Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

Just say not do 10 habits of men to make women bored

It’s a little strange to hear men around you who are not badly off say they can’t find a girlfriend. Don’t say that men as long as they have money and power, there must be no shortage of women oh, everything is not absolute it. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

One, poor credit

Someone who needs turnover in business, borrowing money everywhere, and frequently hitting the wall. The company’s business is in need of money, and it has frequently run into walls. He pleaded with almost all of his friends, and finally, a friend who seemed to have little contact with him usually lent him the money. The original promise was to return the money to the other side in a week. However, a week later, he obviously had more money in hand, but still did not return the money to the other party. When I asked about this, he came to a sentence: the other party is not bad money, slowly return, there is no hurry. I told him at the time that it was the other party’s business whether they were poor or not. When you borrow someone’s money and say when you will pay it back, you need to do it to keep your word.

Review: It’s only natural to borrow money and pay it back, not that others don’t need it, but you should do it. Otherwise, who will lend you money to save your life next time?

II. Dealing with the world like a toddler

There was a time when he was criticized for certain behaviors in a relationship Certain behaviors were criticized and corrected. I thought he would listen patiently, but I didn’t expect him to get mad at me inexplicably and say that we all didn’t understand him. At that moment, I wanted to throw away my chopsticks, but in the end, I chose to end the meal in silence. It is reasonable to say that he invited me to dinner and confided in me, he should pay for the meal, but it turned out that I paid for the meal. I was lukewarm at the time.

Review: This point can reflect that this person’s psyche is still like a toddler, unable to accept criticism from others. Living in his own little world.

Three, not paying attention to their image

The working hours of the ballroom are different from We have different working hours. The gym usually opens at 3 p.m. and closes around 9 p.m. The neighbor’s kids usually sleep until 12:00 noon every day, and when they wake up, they don’t wash their faces or brush their teeth, so they turn on the computer and play games. Every time, he would go to the dugout at the exact right time. He will say coldly, cleaned up for who to see ah. I want to ask this kind of man, do women have the desire to sleep with him?

Review, if you don’t care about yourself, do others care?

Four, frequent contact with people around you when it works, as if it does not exist

Both love and friendship need fresh water for a long time, never use people to lean forward and not use people to lean back. During the time when the neighbor boy fell out of love, he would surround me every day to let me help him relieve his heart. For a while, he stopped taking the initiative to call me. I thought he had come out of the shadow of his lost love. I didn’t think it would take less than a week for him to call me frequently and tell me that he had broken up with his latest girlfriend after getting back together. I asked what the reason was. He said he was told they weren’t right for each other because he couldn’t take care of each other’s feelings.

Review: Maybe he didn’t mean it, but you’ll feel cold.

V. The philandering carrot

There was a time when he was simultaneously The first time I saw a woman, I was in love with her. The woman was in love with him and cheated on him, and immediately kicked him out. In the end, he still lost to his own shrewdness and philandering. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Review: love is only for two people to go, one more is superfluous.

Six, self-esteem is very high

always think that the world’s oldest son second no The first thing is that if someone thinks they are first, even if they are stronger than him, he will hit them in all aspects of speech and behavior.

Review: Are you sure this isn’t kindergarten or elementary school?

Seven, all talk but no action

Some time ago it rained heavily and the dugout The plastic flooring was soaked with water. As a normal person’s thinking, should be the fastest speed to remove the water, he is good, sitting on the sofa smoking bored, and complaining about the landlord all kinds of not. What I saw from his performance was a man’s lack of commitment, because when things go wrong, he doesn’t solve them immediately, but likes to complain. In the end, it was only with my reminder and help that the water on the plastic floor was cleaned up. The company’s main goal is to provide a solution to the problem.

Review: In fact, most men have this, it just depends on the severity.

Eight, not thinking about progress just want to sit back and enjoy their success

He said he wanted to be thinner and work part-time as a print model with his handsome face, and said he wanted to do micro business. After a few days, he worked out very hard, however, persisted until the fourth day, he still chose to give up. Returning to his dark sleep and big bright rise.

Review: There is no such thing as getting something for nothing, and what you see on the surface of others’ glory is behind the chicken scratch of countless sweat and blood tears.

Nine, treat the weak without a little pity

One day and he crossed the The first time I saw a blind man, I had to tie my shoes, so I asked him to help the blind man who was crossing the road, but he gave me a sentence: If the blind man didn’t have friends, he wouldn’t have crossed the road. I almost choked to death on his words at the time. The truth is, the neighbor boy was kind to me, but why can’t he keep a kind heart in the face of a strange life of the weak?

Review: For a man who doesn’t even have mercy for the weak, would you choose to be with him be together for a long time?

Ten: Bad attitude towards parents

What really made me lazy again The reason I don’t care about him anymore is because of the way he treats his parents. 20-something years old, he has to have his parents bring him food every day, and not only that, he often contradicts his parents. I reminded him numerous times that this was not good. The last time he ranted at me, “It’s none of your business if I argue with my parents. After that, I didn’t answer his calls anymore. I finally understood why he had no friends around him and why several girlfriends had left him. It seems that people live, not only need to face, not only learn to make money, but also to cultivate their bodies and natures, otherwise, it is really annoying.

Review: Even the people whose parents raised you and gave you their hearts and souls as a child are not treated well by you, can you imagine how the wife you married back is treated?

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