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How to succeed in dating six details to make you successful in finding the other half

When it comes to matchmaking, the word “pretend” is necessary. First impressions determine everything, and a good first impression has a chance to grow, so you should pay attention to these details when matchmaking.

1. Don’t force the other person to make a quick choice

Basically People who are on a blind date come with the intention of getting married. So many people feel that since they have come to this way of dating, of course, they should be quick, and at the time of their first meeting to understand all the information they should know and decide on the spot whether to continue the relationship. I tell you, this idea is very often wrong. It is this mentality that perhaps two people who had a chance to become partners rubbed shoulders, because in this mentality inevitably seems strong, giving a sense of oppression and forcing the other person to make a quick choice.

2. Avoid frequent blind dates

Because the purpose of blind dates is to find The purpose of a blind date is to find a person, in “quality” not in “quantity”. When you’re on frequent blind dates, it’s easy to treat them like a test, and eventually become numb or even resistant to them.

3, learn to guide each other to talk

To pass the blind date

4. Neat clothes and elegant conversation

People like pretty things, first impressions are important, clothes don’t have to be heavy, simple is good, makeup doesn’t have to be strong, clean is good. The other parent likes a simple girl, not a person who dresses too fashionable. Smiling is important on a blind date. Smile gently, your mouth can’t necessarily be a closed smile or covered with your hand, it’s a sign of politeness.

5. No need to be meritorious, no need to be hypocritical

People are hypocritical But when it comes to matchmaking, it’s unnecessarily hypocritical to say what you have to say, not to exaggerate, not to be condescending. When it comes to matchmaking, honesty is important. Exaggerating will only make the other party feel that you are hypocritical and meritorious. Conversation is important when it comes to blind dates, and an important trigger for girls to consider whether it is necessary to move forward. Maybe exaggerate just to get the other person to pay attention to you, but this can cause more loss than gain and missed opportunities.

6. Learn to talk about it openly and honestly

Mutual good feelings The first thing you need to do is to have a few more contacts and then talk about it openly and honestly, and after that you will feel much easier to get along again. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

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