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Happy marriage also needs “regular savings”

In a way, a happy marriage is like a bank that needs regular savings to keep it happy and sweet, so how can couples make regular savings to keep their marriage happy?

Saving for a Happy Marriage – Words

Words here don’t mean “I love you” on your lips all day, but rather words of appreciation, praise, and encouragement with concrete content.

Saving for a Happy Marriage – Pay Attention

Attention is giving the other person your full attention. Take a walk together and ask each other questions like, “What was the funniest thing about your childhood?”; find time each day to share the day’s anecdotes; or even schedule a trip for just the two of you at some point in the future.

Happy marriage “savings” – gifts

A gift is a visual symbol of love, and it’s one of the easiest love languages to learn. An unexpected small gift to your TA can be a loving text message, a piece of chocolate or a bouquet of flowers. The important thing is to make sure you don’t forget some special days, such as your wedding anniversary and TA’s birthday.

Saving for a happy marriage – taking action

Do what your TA wants you to do and show your love by being there for him.

Happy marriage “savings” – contact

Physical contact is a subtle way of communicating human feelings and a powerful tool for expressing love. .

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