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How can women give themselves security?

Women are naturally sensitive creatures, and because of their insecurity, they are often vulnerable in their emotional lives, worried and afraid that one day something important will disappear or they will give up on a relationship because of a lack of security. To get rid of these bad feelings, how should a woman give herself security?

Be self-sufficient

Have a good job and a stable income. As the saying goes, “A small tree under a big tree never grows,” and if you depend on others for security, you will never be able to gain a strong sense of security. Therefore, to be self-sufficient, choose the job that guarantees survival, get a sense of accomplishment in the work, and find your own position. As the saying goes, “the economic base determines the superstructure”. Having a good job will give you a stable income and a certain amount of economic resources to allow you to pursue higher level needs.

Let your heart open

Don’t hide in the dark alone. Like the flower in the corner, alone and confined to itself, it will only wither in silence. Deal with more people, interact with others and mutual trust. In fact, all harm is self-inflicted. Don’t worry, others will not hurt you, hurt you only yourself. It is often your thoughts that can hurt you. So, think of the good in everything and keep your heart in the sun.

Giving well

Security comes from giving. A person who always wants something from others, wants to get something, will be apprehensive and insecure. When you go to give, when you give something for the world, you will feel grounded and at ease. You must remember: security is about giving out, not asking for it! Think more about how you can add something beautiful to the world.

Stay awake

The water is inherently clear It is those thoughts and thinking that disturbs the clear calm of this water and so brings unrest!” So explore and understand where your own insecurities come from, see what the distracting thoughts in your mind are that cause uneasiness, and then when the insecurity comes back, you can stay awake and aware, and you can stop being constrained by insecurity and retreat or become dependent, and with the right way of thinking to consciously work on yourself, slowly the security comes back!

Keep your confidence

To understand and develop your full potential . Women who lack self-confidence have a low sense of self-efficacy and an underestimation of their potential. Women must find their strengths, believe that as long as they work hard enough, they will be able to do well to do things. Never underestimate yourself and willingly surround yourself with pots and pans at the expense of your most beautiful self.

Many people say, “Security is self-giving. If a woman can solve all the woes of her love life with a clear and independent mind, knows how to be self aware, is good at improving herself in all aspects, and is in control of her own destiny, how can she not feel secure?

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