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How to get out of the haze of lost love These methods allow you to start a new life

How to do after a breakup with recurring emotions? If you can’t walk away from the pain of a breakup for a long time, it will not only affect your normal intercourse, but also make it difficult to start the next relationship, so you should learn to take the initiative to regulate your emotions by yourself, instead of leaving it to time. Here’s how to find the right solution.

Never ask if you’ve ever really loved me

Asking this question is like going to the man you had sex with with a big belly and asking him what he really did to you. The past did what, the past love and do not love, naturally no longer important, anyway, he is now not love. In fact, you will know by remembering with your own heart, good and bad can be felt.

Never feel indebted to each other

Even if you owe it, you owe it to each other in love, and after you break up, how can you ask each other to pay it back? The actual fact is that you will be able to get a good deal on your own. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Don’t hold on to men

A man can say bluntly that your face is not beautiful and your breasts are not fat, or he can say politely that your personalities are not compatible and your love is far-fetched. The reason he said out of his mouth, may not be true; the real reason, you may not be able to accept. After the breakup, you do not go to the “abduction” of your man that woman, the endless drama, others, there must be you do not have, why force men, once again, to combat your confidence. The actual fact is, it’s not really possible to say who seduced who first.

Watch movies that will make you cry

They say “What’s the use of crying when you’re out of love, it’s silly to cry for someone who doesn’t know how to cherish you!” So, you pretend to be strong, laugh in front of people, after people mourn, and finally depressed into illness, is it worth it? Crying to your heart’s content allows harmful substances to be excreted through tears, thus reducing the concentration of harmful substances in your body. Moreover, when you are crying, the intensity of negative emotions will also be reduced by about 40%, which is why you will feel much better than before after a big cry. So, stop thinking that crying is a sign of weakness and incompetence, the behavior of a loser. If you lose your love, cry it out, then let go of all your previous unhappiness, pick yourself up, live your life to the fullest, and make that person regret it!

Do the one thing you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid to

You’ve never been a good girl? Never dared to ride a roller coaster, never walked alone at night, never tried to go on a trip alone? Well, try these things now that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the courage to do. Don’t think that losing your love means losing the whole world, don’t shut yourself away from the outside world, and know that he didn’t give up on you because you were bad, he just didn’t appreciate how good you were. The reason why you will have long heartache because of lost love is because your heart is not strong enough. Experience life differently and experience yourself differently so that your heart becomes strong so that the pain from those lost loves will not keep lingering.

Just get a new haircut

The ancients would use The ancient people would use the phrase “cut three thousand love strands short” to illustrate that changing a new hairstyle is very helpful in healing love wounds, and modern psychological research has also found that a new beautiful hairstyle will make a woman instantly confident, and her mood will quickly become better, effectively eliminating the irritation in her mind.

Tell your friends about your breakup

After a breakup, you don’t want to talk to people or interact with them? This will only result in you getting harder and harder, more and more self-absorbed and depressed. In fact, you can ask a friend every day, tell him about your experience of losing love, tell him that you are now in a terrible mood, friends will be attentive to comfort you, guide you, so you feel that in addition to him, there are many people who care about you, love you. When each time to tell their story to a person, your hurt will be a little peeled away until the tenth person to tell their story, you will find that the whole process of telling has been less painful, until the twentieth person to tell the time, you will even feel like they are telling someone else’s story. Doing so will not only help you heal the pain of your lost love, it will also make it easier for you to receive more love.

Chat with a friend who has moved on from a breakup experience

It’s easier to get over the pain of a breakup when you have a friend who has been through the same breakup and is now completely out of it, and has the comfort and encouragement of the other person. What’s more, when talking to her, you will feel that you are not alone and it will be easier to regain confidence in life and love.

Have a pet

Psychologists agree that having a pet It can help a woman heal her heart, get rid of the loneliness after a breakup, increase her confidence in living independently, and, at the same time, teach her how to love and make her see the meaning of life. Get a pet, it can help you relieve your inner pain and also help you heal the wounds of your heart, making you feel alive again.

Return your belongings

After a breakup, you can return each other’s The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem of the problem.

Avoid contact

After a breakup, can you still be good friends? The actual fact is that you can be a good friend after the breakup, that means you have not really loved at all, after the breakup can do ordinary network friends is good, do not greedy too much. The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Don’t beg, don’t let love trample your self-esteem

Breakups are painful, and in order to get your lost lover back, you may beg so hard that you don’t even want your self-respect, trampling it underfoot in the name of love. For a person who has changed his mind, any redeeming and pestering will only make him feel that you are annoying, and even begin to regret his original and you together. Why bother? Even if you break up, you have to raise your head, no need to throw anything away for a person who no longer cares about you, don’t be a person who makes himself, so that others are bored. A man can give everything for love, but that doesn’t mean he needs to lose the pride he should have for the love that has passed.

Don’t reach out to him, and don’t respond to him looking for you for a while

The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem of the problem. That break up after the contact? I think that the breakup is certainly painful, but this is destined to be a road that can not go back, contact and do not contact this has been a fact, just when your wounds have not healed, do not take the initiative to contact him, give up any tools to contact him. Of course, if he takes the initiative to find you, then do not have any response, whether it is cell phone text messages, facebook contact are temporarily shelved it. Ask a man who has broken up, and always contact you is for what? In order to show his influence on you, or the self-righteous charm it? The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Don’t take the initiative to ask for any news about him

There are some people who The fact that you can’t let go after a breakup, you can’t help but inquire about your ex’s news, which only proves that you still care about him and know that he’s doing well and you’re suffering, and you’re not doing well and you’re not happy about it. It is better to return to the beginning, as a stranger, no longer with his close friends to ask any news. The day you feel at peace inside, you will suddenly realize that even without this person you are still doing well, and when you hear again that he has a new love, you will no longer be the woman who is so upset about it.


Breakups are the first thing that both men and women suffer from mentally. The majority of women have been in a trance during the period of lost love, and even have serious hallucinations. In fact, when frustrated by the loss of love, you should adopt a positive approach to understanding, so that you can reduce the pain of love loss on the spirit. A breakup is a test of life, and this test allows a person to mature quickly. So keep reminding yourself every day that falling in love is choosing your own car, that this car is not suitable after driving for a while, and that there are better cars waiting for you to drive below. As long as this is the thought every day, then falling out of love is not a big deal to a person.

Venting the self

Most people after a breakup You should know that repressing the self is a very irrational behavior, over time it is easy to suffer from depression, for an unworthy person suffering from depression, it is certainly more than worth the loss. So find a place to vent is easy to exclude depression, if you like to sing, then find a private room to KTV yourself, do not let anyone disturb, let yourself enjoy in the personal concert. Or find an empty place, constantly running, shouting, let yourself sweat, return home to take a hard shower, the next day the sun will rise brightly.

Give it your all

Lost love tends to make a person It is important to know that maturity is a sign of knowing where you are and what you should do. Most of the lost love are young people, young people should do what? It is supposed to work hard, work hard, create a stable career, which is what any young person should do, struggle is far more important than love. The actual fact is that you will not have to think about other things, and you will be able to devote yourself to your work, so you will soon forget the pain of love.

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