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How to maintain a marriage? 9 tips to teach you how to keep the heat on your relationship

The hardest part of marriage is how to maintain the relationship, and many people end up in divorce because they can’t keep the heat on their relationship. The following are nine tips to teach you how to keep the heat on your relationship.

Date each other more often

Taking care of the kids, working, cleaning the These things may be the wife’s daily routine, but the husband doesn’t like to make these the norm of the day; what he would prefer is for you to dress up and have a solo date with him. It’s not a useless exercise. Men are afraid of being alone and bored, so don’t let him think you’ve become a boring woman because of the household.

Praise each other more

In a man’s mind, a woman’s admiration for him Adoration is the first emotional need, and men are eager to get adoration, appreciation and approval from their wives. However, most of the time, men hear complaints and dissatisfaction. What the wife doesn’t know is that the lack of positive feedback is the culprit that makes men lazy or inattentive. So when you want to complain about your fan husband forgetting to take out the trash, how about saying to him, “You don’t know how great you are, it would be nice to take out the trash.” Try it, and he’ll do something more positive.

Know and respect each other’s careers

Women are more realistic compared to men. The women are more realistic than the men. This realistic tendency is even more pronounced when the financial power of the family is in control. When considering realistic issues, wives should not throw cold water on their husbands. Every man wants his wife to respect his dreams and support his ideals and career. Maybe you may not be able to help him with practical issues, but you can encourage him to stick to his dreams, understand his career, respect his dreams, and the man will feel lucky to have an understanding wife.

Understand the vulnerability of men

Men are so conflicted. On the one hand, he wants to be a knight and hero in your heart, and on the other hand, he wants his wife to treat him as an ordinary man and not as a superhero, especially when he is vulnerable. But the man the creature, and stubbornly refused to talk to his wife about his vulnerability, he felt his distress and vulnerability, his wife may not understand and agree. There is also the possibility that his wife is the source of making him feel vulnerable, and in this case, talking about vulnerability with his wife highlights his own incompetence even more. So he chooses to suppress his emotions and suffer alone with this bitterness that he has nowhere to talk about. So when he feels hurt and becomes sensitive and vulnerable, don’t ask him to be “masculine” and irritate him, it’s not fair to him. You can encourage him to open up and talk to you about the things that make him feel hurt, or just be there for him.

Speak up

In a man’s mindset, when you encounter a After the problem, find the cause, solve the problem, and achieve victory is the standardized pattern, other corners are doing useless work, corners wisdom makes him feel you are annoying, very long-winded. In the case of poor communication between two people, many misunderstandings and suspicions will arise from this. Men often hope that you can tell him directly, exactly what he does to make you happy, rather than to guess, not only waste time, do not do well will make you more dissatisfied. Maybe you say that you don’t know how to make you feel better, so tell him that feeling plainly and figure it out with him. Don’t take it for granted that he understands all your preferences because he is your husband, “the heart is in the heart” is in a lot of effective communication, from quantitative to qualitative change. So, start with effective communication and tell him clearly what you like and dislike, so he knows what to do and what is best not to do.

Give him plenty of personal time

Everyone needs to have time to be by themselves. When you come home after a long day, your husband wants to relax. How do you think your husband would feel if you opened the box and kept chattering about the kids or the neighborhood. If he doesn’t want to talk for a while and tells you he wants to be quiet for a while, it means that something will be bothering him in his mind, so let him do it. Don’t think he’s doing this because he’s disconnected from you, after all, it’s his time just give him his own alone time. I believe that when the problems in his mind open up, he will naturally take the initiative to show you kindness.

Allow your husband’s assistance

This sounds easy, but In many cases, you’d rather do it yourself than have him step in, simply because you think he can’t do it at all! But the truth is that a loving husband often wants him to help you, rather than you taking care of everything yourself and denying him the right to help you. Maybe he won’t organize his room the way you do and re-clutter what you’ve put together, but at least he tries, and that’s important to him. Next time you want to make your own roast pork, give him a chance to try it out, and maybe he’ll come up with a unique flavor!

Be thankful

You might say that saying “thank you” between couples is too much. The “thank you” is too foreign, each other to give is not the right? The man for you to do all this is not just for your a “thank you”, but does not mean that these two words are not useful. Sometimes you say “thank you” “you are very kind”, on these words, will also make your husband very happy. And thank you not only the mouth, but also in action, throwing a prize such as kiss prepared by the man will certainly be very useful, he not only harvested a sense of sweetness, and he will have a new awareness of their own abilities, self-confidence burst. The heart of gratitude is very important for the relationship. So when the wife says that, “I appreciate everything you do for the family” “I’m lucky to be married to you”, what the husband hears is, “She doesn’t regret marrying me”, he will He will feel that all this hard work and sacrifice has not been in vain.

Don’t touch each other’s minefields

If they’ve been together for four, five, six The best relationship couples can have a verbal argument or even gradually escalate to cause a big fight. Many unnecessary arguments are due to touching each other’s “minefields”, so in the process of getting along with each family, it is important to know what points each other can not easily touch. Do not know that the other party does not like this, but also prefer to do.

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