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Husband freak out how to do a smart woman to turn defeat into victory has a trick

Everyone, how to deal with your husband’s fury? In fact, couples are absolutely inevitable quarrel, this time the most important thing is to see how you go to defuse the quarrel, smart wife will always have a smart way to make the husband in a short period of time on the petty, and after that will be more pampered wife, here we go to see these methods!

100% Stubborn Husband

Husband’s Sure Shot: Never say the first word after a fight

If you’re not a master of cold war endurance, you’ll lose a lot of points in the “who said the first word” section. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Wife pickup: Little notes to save the cold war

When the two of you are getting along, sign a “family pact” with him -a- each person takes a turn being the first to speak up within 24 hours of a fight. The two of you will be able to do this in a prominent place, so that you can learn to be more conscious of it and then be reminded to do it “by the book” when you do fight.

However, since the husband is 100% stubborn, it’s not surprising that he doesn’t follow the convention.

I think it’s a good idea to use your note as an “emotional ambassador”.

80% Stubborn Husband

Husband’s Surefire Way: You Have to Talk to Me Today

“How come I can’t do this idea? Some men can’t accept their ideas once they are not approved and must lobby others to accept their views. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Wife take: You’re right, but ……

To start with his idea and grab the right part and praise it big time, you can say, “Your idea is very good, and I agree with it, but… …” at which point you unknowingly offer your own solution and ask for his help in revising it.

60% Stubborn Husband

Husband Must Kill: I Prefer

A man like this, stubborn in a capricious way, will not argue with you verbally if he finds that he disagrees with you, but will immediately resolve to give up your approval – The wife agrees or disagrees it doesn’t matter, I can still do this thing.

Wife takes over: let’s do it together

“Let’s do it together”, let’s go to the property company together to pay the property fee, let’s go to the equipment store together to buy lenses …… In short, as a wife, you want to put an end to that The “I” years, a broader participation in the activities of the husband, to understand his psychological needs. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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