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How to expand interpersonal relationships? Six tips to teach you to create a network of people

For a long time, people have believed that “good wine still smells good when it’s old, and friends are good when they’re old”, and that “it’s enough to have three or two friends in life. “! But today has entered the information age, the static level of social relations is broken, the division of labor is refined, there are different high and low, various fields, different channels can give rise to interpersonal relationships. So how should we expand our interpersonal relationships in reality?

1. Set a plan for developing relationships

Building relationships Networking is a process, and your plan should include three copies of the following: ①Your goals for 3 years, and progress every 3 months. ② List the people who can help you achieve each goal. ③How to connect with the people listed in point 2. Once you’ve set your goals, post them where you can see them regularly.

2. Help others succeed

The nature of socializing is to constantly Helping other people succeed in various forms. Share your knowledge and resources, your time and energy, your friends and relationships, your compassion and care, so that you can consistently provide value to others while increasing your own value.

3. Listen properly to get more information

When you are interested in people, they will provide important information you can use to create value. For example, if you learn that your boss hates lengthy memos, then you know you can impress him and win him over with a short report. Or, over lunch with a client, she confides that she is seeking a new product because it is related to an issue that interests her 14-year-old son. You were able to learn this because you cared and asked about her family – while paying attention to the other person’s response. Use your heart to get to know people and seek information that will help provide better service; doing so will win the person over. Understanding and identifying with their needs will increase the value of the service you provide to them.

4. It is not possible to meet someone today and have an immediate effect tomorrow. If you pick people based on their status at the time of the encounter, you’re not helping to handpick the seedlings that are ready to grow, so it’s important not to underestimate the value of anyone, and it’s often possible to create good, lasting relationships through constant communication.

5. Proactively seek support from others

You live in a harmonious society where all things coexist, so going it alone doesn’t work. Most people are helpful, so give them a chance to shine as long as you decide they are not too helpful.

6. Business cards are silent friends

A business card is an important lead. If the other person is someone you are eager to meet, you should observe the crowd gathering and calculate the right time to be the first or last to salute and impress the other person, not to follow the crowd and hand out business cards indiscriminately. On every business card we receive, we can casually note the date and what she knows about someone’s personality, professional background, past performance, and often flip through the card and take time to talk to new acquaintances in detail.

The word of mouth will spread.

7. Form your “Power 10 Inner Circle”

Be sure to have a good, solid, supportive core of relationships, preferring 10 people including your friends, family members, and those who have been close to each other throughout your career as your “inner circle of influence” because they are your strengths and want you to succeed. In addition, pick 15 people to back up your “Power 10 Inner Circle” and keep in touch with them regularly.

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