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Leftover women love syndrome let you lose love

Leftover women are looking very hard, trying very hard and still haven’t found the right man, are their conditions too harsh? It may be time to analyze.

Do you feel like the well-meaning advice of your moms and sisters is a bit unrealistic when you’re in a blistering relationship right now? They have said that you are too independent and self-conscious, do not understand the feelings of the other half, easy to be overwhelmed by new ideas, do not take into account the traditional concept of marriage… This time, we’ll read about the new age relationship syndrome and see if there’s any truth to it.

Appropriately blurring individuals

Income is definitely off-limits, and yesterday The new friends who met don’t ask; after marriage each other’s parents only see each other once a year, the birth certificate has not yet done first sign a property final beneficiary …… mortals say that marriage is 1 1 = 2, God laughs, a good marriage is actually 0.5 0.5 = 1. Overemphasis on independence, refusing to change, is the bottom line, or fear of variables, pro to think carefully The first thing you need to do is to think about it, not to yellow your feelings and not to understand it!

More dependence on the men around you

Workplace issues, with an open mind The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. ” to do something! The first rule of partner use, she/he better be the only outlet for multi-directional dependence, because exclusivity is what love is all about.

Living in harmony with the ex of the ex

Social networking isn’t What a good thing, always keep reminding us – you and EX’s EX are indirect friends oh. From the beginning of talking about EX, to find taste, aesthetics, laughing points are so consistent, you meet, drink coffee, plus tiktok, become bosom friends …… then EX found out, from then on, your laugh is his most horrible dream; yourselves, you do not know subtly to have used the same man to cherish, what is a sick psychology ……#Picking up soap with EX’s EX is risky, be careful what you put into it.

Beware of long-distance love

After a long absence of ecstasy, rub some WIFI installed a tiktok outside zero consumption, each has a huge space …… heterosexual from the previous avoidance of the only way to become now highly sought after, 90 after frequently cautioned over people, not heterogeneous love a will not know “the firmer the grip, the faster the loss “- over people do not say anything, the lack of deep communication, trivial friction, each other tiktok update, we will not tell you the truth of life – distance does not produce beauty, only produce a mistress. Unless you are bursting with confidence, have full assurance that this man no matter how far away, the heart is in you. Or maybe you want a challenge, well, be my guest.

Love can’t stand the test

Whenever Xiao Yi is excited to turn on The company’s main business is to promote the development of the company’s products and services. Recently the boyfriend proposed a breakup, the reason is that once Xiaoyi kissed him while stealing glances at the TV …… dinner, the girlfriend always pushed Xiaolong to the pile of girlfriends, business trips, so that girlfriends to accompany Xiaolong shopping. After we get acquainted, the girlfriend asked Xiaolong, how are the girlfriends? Xiaolong one by one after a good review, the next day from tiktok learned that the girlfriend one-way breakup, their own by all her girlfriends black ……

What things women like to share with their girlfriends understandable The exception is love. The reason is that exclusivity is one of the principles of love, whether it’s an emotional mistress, a bestie, or a loved one, you can’t possess your significant other in any way.

The split just won’t break

One is like a love addict and the other is definitely playing the love escapist. One is like a love addict, the other definitely plays the love escapist. The dramatic splitting and pulling between two people is like dancing a duet, endlessly, and the roles are switched from time to time. Breakups become a relationship spice, as if love is felt only in the pain. But a healthy relationship is not about tormenting each other, it’s about thinking rationally about what’s right for you.

When a relationship like this drags on and on, there must be something about the other person that you hate and something about them that makes you too soft to let go. It is important to face the point that you must not be determined to be with him all the time, otherwise, there is no need to split up. To waste all the time on this man? Figure out for yourself Qin out.

Do or die

A felt her boyfriend wasn’t sure enough about her A told her boyfriend that she had already gotten a license with someone else – “just to prove that I’m better than you think!” – when she took the initiative to meet the other parent and got her blessing and her boyfriend proposed. Similar things are, playfulness up, no notice, a ticket to say go; mood is not good, suddenly send fifty text messages to the boyfriend, meet also roared: “How do you return so untimely!” …… impulsive, achievement hangers-on; make a death, will certainly die.

This is the kind of woman who tosses men around in the name of testing. The problem is, if the man is willing to be tossed by you okay, if, he can not? Do you just toss around men while complaining that you can’t find them?

What if you can’t fall in love

As the saying goes, falling in love has one result: either go for the heart or go for the kidneys. But the kind of pursuit is not motivated, to determine the relationship is not enthusiastic, the opponent is angry to say that the breakup actually a bewildered species, in the post-90s is also present. Many people call this type of people “herbivore”, I call him “love impotent” …… suggest self-confidence, passion, active pills five a day, less than one day for love to feel heart racing nervous insomnia The pills can’t be stopped.

How to meet a cheap man

Xiaomei broke up with her boyfriend

Siu Mei broke up with her boyfriend because he was too stingy. Xiao Mei could not stand it and sent him a text message: “Let’s break up!” The boyfriend never replied to her, and at the beginning of the second month, he sent a text message to Xiaomei: “Honey, last month’s text message package ran out, and as soon as I got a text message this month, I immediately sent it to you. Why do you want to break up with me ah! I love you so much, for you, I’m willing to do anything.”

Too much trust in collected information

When dating. Gushing to discuss the other party’s horoscope: “Scorpio ah, ventriloquism, like to spy, break up the ghost …… you are still using a small number to follow the ex-girlfriend movement online, right?” After the breakup first analyze the occupation – “I blame civil servants rigid, barbers easy to cheat, artists not grounded ……” practice showing eight teeth before dating, the last thought before pushing down is Did not turn the bedside lamp to ambiguous gray …… enough, the only big data you have to care about, only your innermost heartbeat frequency, the other is a P ah.

Leftover women are always left with a reason, the difference is whether that reason is in someone else or in yourself. We can’t control other people’s reasons, try to change yourself. With a calm mind and an active search, you will always find the right one for you.

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