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Hand in hand brother lover women need “wisdom”

Although sibling relationships are popular in today’s society, not many go on, and divorces are common. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

There are more and more sibling relationships nowadays due to the development of society and the changing concept of marriage. Some people say that sibling love is a kind of fashionable, and some people say that sibling love is also just a common way to fall in love. There is no doubt that sibling love is both a crisis and a challenge. How is a brother lover going to hold hands? Use your wits.

When it comes to sibling relationships, as the name implies, the woman is older than the man. Theoretically, a day older is also older ah. In addition to some regional customs, we are generally the woman is greater than the male side of a year to more than three years to be called a brother-in-law relationship. The reason for the difference is that both men and women have overturned the traditional male and female love model, and the psychological, physical and social pressures brought on by the age gap.

That said, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of sisterhood.

Challenge #1: Age gap and psychological maturity

Men are mentally more mature than women. The idea that men mature psychologically later than women is no longer necessary to discuss. The problem is even more pronounced in “sibling” love relationships.

When the initial passion of the relationship fades away and returns to a quiet life, women eventually find that their boyfriends’ opinions or behavior on certain issues seem childish, and their personalities and self-perceptions are shallow, leading to disappointment; men feel that their girlfriends are less interested in them than in them. girlfriend does not treat him with enough respect in her words and tries to act as a mother to correct him, leaving him frustrated and feeling depressed everywhere.

Psychological maturity is key to the initial mutual attraction, but whether it remains as attractive as ever as the relationship progresses tests the wisdom of the two people running the show.

The ability of “sibling” couples to cope with the differences in their psychological maturity is an important challenge to the health of the relationship.

Benefit #1: Integration of each other adds to the mix


If men and women in a “sibling” love relationship can put aside their hostility and learn and appreciate each other, the woman will be more youthful, more active and more vital than her peers under the influence of her younger boyfriend. The man, on the other hand, will be under the influence of his mature girlfriend, expanding his horizons and ideas and maturing quickly. When two people establish a virtuous cycle, they will be more vividly nourished in their relationship.

Growing up with someone to guide you is certainly a blessing. Whether it’s the traditional type of male-big-girl or sister-brother relationship, the younger one benefits more as the younger one, depending on whether they can let go of their face and self-esteem and learn and appreciate each other.

Challenge #2: Stronger women and weaker men in the economic base

Our society always expects men to be more capable, more intelligent, and better at life and work than women. However, in “brother-sister” love, partners have to face the situation that the woman has a stronger financial base and more life experience than the man.

In traditional relationships, the man tends to pay more in terms of money, and people take that for granted. But when it comes to “sister-brother” relationships where the woman is strong and the man is weak, this issue needs to be handled carefully.

When a man can’t afford to meet his girlfriend’s material needs, he feels guilty, and this guilt is detrimental to the relationship, so what about letting the better-off woman cover the relationship expenses? On the one hand the woman may feel unprotected or even exploited; on the other hand, this may also bruise the man’s sense of self-esteem.

Benefit 2: Stronger relationship foundation

Women are by nature pursue men with superior resources, and it is the nature of men to pursue young, beautiful women – but men and women talk about sibling relationships? This is often because they love each other from the heart and are going beyond the external conditions to love each other’s character, thoughts, values, spiritual pursuits, and other internal stability that are the foundation for a healthy love relationship.

If men and women can let go of the traditional notion that “men must be stronger than women” and establish a new concept of equality, that is, “both men and women can be If both men and women can let go of the traditional notion that men must be stronger than women and create a new equality that says “both men and women can be strong and caregivers,” then they can overcome guilt and feelings of exploitation and enjoy the integration of their inner traits.

Challenge #3: People around you don’t like or have trouble mingling with

Some people may speculate maliciously about whether there is some kind of hidden agenda for the combination. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list.

Parental disapproval and social criticism are expected resistance, but it’s critical to properly assess the pressure and problem-solve whether the two can move forward together. In this relationship, the resistance is water, the relationship between the two is the boat, one is not careful, such as water rowing boat is not forward or backward. But if the two of you are determined to take care of your love, and don’t let the wind and rain outside shake you, then these are minor things.

In addition, women in sibling relationships should be especially careful not to be overly aggressive, giving men an aggressive feeling and pressure, which is a big no-no in sibling relationships. The occasional birdie helps the relationship increase. Some women are too vocal about being a new age woman, flaunting their independence and individuality at every turn.

I don’t know that there is no unified standard for new age women, but it is a concept that has emerged due to the hype of businessmen, so why should everything be in that direction? The newest and most popular of these is the “The New York Times”.

When it comes to independence and individuality, it means being financially independent to survive without relying on others, and being psychologically independent to make decisions without relying on others. Personality is to have your own independent character, not to cling to others to survive. Independence and individuality is one of the hallmarks of modern women, but this hallmark is not a channel to show and boast in front of a partner. It’s more about just being an independent person in a relationship as well.

Whether it’s a sister-brother, father-daughter or traditional relationship, it’s right to be brave and pursue your relationship, it’s just a matter of choosing the right response to the challenges that may arise in each relationship, not to lose both and end up in the same place. This is just like planning your career, the right curve is the spiral.

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