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July Eve dating need to be careful: 60% of women break up because of kissing

There’s a song by Vincent So called “The More You Kiss, the More You Break Your Heart,” and a recent study from the State University of New York at Albany could be named after it. The psychologists’ survey showed that 66 percent of women and 59 percent of men said they ended their relationships because of a bad kiss. Just in time for the Tanabata Festival, gay men should always have a long snack when asking for a kiss on a date ……

Kissing taboos galore

Kissing taboos galore

=”text-indent:2em;text-align:left;”>Kissing is a very meaningful thing, a way for lovers to communicate beyond words. Kissing seems to be an emotional need, but it is actually a technical task. Many people fail at it because of their skills.

A Japanese website conducted an online survey of 1156 users on the topic of “The worst kiss you can remember”. Of the respondents, 63.8% were women and 36.2% were men. The results of the survey showed that the worst situation for women was “being kissed by a man I didn’t like in a flash”. In a normal situation, “boyfriend has bad breath”, “drunken kiss” and “hurt by boyfriend’s scruff” ranked in the top three disliked.

In addition, kissing for too long, seeing your boyfriend’s nose hair during kissing, and not closing your eyes during kissing are also situations that girls are very concerned about.

In the male survey, 100% of them hated the option “girlfriend has bad breath” and “getting hit by teeth during kissing

A study of college students also showed that fresh breath largely determines someone’s desire to kiss you. It’s also important to note that men tend to prefer wetter kisses, while women are very reluctant to wet kiss someone they haven’t been in a relationship with for very long.

Kissing has benefits

For both men and women. Kissing holds an extremely important place in physical affection. Men and women consider the touch of lips to be more intimate than snuggling, hand-holding, hugging and massaging. In a study of adolescents and young adults, those who kissed more frequently were more satisfied with their relationships. One of the reasons for this is that that friction between young lovers is more easily resolved with physical affection, which of course includes kissing. Kissing promotes emotional intimacy, and there are many couples who say that kissing after sex strengthens the bond between them, and that they have a desire to kiss after an orgasm.

Scientists studying the science of kissing have found that we exchange 80 million bacteria when we kiss someone, which seems unhygienic. But we are more likely to get sick from shaking hands every day than from kissing. And those germs from kissing may strengthen our immune system. So kissing helps partners share a lot of bacteria, which boosts their respective immune systems so that everyone can better fight off illness.

Kissing also has some healing and stress-reducing effects. In one study of married people and long-term cohabitants, researchers asked a group of partners who participated in the experiment to increase the frequency of kissing over a six-week period. At the end, the group of participants who increased the frequency of kissing reported feeling less stressed and more satisfied with their relationship than the control group of partners who didn’t ask for it.

While a bad kiss can lead directly to the end of a relationship, kissing more often can have a positive impact on your relationship and your health. So, find a romantic spot and drill your lover more often.

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