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How can women give themselves security? Five moves to teach you to become a self-reliant woman

Nowadays, many women are gradually getting rid of the dependence of men, preferring to live independently and give themselves security. Indeed, the real sense of security is given by themselves. So, how should a woman give herself a sense of security? Here is a small introduction to the five strokes in the word method it.

Be self-sufficient and have a stable income

“A small tree under a big tree never grows”, and if you depend on others for security, you will never be able to gain a strong sense of security. Therefore, be self-sufficient, choose the job that guarantees survival, get a sense of accomplishment in your work, and find your own niche. As the saying goes, “the economic base determines the superstructure”. Having a good job will give you a stable income and a certain amount of economic resources to allow you to pursue higher-level needs.

Be confident

Be aware of and develop your full potential. A woman who lacks self-confidence has a low sense of self-efficacy and will have an underestimation of her potential. Women must find their strengths and believe that as long as they work hard enough, they will be able to do well in what they have to do. Never underestimate yourself and willingly surround yourself with pots and pans at the expense of your most beautiful self.


Many women are now starting to break away from men, but still most women are still dependent on men. Why should you love a man with your whole body, mind and home? The fact is, to run their own business, have their own hobbies, take care of themselves, and preferably their own beliefs, such a woman, one will not be too short of money, two will not lack of contacts, three will not lack of charm. So, there will be no shortage of men to love her.

Stay away from fear

Watch less miserable movies, bad TV shows and dismal magazines. And spend less time with people who are insecure. They are like garbage trucks filled with fearful beliefs. Get close to people who are simply happy, watch clean, bright movies and books, and do happy things for no reason at all. Stand in the sun and you will slowly tan away the darkness.

Be self-loving

Be strong inside and rich in your spiritual world. People who know how to love themselves will love others well and, at the same time, will attract others to love them well. No matter who you study, work and live with, you will have a strong self. In your spare time, read more books, improve your spiritual pursuits, and believe that women can hold half the sky.

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