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How parents can defuse children’s psychological disorders

Mental imbalance and psychological disorders are common to everyone, just as colds and flu are common to everyone. It is rare for a person not to have one or two colds in a year. Likewise, a person’s psyche will not always be at its best during the year. Especially children, their mental capacity is relatively weak, encountering setbacks or special stimuli, their emotional fluctuations will be very large, it is difficult to avoid entering the wrong zone. Psychological “cold and flu” and physical cold and flu can not be ignored. Sometimes, psychological disorders bring about even more serious consequences than physical disorders. Good psychological state of mind, open-minded, happy, generous, even if his body is infected with disease, recovery is faster. On the contrary, if a person is narrow-minded, depressed and paranoid, when it comes to things, small illnesses can become a major disease. A person’s mental health and physical health are complementary and mutually beneficial. The newest addition to the lineup is the newest addition to the lineup.

Two types of mental disorders in children that cannot be ignored

Children There are many factors affecting the psychological problems of adolescents, a serious imbalance in the ratio of study and rest time, lack of life experience, no friends, lack of spiritual communication with parents, etc. This single, boring life makes primary and secondary school students commonly suffer from mental phenomena such as irritability, tension and fatigue. Parents have a great responsibility for children’s mental health and mental health problems. Every parent is the initiation teacher of their own children. Children are like a blank sheet of paper and have a very strong ability to imitate the behavior of parents, so parents should pay attention to their words and actions, especially in front of their children. In addition, it is important to adopt the right educational approach, and to guide children to form values of integrity and comprehensiveness.

There are two broad categories of common psychological disorders in children:

1. There are minor psychological disorders. For example, some students have mood swings, sometimes enthusiastic and bold, sometimes depressed; some students are grumpy, risky and rebellious; some students are lonely and isolated, depressed, some students rely on the crowd, emotional vulnerability; some students have low self-esteem and worries, and more thoughts and worries; some students are cynical and jealous, difficult to self-control; some by excessive tension, anxiety and cause learning difficulties, some by body image changes, heterosexual interaction, emotional misunderstanding The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

2. Mild psychological disorders. For example, neurosis, social phobia, stress and anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anorexia nervosa, or light-hearted thoughts caused by interpersonal crisis, emotional crisis, learning crisis, etc.

There is, of course, the category of severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, psychotic infantilism (hypomania), affective psychosis and even deviant personality, sexual deviance, and so on. These individuals are no longer able to engage in normal learning and activities and require hospitalization or long-term treatment.

The first type of psychological disorder, which is abundant but often overlooked, not only poses a serious threat to mental health, but also lurks the risk of further deterioration. For this reason, it is even more important to give serious correction. Popularize knowledge of mental health, correct the structure of students’ perceptions of mental confusion, and educate them about mental health and grooming in relation to reality. Help students to overcome the psychological obstacles they may encounter on the path of life, so that they can adapt to social life, deal with interpersonal relationships, and successfully complete the transfer of social roles.

Causes There are contributing factors to the development of psychological problems in children

The reason there are so many children with learning disabilities is related to the child’s birth experience and early education. From the current situation, the main causes of psychological disorders in preschool children are the following:

I. The influence of fetal education. Many mothers now listen to fetal education tapes to their fetuses, but it has been found that some young children have become deaf instead due to inappropriate auditory stimulation. The fetus should have a quiet environment to grow and should not be disturbed for no apparent reason.

Second, the effects of not being trained to crawl. 2/3 of urban children now lack crawling training and use walkers too early. Infants and toddlers struggle to lift their heads when they crawl, and their limbs and hand-eye coordination are trained. Children who do not have the crawling experience may grow up with disobedient hands, poor concentration, and be too slow in writing their homework.

Three, the impact of lack of formal education. Children who have been in kindergarten are lively, cheerful, easy to get along with, disciplined, and polite. Homebound toddlers, on the other hand, are excessively shy, afraid of meeting people, and have difficulty adapting in unfamiliar environments.

Fourth, the impact of forced learning. Some parents now consciously make their children of several years old memorize poems, dictionaries, maps, etc. Some experts believe that children should not undergo these mechanical memory training until they are 3 years old. Children’s brain capacity is limited, and before the age of 3, the focus should be on developing the child’s adaptive skills, language skills, imagination, etc., rather than mechanical memory.

V. The influence of educational methods, such as parents spoiling their children by being accommodating and obedient, makes young children form bad characters such as pride, selfishness, and capriciousness; the other is to use education such as beating, scolding, scaring, and shutting down. This is especially true when parents have conflicting parenting attitudes, which can lead to psychological problems in children.

How can treatment dissolve psychological disorders in children?

In life, parents generally focus purely on their children’s physical health and tend to neglect their children’s mental health, although physical illness is the great enemy of human health, mental health should not be neglected, a healthy person A healthy person is not only physically healthy, but also mentally healthy.

Mental health issues in children are even more important, so what are the means by which parents can channel and diffuse them?

1. Reassurance for the aggrieved child

When a child is aggrieved, parents should put themselves in the position of understanding the child’s feelings at the time. The parent should understand the child’s feelings at the time. When a child expresses a feeling to you, you can use the child’s words to show that you understand him or her. This method is called reflexive emotion in psychology. For example, when Xiao Ming came home from kindergarten and was upset, his mother asked him what had happened, and Xiao Ming said, “This afternoon, I didn’t hit Liu Juan, but the teacher insisted that I did, which is really annoying!” At this point, we can go on to say, “Obviously you didn’t hit her, but the teacher insisted that you did, which is infuriating!” The child will feel that his parents are on his side and his anger will slowly subside. In this way, the aggrieved child can be greatly appeased, so that the depressed emotions have been cathartic, the child’s emotions will tend to calm. On the contrary, some parents see their children’s aggrieved look and keep asking, “What did the teacher say to you? What did you do?” Why didn’t you say something to the teacher? Why are you so stupid?” The effect of such questioning and scolding from the other side is only to make the child feel discontented and aggrieved, so that the energy of the child’s negative emotions grows exponentially, and it can be said that this solution of parents is undoubtedly equivalent to adding fuel to the fire.

2. Allow children to express their emotions naturally

Children’s emotional experiences, such as happiness, anger, sadness, and joy, are unconcealed. They dare to love, hate, talk and laugh, which is an advantage in the young child’s psyche, an advantage that allows the child to vent various emotional energies in a timely manner. There is nothing shameful about their natural expression of these emotions, as long as they do not disrupt the normal learning and life of others, and do not hurt others, there is nothing right or wrong. And we need to encourage our children that they do. Tantrums, defiant behavior, crying and shouting are more conducive to a child’s healthy physical and mental development than suffering in silence. Of course, the emotional venting advocated here must be distinguished from using crying as a means to achieve some unreasonable need. Some young parents either do not understand the significance of the natural flow of emotions to children’s mental health, or lack of patience, they often do not allow their children to openly and freely express their emotions, especially when the child has a bad mood, they force the child to self-repression, and some parents even use corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment to suppress the natural flow of emotions of children. Some boys cry when they are sad, and are often ridiculed or suppressed by their parents: “Even men cry, shame! Shame on you! Shame on you!” Shame!” and “Men should be strong and not cry!” If you suppress yourself or are suppressed for a long period of time, you will eventually overwhelm your child and cause a psychological imbalance, resulting in a pathological development of your personality. The child’s cruelty, compulsive behavior, aggressive behavior, destructive behavior, and so on, are often the result of not getting a timely or legitimate outlet for his or her inner tensions.

3. Toys also have a psychological correctional function

Toys not only have a playful function, but also promote children’s psychological healthy development. Therefore, parents can choose toys based on their child’s different psychological issues.

1) Blocks, chess, and beads

Playing with these toys requires a “quiet mind “Therefore, it allows children to change problems such as lack of patience and difficulty concentrating. Playing with these toys regularly is good for developing perseverance and attention to persistence. And these toys, for those children who are withdrawn and immobile, silent and out of touch, will make it easier for them to become addicted and lose many opportunities to interact with others. The more the child becomes addicted, the more they become withdrawn and immobile, silent and out of touch.

2) Make sex toys

Making toys can correct a child’s impatient temperament. If children are irritable, fidgety, and “destructive,” they will slowly develop patience, meticulousness, and an unhurried personality if they make a variety of toys on their own, which will make them handy.

3) Novelty toys

Buy your introverted child some especially “nice” toys to give them a sense of purpose.

Buy your introverted child some especially “nice” toys so that he or she has the “capital” to attract other children and get the joy of socializing and sharing from them.

4) Dynamic toys

Give children who are withdrawn, inactive, quiet, and out of character dynamic toys such as inertia toys, sound toys, and toys that are not in tune with others. toys, such as inertial toys and voice-activated toys, so that they can chase cars, planes, and tanks, pedal around in strollers, and operate together with small partners using the same toys in a relaxed, free, and unpressurized play atmosphere.

In addition, some children have certain psychological behavioral problems that we can correct through play, for example, correcting a child’s fear of the dark by turning off all the lights in the room and having a ball-grabbing contest in the dark to see who can grab more. After several activities, the child will not be afraid of the dark. In addition, most schools are still teaching to the test, in order to improve the rate of advancement using a sea of questions, students to test success or failure of heroes, one-sided emphasis on the development of students’ intelligence ignore the cultivation of emotional intelligence, the psychological development of children played a role in pushing the child’s psychological abnormalities, resulting in children facing setbacks do not know how to face, can not turn pressure into motivation, resulting in extreme behavior.

Diagnosing how to tell if your child has a psychological “cold”

Diagnosing how to tell if your child has a psychological “cold”

Attentive parents will always find that their child is sometimes sullen and unhappy, and no matter how much they try to guide him, they just can’t get up; or they are inexplicably anxious, restless, and grumpy; sometimes they suddenly have an unspeakable outburst of unnamed anger; they don’t like anyone, and their relationships are tense; they are bored with school, have low self-esteem, and even want to skip class, etc. If you really can’t deal with this situation, you may want to learn from American parents, brave to go to a psychologist. It’s the same as going to the doctor when you have a cold, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

A more scientific approach is to take regular mental health tests (just like regular physical health checks). A general mental health test for high school students has the following ten items: ① the presence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (thoughts and behaviors that cannot be controlled by oneself and bother them). ② Whether paranoid (suspicious, distrustful of others). ③Whether there are hostile emotions (irritable, unfriendly) ④Are you too sensitive in interpersonal relationships (interpersonal interactions are tense and unnatural). ⑤ Whether depressed and restless (depressed mood, low mood) ⑥Anxiety condition (worried, anxious) ⑦Strong feeling of academic pressure (excessive psychological pressure from studies) ⑧Adaptation status is good or not (not adaptable to school life) ⑨Motional volatility (emotional instability) ⑩Psychological balance or not (discontentment, jealousy), etc. The psychologist will give parents a clear answer based on a standardized psychometric scale prepared by a psychologist. The mental health of the average high school student, if there is a problem, is mild and will recover on its own with parental attention to regulation.

The complexity and intensity of competition in contemporary society is posing new challenges to people’s psychological resilience, so in order to develop a healthy personality and improve your child’s adaptability and resilience, you must pay early attention to your child’s psyche and keep supplying him with psychological nutrients and The first thing you need to do is to take care of your child.

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