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Kissing skills Beware of the 10 “kissing taboo”

Kissing is the beginning of intimacy and the first symptom that a relationship is no longer intimate. With such an important kiss, do you understand how to take this opportunity to deepen your relationship with your partner? Don’t underestimate the power of a kiss. A heartfelt kiss is worth a thousand words. Hopefully, those words sound more like a Shakespearean romance than a vulgar romance novel. A proper kiss often happens when you are in love, but when some actions ruin the situation and you don’t know it, it may affect the other party’s feelings for you! We share 10 kissing taboos to see if they happen between you and him.

1.Have breath

For couples who have just For couples who have just fallen in love, there is no bigger bummer than this. If you are having such problems, you may want to check your gastrointestinal and oral problems, and of course the most urgent and effective way is a mint. If you don’t want to “Say Goodbye” to each other, keep your breath fresh!

2, Kissing

Perhaps your love for him (or his love for you) is too much to handle. You may not be able to control your love for him (or his love for you), but if you are too enthusiastic and active, you will scare each other, so please take it step by step and don’t be too hasty! We suggest a romantic French kiss.

3, not much response

It’s always good to keep some mystery. It’s always good to keep some mystery, but it doesn’t always apply completely for relationships. If you really like someone, let them feel your passionate response in the right atmosphere!

4. The most stupid way to kiss is to just raise your lips and stand there dully, frozen, so how is he going to kiss you? And so embarrassing to say, but it just so happens that some girls do! The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on the right person.

5. How do you put your hands

Have you ever noticed where two people put their hands when kissing? Have you ever noticed where your hands are placed when you kiss? When your beloved person in the kiss will be hand stroking your face, or gently stop your waist, is not very warm? If you really like each other, please extend your hands at the right time.

6, you can use your teeth to increase your interest

In the world of kissing In the world of kissing, lip-biting doesn’t need to apply ~ your teeth can gently explore each other’s lips here or there, perhaps adding a little naughty fun! But remember not to swallow your romantic date in one gulp!

7. Kiss gently on his lips

When kissing, please Aim for the target. This is not a joke. Don’t aim for the mouth and kiss the nose, it’s embarrassing.

8: Express your love with a kiss

If you want your partner to be more engaged, you have to kiss him or her during the kiss. If you want your partner to be more engaged you have to be a little more fancy in your kissing and not keep a constant pace. Use your tongue less and more often. It’s time for a change!

9. Take care of your lips

Lips are just like skin. Take care of them! Start taking care of your lips now to avoid dryness and flakiness, and I’m sure your lips will thank you by the day you go on a date!

10. Look at him once in a while

Eyes, the window to the soul , is the soul of a person! But no one wants to peek through the window. Of course, there will be some people who will enjoy a little action! Although it sounds a little crazy, the only thing in your eyes at this time is him!

These behaviors can increase the bond between two people

Facing a long

Many people often feel a negative emotion when facing a long-lasting marriage, thinking that the hot relationship at the beginning will eventually not be able to resist the years of wood and salt, and will tend to dull …… or even end.

But you don’t know that those happy couples who are the envy of the world usually come from the little things in life that bring them closer together, like a hug, a kiss, holding each other’s hands… …Read carefully how the daily routines of those happy couples are different from yours?

Say “I love you” often

Since the beginning of time, “I love you” seems to have a magic power to bring two people closer together! The actual fact is that there are many men who do not want to say it. Don’t be shy about expressing your love, whisper it in your partner’s ear early in the morning and at night after a hard day’s work, and I’m sure they’ll be happy to know it.

Chatter less to each other

Happy couples or couples The most basic principle of getting along is that there is always one party willing to forgive and be tolerant. There are always some differences of opinion or collisions of emotions in daily life, and if you keep on blaming each other, this will cause a hard relationship between the two. Please keep a tolerant attitude, it can be your relationship closer.

Forget past arguments

Happy couples never go to bed with anger, and to hold on to all-night wrath to attack each other can threaten the couple’s emotions. And happy couples are always willing to lose sleep to fix the problem, find out what’s wrong and fix it!

Hold hands often

It may seem like a simple technique, but holding hands It has been proven to be a way to increase intimacy. Happy couples must hold hands more often than those who are less happy. It’s more important to respect each other’s space if the other person wants it to be a good way to build intimacy.

To fall asleep next to you every day

Couples have disagreements. Sometimes having one person in a simple couple’s relationship is more quirky than the other, and to make sure the resentment is even worse, happy couples make sure they are never ashamed to be with their significant other; after all, two people can live together because they cherish each other’s unique traits.

Feel each other’s body heat often

Another seemingly simple technique, but hugs are a great way to maintain intimacy and in a morning or evening you need a hug, and although it may seem small, it will go a long way with you.

Interested in the same thing

Nurturing the same interests and hobbies is a great technique for enhancing intimacy. Happy couples get involved in their partner’s hobbies so that they can share things of common interest together. It can also help couples get out more often to enjoy time together as two people!

Going to bed together and getting up together

The bedroom is another technique that can increase intimacy! But it’s not what you think it is ~ it’s been proven that keeping bedtime in sync can increase intimacy! Happy couples tend to keep the same schedule, going to bed and waking up in sync.

We often say that relationships and marriages need to be worked on, but in reality, we find that it’s such a hard thing to do. As long as you think about him being there for you all the time and working towards that goal, maybe it will become clear to you that this is something that must be done.

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