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How to live together as a couple to spend the adjustment period

Loving each other is easy to get along. Separating because of understanding brings both people damage that is difficult to recover from. How can we avoid the difficulty of seeing each other well and living together? It is clear that when two people are getting along well, living under the same roof, immediately look at each other nose is not nose, eyes are not eyes. The first thing you need to do is to get over the break-in period, and a few tips will tell you.

Love always goes through this period of getting along. This is also the prelude to married life. But this prelude, not every pair of couples can play well. If you are not careful, the song will end and people will fall apart. Why do you have to separate when you are fine?

It’s easy to love and hard to get along

The cohabitation model of “two people getting along” is like a “self-guided trip” where both people have a certain degree of autonomy and freedom to act according to their own will, to disperse after a set point, and to catch a flight together when the time comes, to talk and share their travel experiences. The two of us have a certain amount of autonomy and freedom to act of our own volition, to meet at the end of the day to catch a flight together, to talk and share our travel experiences with each other, which sounds great, respecting each other’s ideas and actions, but too independent, so it’s probably hard to have heartfelt memories together, living in the same space, living like we’re “single together”.

The truth is that real cohabitation is hardly like a self-guided trip like this, where you separate after a set point and meet when the time comes, because “living under the same roof” has limited space, so you have to The fact is that real cohabitation is hardly like this self-guided trip, separated after a set point, with the time to meet at the end of the day, because “living under the same roof” and with limited space, it is basically an impossible task to keep two “whole, separate selves” in life.

A good cohabitation experience can strengthen love or a healthy way to really understand if you’re right for this person for the long haul. If we’re stuck in the “one person, two people together” mode mentioned earlier, then wanting a good experience is Mission Impossible V – a fool’s errand.

But love is not a binary of yes and no. To have a good cohabitation experience, you have to learn the “three person model”, in which “I “

The first thing you need to do is to create a “third me” that is formed by reconciling the two.

The “third me” may come naturally, but it definitely adds a bit more romance to love if it’s deliberately managed. For example, you may not be a person who can write a small note, thinking that it is not only nauseous and disgusting, but one time you quarrel with your partner, you wrote a small note, or one day you came home late to the next day will be late, you wrote a small note of good morning, so the behavior of the “third me” for love added “freshness

The third me adds “freshness” to love and naturally becomes more romantic.

Let’s say you don’t like to share your feelings, but your partner loves to share and makes sharing a necessary part of his life. If the original “two selves”, this characteristic may become the crux of the “unsuitable”, and lay the cause of the breakup. But if one of them is willing to make a third me, to do a little balance, the original crux may become “considerate”, love is not a little more often together, quite sweet, will make people cavity of that kind! Learn to “three people get along” cohabitation, like a daily honeymoon, even after the breakup for other reasons, is still deep and timeless, unforgettable, such a cohabitation relationship is definitely not a pre-training before going to the grave, but a “journey towards true love”.

In the journey of cohabitation, “one person” is like traveling with a group, going with the flow, without oneself; “two people

The most immediate purpose of cohabitation is to make our love come true and allow us to enter into marriage. At the very least, it will allow us to have a sweet love that, when we think of it later, will not create a feeling of regret and having to do it all over again for this time, this relationship and this man. The love of one and two people can make each other’s feelings hit an unknown reef. Only the love of three people, you, me and our common third me getting along well together, can make it possible for each other to find the best way to get along and for the daily friction to turn into a relationship heater rather than a cooler.

How to get through the teething period

Two people can meet to know each other Finally falling in love is already a very rare thing, and cherishing it is the best maintenance product you can give to your love at the moment. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

Get your cohabitation mindset right

Before you move in together, you need to The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal on your own, and you’ll be able to get a good deal on your own. The key is to see the other side of this person, the general direction there is no wrong, hold such a mentality, I think the future encounter cohabitation minor friction, things will not get worse.

Never break up easily

Two people who have a sense of responsibility in When you choose to live together, you are running in the direction of marriage, never a child’s play. During this period, no matter what happened to you, the first thing to ask your own heart “break up, I can really do to leave in style?” If you can not do, if you are not decisive to break up, please do not put “break up” hanging in the mouth, said unintentionally listening to the heart, very The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Together, discuss your response

The rainbow period after the storm is a good opportunity for the young couple to discuss their problems. The two of you sit down and talk calmly about how to handle the next argument, such as when both sides calm down for ten minutes and then approach each other to talk, or when one of you takes the initiative to call a halt and the other makes concessions. Find the way that works best for you to make the bonding period go more smoothly.

Respect each other’s privacy

You don’t want your past to be known either. The same goes for the other person’s expectations. The same is true for the other person, who expects the same. Respecting the other person’s privacy is also a way of saying, “Honey, I want you to respect my privacy, too,” and that’s what’s good for you.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This applies to couples as well. A little consideration for each other, a little ego concession, a little distance between the two people, we will get along better with each other. It’s all about walking hand in hand to the end, isn’t it?

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