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Happy marriage to be alert to three hidden killers

The relationship in a marriage is sometimes like a commodity deal. The man delivers the woman a safe harbor and eternal commitment, and the woman delivers the man a lifetime of emotion and tenderness. Of course, some people are not necessarily suitable for marriage, especially those who do not have a sense of responsibility, is not worthy of having a marriage. Generally speaking, there are three hidden killers to be wary of in a marriage.

One, don’t demand too much from your significant other, and don’t compare your significant other to others.

Some people lose their minds once they enter the walled city of marriage, mistakenly believing that they can do whatever they want with a marriage contract, and are incredibly hard on their significant others. In fact, both men and women must remember that your partner always has an independent personality and dignity, your partner is not your tool or trophy, not to mention a slave, can be at your disposal and slaughter. Respect is mutual, expectations are also mutual. Since you want your significant other to become better, then you first have to do better. If you can’t do something yourself, don’t expect your significant other to have to achieve it. In addition, always remember not to compare your significant other with others. Such unnecessary comparisons do not solve any problems at all, but rather fuel conflicts and clashes in the marriage.

Two, the lack of necessary communication between husband and wife for a long time, the marriage is like a pool of stagnant water and no interest.

What is most feared in a marriage is dullness. Even an occasional quarrel and a fight can stimulate some vitality in the marriage, provided of course that the quarrel is well controlled. Couples should love each other, not love each other to kill each other. The reason why the marriage will fall into a pool of stagnant water, because the lack of necessary communication and communication between the couple. Now there are many young couples, busy with work during the week, back home and just play their own cell phones, or each watching their own computer and TV, completely absorbed in their own little world. Although the surface of the couple is living under the same roof, but the two hearts are separated by a thousand miles of distance. This is a model of marriage that is not destined to last.

Three, about the care of both parents and the education of the children.

Marriage is no longer just a world of two people, but is about the overlap of family relationships and various social circles of both parties. After marriage, the world of two people have a lot more relatives and friends, these relationships must be properly handled, otherwise it is easy to stimulate the conflict of marriage. There is also the issue of children’s education, two people should also negotiate, not to express their own views, but to unify the front. The education of children is a major issue that concerns the future direction of the entire family, and is also one of the key factors that determine the general tone of the future of the marriage. In fact, for children, the company of the parents and teach by example is particularly important. Therefore, after having children, the couple should learn to take time to spend more time with the children, do not neglect the children and the other half of the care and companionship because of work. As Han Han said, the best way to give your family love is to be with them, nothing else.

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