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Intimate lover’s 14 golden rules of sexual bliss

Couples in love, newlyweds, always come up with many ways to renew and develop their sex life. However, over time, over time, for a variety of reasons, people may be too lazy to make an effort to prompt a sex life full of fresh energy. It takes some fresh tricks to find the excitement of love between intimate lovers.

1. Do even the smallest thing for each other

For example, before the husband shaves, the wife goes and wipes the water vapor off the mirror; a few minutes before the wife or husband gets up, the other gets up to make coffee, warm milk, or change the water in the vase.

2. Share something

For example, open a bottle of beer Instead of opening one bottle each, share it between two people; buy a newspaper and pass it around between two people, instead of buying one each.

3. Hugging

Regardless of the situation, hugging each other as soon as you walk in the door at home fills the home with love. Hug each other and fill your home with love.

4. Make each other “right”

Don’t blame the other person for everything, it’s all the other person’s fault, sometimes let him/her off the hook, don’t always judge the other person’s decisions, this is not right, that is not good either.

5. At least once a week, schedule a conversation for no less than two hours to facilitate mutual communication.

Go out for breakfast or dinner together. It’s not the food or drink that matters, it’s the opportunity to spend time together.

6. Once a month, you can do something out of the norm

For example, take your partner to see the place where you work out in gymnastics, take your partner to your show rehearsal, take your partner to see the place where you work, etc. If you’re used to talking in the kitchen and having sex in bed, switch it up, reverse it, and try having sex in the kitchen and talking in bed.

7. Re-read old love letters to rekindle the fire of love

Or write a new love letter, be honest and bold about your love and mutual evaluation, write it, and send it – even if you live together.

8. Go on regular dates

Set it up in advance, don’t ask anyone else out, don’t do anything else, and double up. Not to do anything else, to double up and go to a movie or a play together, or to a restaurant to share a delicious meal, or to do something that both of you like to do.

Walking somewhere together, taking a bus or a taxi might not be “private” enough, and driving yourself would be too fast, so you might as well walk within walking distance of your goal, talking as you go. The two of you can walk and talk as you go.

9. Break the routine

Scheduling a regular time is important, but it’s important to really enjoy sex. But partners who really enjoy sex know that it shouldn’t be too mechanical and that unexpected surprises can make sex more exciting.

10. Don’t let kids get in the way of sex

Research has found that When children are young is when couples’ sex lives are at their lowest ebb, and for some women, making out with their children replaces their desire to make out with their husbands.

11. Allowing for sometimes bland

Frequent sex inevitably comes with There are times when there is a lack of passion, and sometimes even no orgasm. But it doesn’t matter, it’s the physical intimacy that matters.

12. Put your partner first

Don’t just care about your feelings when you have sex, care about his feelings too.

13. Discuss together

Couples who discuss their sexual feelings together The pleasure of sex is better experienced by couples who are silent about it than by those who don’t talk about it. The foundation of a good sex life is mutual care and consideration, and the smallest things can make each other feel understood and cared for.

14. Cuddle for a while

If you always get up early and take care of something before the other person gets up, you can talk to them for a while and hug them for a while before they get up.

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