of both partners in a relationship not only means an increase in the value of each spouse, but also allows the other to feel spiritual resonance in this synchronized frequency. Such a relationship can certainly last. But the reality is that people who have been in relationships for a long time find it hard to achieve this relative balance, and when one partner’s dissatisfaction builds up to a certain level and they feel that the disadvantages of being in the relationship outweigh the advantages over time, it is naturally the time when “love ends”.

In addition, the question arises as to whether people who have been in a relationship for a long time are consciously managing their intimate relationships. In fact, the so-called “ideal love” is not a point of initial “love onset”, a constant state, but a relationship that is constantly evolving and requires both parties to actively adapt to this evolution. Happiness must be based on the different constructs of mutual affection that arise at different stages of the relationship’s development, and both partners must be committed to constantly understanding and rebuilding the relationship. A relationship is a construct that will decline over time if it is not maintained and improved. If one or both partners in a relationship are so intent on the perpetuation of passion or the unchallenged nature of the relationship that they simply want to see it remain as stable as a building, they are bound to be traumatized.


As the saying goes “Love wears out time, and time wears out love”. The most important thing is not only the secretion called “love hormone”, but also the psychological balance and satisfaction of both parties, as well as the awareness and action to manage the relationship with care.

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