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How to become a master of love Teach you 9 ways to improve happiness

The reason why there are so many leftover men and women, in many cases, because they can’t “fall in love”. The reason why there are so many men and women left in the world is because they don’t know how to fall in love.

1. Spending time together a few times a month

The ordinary activities of life, whether shopping together or cooking together, are great ways for happy couples to spend time together. And such activities should not be too frequent, a few times a month is enough.

2. Let your body “talk”

“Body language” can often convey more information and express richer emotions. According to researchers, on a first date, 55% of a relationship’s first impression depends on appearance and “body language,” 38% on speaking skills, and only 7% on the content of what is said.

But it is possible to win each other’s affection with some simple psychology (even if the conversation only touches on the weather). That is, our bodies must be able to send some implicitly positive signals to each other. It is important to note: first, never stand with your arms crossed in front of the other person; second, imitating the other person’s posture helps one experience a sense of closeness.

3. Experiencing fear together

Psychological research shows that if a person’s spirit is in a particularly moving state when they meet someone, it dramatically increases their chances of getting a sense of romance.

In a 1970s experiment called “The Swinging Bridge,” psychologists Adul Aron and Dan Dutton found that a man who met a woman on a constantly swinging bridge felt more sexy and romantic – to a significantly greater extent than he would if he were on a low, stable bridge. When dating a woman, the feeling. So a single experience in a playground has the potential to dramatically increase our adrenaline levels, making it easier to increase our happiness in marriage.

Also, couples are more likely to feel affection for each other after watching a suspenseful or tense movie together than after watching a bland movie. As for the reason, no one can explain it yet. Perhaps the increase in adrenaline levels due to fear plays a key role.

4. Small gestures like touching are more important than sex

Experts have found that couples who are “sexually happy” don’t have sex often, but often keep in touch physically. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list.

5. Laughing together

Humor always holds a particularly important place among those factors that create affection between men and women, and experiencing laughter together creates a sense of closeness between strangers.

A particularly classic experiment was conducted by American psychologists Adul Aron and Dan Dutton. They asked two strangers who did not know each other to work together on some playful activities, such as learning to dance.

During this time, they blindfolded one of them and had the other hold a straw (to prevent them from speaking freely). Although the sound these two make seems a bit silly, the reality proves that love does appear accompanied by laughter. So, jokes are also indispensable in marital relationships to enhance marital happiness.

6. Choose the right music to accompany you

A study by American psychologists showed that soft and simple music is most helpful for relationship development. Experiments have shown that soft music is more likely to make women feel good about men, while jazz is likely to have the opposite effect in complete silence.

7. Look into each other’s eyes

The eyes are a particularly effective means of expressing emotion. Research by psychologists has also proven that the eyes are indeed a particularly powerful weapon. Experiments have shown that when two strangers are sitting opposite each other, looking into each other’s eyes is far more likely to produce a sense of closeness than looking at other parts of the other person’s body.

Related psychiatrists believe that when we look at each other with someone, the area of the brain associated with receiving rewarding information is stimulated, resulting in a favorable feeling for the other person.

8. Looking back on the good times

Experts interviewed 200 couples who were close and found that they had one thing in common: Even when they were fighting, they still looked at things in “historical perspective” and looked back at how much they had been loved by each other. They believe that fighting is inevitable in marriage. They believe that fighting is an inevitable part of marriage, so they are not so “invested” in it.

9. Optimize your relationship in 60 seconds a day

For couples who are overworked and busy, make a list of things you can do in a minute, such as tell a joke or give a long kiss. Frenkel, director of the Ackerman Family Institute in New York, suggests that couples squeeze in three “one minutes” a day, which not only strengthens the sense of closeness, but also shows great concern for each other.

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