Night Stories,Give you the most beautiful experience of the night

I can forgive you once or twice, but you really think I’m easy to bully! (cheating wife)

Although out of breath, but still not in a good mood, so write something may not look good, but still want to talk about it.
The initial thing is about six months ago. Wife is doing foreign trade, so often come back to work late at night, in MSN, something above contact customers, send and receive e-mail. That day after dinner, I usually go in their own Internet, this day I want to stay with my wife outside, lying on her lap, reading a book with the phone, chatting from time to time. She does feel that she does foreign trade quite hard. Talking and chatting always feel that she can not pick up the conversation, as if the mind is not chatting with me, I began to think that he was getting information, did not care. Later, I found more and more wrong, I wanted to see what she was doing, sitting up, she immediately cut out the chat window, but also pouted not to let me see. This has happened a few times before, and I generally didn’t bother to look, I’m a domestic trade, English frankly don’t know much. But today I feel particularly wrong, I have to see, I did not expect her attitude is very determined, hard not to let me see. In fact, let me see, I really do not understand what they talk about, but this attitude makes me very suspicious, strong means, I still opened the MSN chat window.
It took me almost 2 hours to read the chat logs of a 2-month period, and I didn’t understand much English. The content is to make me a head of fire, all your sister’s ambiguous, flirtatious content, and even let me find the two sides sent each other photos of sexual organs, I guess the video chat must also have, but can not find evidence. After reading those, I did not say a word, a person on the sofa smoking nearly 2 packs of cigarettes, because the wife has always given me the feeling is relatively simple. She is not bad looking, straightforward and has the character of a Shandong native. This time things to me too big blow, although in the almost 1 month after the time inside, she kept apologizing to me, and very good to me, but the key to the matter is not this thing, but with this thing, I have a different impression of my wife.
As a foreigner, it is impossible to come to the country often, plus the passage of time, I slowly forgave her. Here to say, in fact, I had an affair with a woman before, perhaps because I feel guilty, I did not continue to dwell on this above. The time came in March this year, the Hong Kong International Exhibition unfolded, my wife and I are doing the same industry, although not in a company, but our two companies are participating in this exhibition. Before joking, she said that the foreigner to go to Hong Kong to see the exhibition, I did not pay attention at the time, to this I forgot all about it. During the period in Hong Kong, the two companies live in a hotel hesitantly not in a location, so we two are generally every day after the exhibition to go out for a walk, and then each back to the hotel. That night, I took the initiative to go to the hotel where their company lives to wait for her, about two hours in advance, it was agreed to go to Causeway Bay to buy something in the evening. I called her, no one answered. Then this time I just saw a colleague of hers who was about to go out, asked her if she was in the room, the colleague told me that she did not go back after the exhibition, said she was looking for me to go. In the way of outsiders, I did not do anything at that time, I know she lied, but why should I lie? I patiently waited until almost 8 o’clock, the appointed time is 7:30, I called her again at this time, she answered, said the company was a little delayed, immediately down. I thought to myself, you have not returned, how to come down? I would like to see how you came down. 10 minutes later, she came back, from outside, and when she got off, it was with the foreigner. I was sitting inside the hotel lobby and saw it through the glass. But she did not see me, after getting off, the two also hugging, kissing me for a while. Then the wife whole clothes, before calling me, said the company daytime exhibition effect is good, the evening came several customers, too busy tonight, can not go, and then with the wife into the hotel. At that time how I felt in my heart, now do not say.
Follow them I also went upstairs, and then watched them enter the room. Into the room, just met the colleague who went out before, this colleague also talked to her, said I came to her, saw that she was not in and left. I originally thought that at this time, the wife will hesitate a little, I did not expect, she just smiled, said thank you to that colleague, and closed the door. This colleague came over, turned the corner, and found me, was very embarrassed, she did not say anything, blushed and left, I was not embarrassed, I wanted to kill.
I didn’t say anything and went back to the hotel, then lied to my boss and came back early. There was one day left in the show, but I really did not want to stay there, the day I went back, I drank a lot of wine alone!
Later she came back, as nothing, asked me why I came back early, I ignored. Then for almost 1 week straight, I didn’t go home to live. She called, I did not answer all the calls. In time, she was foolish enough to know what I had found, and that day she could not hold back, she went to my company to find me. I was very busy that day, until 10:00 p.m., she waited outside the reception room for 4 hours. When I finished my work, she entered my office and just wanted to talk, I went out. She chased after me, and I didn’t even look back. Down and ready to drive away, I did not expect that when I was just ready to get in the car when she fell to her knees at once.
I’m not going to write about the mess behind me, but how to apologize and guarantee something or other. To be honest, I really didn’t forgive either. Since then, I have basically been living in the dormitory. But she still brings me a good meal every night. The time can smooth everything out, this saying is still true, I am again hard-hearted, but also under the heart to ignore her again.
The following days were not warm, I moved back in, and did not have the original so sweet and happy life. She changed a lot, every day after work to get back to get food, to me really is particularly good.
A wobble to today, the morning she went to work told me, this evening can not come back to cook, if you want to wait, up to 8:30 she came back. I guess she had something going on in the evening, and I didn’t care at the time. I am really very busy today, and the customers are northeastern, special can drink, go to the hotel in the evening to find the company’s most able to drink a few people to accompany, or accompany but. During the period I went to the toilet N trips, buckled back to drink again, bitter ah! I later really can’t hold on, went to the next room to go to the trip. I thought, this afternoon certainly can not work, thinking to go out to the boss to make a phone call, said the next. Just ready to go out, I saw a familiar figure coming, yes, my wife, followed by the foreigner before. I immediately hid, and then wanted to see how. The two arrived at the door of the room, it seems that this foreigner to this side, the wife came to receive. Dawdle for a good half day, talking content inside a vague feeling, as if the wife wants to go back, the foreigner wants to stay. About 10 minutes or so, as if after a complex psychological struggle, the two still into the room. I copied the chair inside the room at this time, rushed in, the two were startled. I rushed over to the foreigner a smashing, smashing time, the wife is still pulling next to me, I turned around is a slap, a fan of the bitch on the ground. Back to continue to smash, has been smashed to my no strength, see the foreigner did not move, the whole body of blood, I went over the press, there is still gas. I turned back on a smash in the head of the wife, the chair smashed apart. I turned around and left.

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