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Leftover women do not hate to marry choose the wrong person rather than take the right path

Thirty is a special age for Chinese people. Thirty seems like a watershed, before that, you are a young person, can make mistakes, can be capricious, can be casual. After the age of thirty, you need to learn to be independent, learn to bear, learn to respect. For women, at the age of thirty, they need to choose a path that they will take later on.

It is strange that Chinese women always have to trust themselves and their children to a man. Even if the man is not responsible, can’t even afford his own life, or lives like a parasite is fine. In any case, to marry yourself to a man before the age of thirty, this test is a sixty or more. If you marry yourself to a man after the age of 30, it is 40 or 50 points. If you are getting older and still not married, then people look at you like a child who scored zero on a test.

Is that ridiculous? Giving marks to a woman by how old she is to marry a man. Yes, it’s ridiculous, but it’s true. And it’s sad. This is the Chinese woman.

Can’t we just be nice and go our own way? Take a path of our own choosing, of our own willingness, of our own liking. Maybe we’ll go slow, or go fast, or go down an isolated path, but, I will.

In recent society, we have always touted independence and self-confidence, but in gender or social relationships, it is often found that women still cannot escape choosing a man and then thinking of themselves as a beautiful garment for that man. This manifests itself in the fact that, from childhood to adulthood, there has always been a search for the right that man.

There is no doubt that love is beautiful and essential to life. These words above are not to encourage women to have to be unmarried or to compete with men, but we can also maintain our independence and confidence in front of men. Don’t be afraid that this will hurt your attractiveness; on the contrary, it will only make you better at exuding your charm in front of him.

What is the right one? It’s the one who will appreciate you, tolerate you, but also correct you. He loves you, so he will appreciate what is attractive in you, and for the parts that are not, he will tolerate them because of his love. But it is because he loves you that he hopes you will become better, so he will correct you where you are wrong and let you grow.

We are always looking for Mr. Right in our lives, thinking he is the one when we are in love, and then realizing we have chosen the wrong one after we get married. The movie “Not a good idea” says: “How to choose a marriage is wrong, a long-lasting marriage is to be wrong on the wrong.” The so-called life partner is just the person who can make you willing to be wrong again and again. But is there really such a thing as the “right person”? Author Cher tells us that the only way to get closer to that person is to get on the right path.

Remember the song “The Right One” by Eileen Tai? The song’s lyrics are like this: Love must wait patiently, look carefully; Feelings are important, rather than blank hands, waiting once, a heartfelt embrace.

Perhaps in our teens and twenties, we are all waiting for the right person to appear, only to find that the ‘right person’ is often harder to find than we thought every time we get hurt and fall down. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Still single, you may still be waiting, listening to songs that make you cry, but also slowly understanding that the right person doesn’t actually appear in the corner of your eye easily. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list.

With him by your side, you may forget that you were once in love with the end of the world, as you slowly simmered under the pressure of the wood, oil, salt, soy and vinegar, just as your youth has grown old, those promises and love seem to have become less important. But in fact, there is no right person, is not so important. In fact, it is more important to know how to go in the future.

After 30, when youth grows old with time, we realize that the emotions we cling to will become less important with age.

It used to be that you always felt frustrated about who loved who more, who loved who less, and who was hurting for who, and who cried and felt frustrated about not being able to live, but also consumed most of your life’s truest emotions. After thirty years old, please start thinking for yourself how life should go better, experienced the past those days of being led by the nose by emotions mind and soul worry, but live there are more beautiful things need us to try to run forward.

If you’re still single, don’t rush to put yourself in the hands of another stranger, after most of these years you should know better what you want and what you like about your own life and how to live it. If you just resume single, don’t be afraid to love because of the fear of being hurt again, every time the feelings fall is not because you are not good, these trials are to tell you what people are suitable to accompany you over, what life is suitable for you to live. The reason for this is that you can’t be afraid to go back to the old school, but you can’t be afraid to go back to the old school.

If you’re still married, the grind should also be understood after all these years, that two people are living together and those grinds are to find a way forward together. Than live in the world of transient love, you need to find a long future road to live well. The reality is like a path full of sharp rocks, two people need to walk hand in hand carefully through. Those friction and quarrel, how much is the appearance, how much is the real conflict, to rely on their own wisdom to discern. If you can’t walk, you may get lost in the appearances.

If you are thirty or close to thirty and are very confused about the road ahead and don’t know what to do, take a moment to think about it. What do you want for yourself, what is the current situation you are facing, what can you do, and can that person next to you work with you?

What we’re trying to say is, find the right person to walk through life with. If this person has not yet appeared, do not rush, it is not recommended to rush into marriage in order to eliminate the pressure of society and family. You have to be confident in yourself and quietly look for a suitable person. If you have already stepped into marriage, then divorce is not recommended as a relief. You should seriously consider how you can make your marriage better.

Finding the right person is better than finding the right person to live the journey of life you like to take. Don’t worry about being lonely, walking maybe one person will follow you along, and then learn to live seriously together for the path you like.

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