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How to make couples feel better 9 small tips to make couples sweet and happy

We all want to have a loving relationship, but we don’t always know how to maintain it. In fact, you just need to do the following ten things to be happy with your significant other!

1. Try to get to know him better

In the beginning of a relationship, all you have to do is to get to know your partner as much as possible. What are his hobbies? What areas does he focus on? What do you and he have in common? The most important thing you can do is to find the most appropriate way to spend time with him based on this knowledge.

Be considerate of him at all times. The first thing you need to do is to be polite to each other, but there are still some necessary niceties to be said. The first thing you need to do is to give him a hug and say “honey, you’ve worked hard” when you get home from work.

2. Treat each other with courtesy

Unhappy couples don’t act polite to each other. Instead, happy couples convey a basic level of respect and warmth in many small ways every day. They hug and say goodbye, bring each other coffee, or offer to help others. They are respectful of their significant other in front of others, even when they are angry. Happy couples also don’t treat each other with personal insults. They insist on handling their own problems and will never bring unhappiness to each other. They don’t label each other negatively or use negative nicknames, they don’t doubt their significant other, and they try to bring them good luck.

3. Learn to communicate

We learn to talk from a young age, but that doesn’t mean everyone knows the art of communication. If expressing your joys and troubles to him? When disagreements occur, are you able to remain rational in expressing your point of view or listening? Effective communication can solve any problem in your relationship.

4. Remember what he likes to eat and make it

As the saying goes, “If you want to capture a man’s heart, you have to capture his stomach. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

5. Love yourself

A person who can’t accept himself is hardly able to accept others 100%. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Learn to accept your inadequacies, don’t be hard on yourself, and once you have the ability to love yourself, you will learn how to truly love each other.

6. Improve yourself

Couples also need to move forward together as a couple. Assuming he is a man who has a calm plan for his career and life and is constantly motivated to achieve his goals soon, while you are still always staying put and not trying to improve yourself, what do you want to fill the widening gap between you in the long run?

7. Give him space when he is silent

The difference between men and women is that women like to talk, while men like to solve their own problems. When they are troubled, they are used to being alone to quietly sort out their thoughts. At this time, don’t be tempted to express your concern, just walk away quietly and he will appreciate your thoughtfulness and understanding.

8. Work on building intimacy

Unhappy couples may be more like roommates, with a sense of emotional distance and a lack of intimacy, focusing their communication on the mundane things in life, like who picks up the kids and who does the chores. Such things are lacking for both couples in terms of attraction and desire for intimacy. Further, unhappy couples develop fights, arguments, sarcastic remarks, or obvious neglect of each other as their primary means of communication. In contrast, happy couples prioritize their desire for emotional and physical intimacy, creating a virtuous cycle of positive self-reinforcement. They give each other enough time, even if only for a few minutes, such as routine kisses and hugs when they leave or first enter the house, and take time during the day to talk to each other on the phone to promote their bonding. And happy couples often use words or gestures to express their love and appreciation for each other.

9. Give sex plenty of time

Sex is the glue that binds couples together, especially when you are distracted by other factors. Having sex regularly is important to keep you from getting lost when you’re tired from work or raising kids. A monthly date night or weekend getaway can help put you in a good mood and help you treat your significant other as a sexual partner so that they are always attractive to you – it could be their looks, tone of voice, sense of humor or their kindness. Open communication and responsiveness to each other’s needs has a long way to go on the road to building true physical emotional intimacy and trust.

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