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Live in fantasy? 4 kinds of love disease so cure

It is well established that women have a variety of syndromes in relationships. Some small nature will be considered lovable, some at first men will be patient coaxing, long become annoying, there is a “better to break up” feeling. You will take the measure of which? The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the following.

1, insecure feeling sick

This kind of woman can not see The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem. They often catch the wind, or even make something out of nothing, grab a little so-called “traces” will begin to chase. And this time, if the man desperately deny, will only become a weak defense; well, that directly ignored it. What? You actually acquiesced!


No doubt, the heroine in the idol drama It is always to experience being cleaved. Obviously elegant, beautiful and noble, but always around the corner to meet the beloved man embracing another woman, the moment the pedestrian bustle, but the world seems to be left alone in her loneliness and desolation …… really I see pity! You do not have the opportunity to experience this drama, although you are also very lonely, but must be very lonely not taste it. So, you have to create this drama anyway, so you search for traces …… by all means

But things often come to this, it’s not your love that’s wrong, it’s something is wrong with your brain. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into.

2: You’re a princess hiding in an ivory tower

Date Eight streets away from the breakfast, he must get up two hours early to find that unknown store, bring back hot breakfast, the best also angry and lovingly called her a “little greedy” …… such women can always come up with endless ways to torture their boyfriends. They often have a paranoid mentality that “the other side is happy to be tortured by me, which is a sign of love for me” and want to prove that they are loved and secure in this way.


Probably no one in the world but a masochist likes to be tortured. likes to be tortured, right? But masochism is something that can be cultivated, but the probability of that, generally speaking, is relatively low. The most fundamental mistake is that you take the torture as a pleasure, but do not understand that the other party “appreciate”, but because he still loves you, so choose to temporarily tolerate – really only temporary, and the negative energy brought about by this torture will not disappear only The other side of how “happy to accept”, sooner or later, will be concentrated one day, an outbreak of uncontrollable.

Know that the man who loves you, he is not a god, he is also a physical body like you, will be tired, will be hungry, will be bored. The man will certainly be because of love, because of hormones, because of passion, to make extraordinary feat, to make extraordinary pay and sacrifice, but please do not think that this is the result of your charm extraordinary, and do not take the man’s love as a credit card that will never be overdrawn, a brush again and again, until the brush. There is another point that you may not find, and you do not want to receive, sometimes you will do so, but out of a very childish and selfish show-off mentality. Love is not only love, but also about getting along between two people. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3, break up at the drop of a hat

A quarrel in a relationship is a common occurrence. The woman’s idea is just the opposite, their “extremely fragile mind” can’t afford half the cold and misunderstanding brought about by the verbal altercation, but the breakup or leave home as a daily routine. They have escalated all the common arguments in love to the proposition of “love and no love”, taking “break up” as a mantra and leaving home as the most direct and effective “test”.


Will he really come after her again and again? ? The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to do. When the other party doubts your sincerity in this way, he will feel that every time he rushes out to pull you is just a self-serving move, and then you will stand on the street with your bag. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem of the problem.

When there is a problem, the best thing to do is to say something straightforward: “Honey, why don’t you talk to me anymore”, “You come home so late every night, I get worried”. I will be worried when you come back so late every night.” …… express your uneasiness to him instead of “Yeah, don’t talk to me? Then you don’t talk to me anymore either! Let’s break up!” The first thing you need to do is to get back so late and go somewhere! You don’t even have a wife like me anymore! Let’s get a divorce!” . Although it is the same thing, the two exchanges are completely different, the latter will only lead the other party to say “Yes! Let’s break up/divorce!” The latter will only lead the other party to say “Yes!

4, living in a fantasy love

In this category of women The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the market. If a man’s family career is not as good as theirs, we must be wary of whether they are being used; if people are stronger than they are, and like Jane Eyre, insist on self-respect and equality in front of others. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.


It’s not that all the good men are dead, it’s that they

It’s not that all the good men are dead, it’s that they’re too perfect and too vulgar to put up with any realistic intrusion, and this way of catching each other’s so-called “flaws” and magnifying them infinitely and generalizing them is not just a self-righteous love fetish.

Where is this kind of love? Maybe it shouldn’t exist on earth at all. In fact, this way of pursuing love, from the beginning of the superior posture has been wrong. The world is not without good men, but you yourself do not know how to understand and give, and even do not know how to take the initiative.

Love is like a genie, sometimes you need patience and careful searching to find the right person. If you don’t use the right method, this person can easily leave you. Learn to cherish and learn to manage is the mindset to keep in love.

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